Chapter 8

One Little Letter

"Sungjong! Want to eat together with us?" Dongwoo asked cheerfully as the bell rang, springing up from his seat as he said so.

Flashing a grateful smile, Sungjong picked up his bag. "Yes, I'll really appreciate that. Thank you." 

"Come on then! Let's goooo!" Dongwoo exclaimed loudly as he swung an arm around Sungjong's shoulder before hopping along briskly. 



"Helloooo guys!" Dongwoo shouted as he waved happily. 

Sungjong peeked at the different faces as he followed Dongwoo shyly. He could recognise Sunggyu, Woohyun and Sungyeol. There was however, one unfamiliar figure he had not seen before.

"Guys, this is Sungjong, the awesome new transfer student!" Dongwoo announced. A small grunt followed this, and Sungjong could see that it had came from Sungyeol as he noticed the glum face the other had. 

"Sungjong, as you might already know, this is Hamster Gyu, Namu and Sungyeollie! Oh, and this is Hoya, the coolest dance machine you can ever find!" Dongwoo cheered happily as he motioned towards the smiling figure beside him. 

A series of complaints followed as Dongwoo's introduction ended. "Yah, I'm the handsomest of us all, why didn't you introduce the rest of us properly?" Woohyun grumbled as he stared unhappily at the gleeful dinosaur who continued jumping in joy. "I'm the most handsome! Whoever said it was you?" Sungyeol shot back as the two started a mini staring contest. "For the last time, I have a name, and it's Sunggyu sshi to you!" An annoyed Sunggyu fired as he sat tiredly. 

Ignoring the chaotic outbursts, Hoya continued, "Nice to meet you. I'm Lee Howon, but Hoya's fine." With that, he extended a hand towards Sungjong. 

"Nice to meet you too, Hoya sshi." Sungjong answered with a wide smile as he shook the other's hand. 

"Since we're all done with introductions, let's eat! Sungjong, come here and sit down!" Woohyun said as he pushed a much frustrated Sungyeol aside.

"Yah! How about me?" Sungyeol shouted, resisting the push. 

"Oh excuse me, but do I know you?" Woohyun asked sweetly as he flashed a false smile before grabbing Sungyeol and pushing him to the other table nearby. 

Sungjong watched with a stiffled smile as he glanced at the rest. They were all chatting away as if nothing happened, ignoring the scene before them. Even Sunggyu had simply shook his head before continuing his meal. 

"Come on, Sungjong! Sit down!" Woohyun exclaimed again as he continued pushing Sungyeol away. 

"Yah!" Sungyeol continued struggling as he yelled on.

"Just be quiet can't you? There's enough space for both of them!" Sunggyu finally exploded after it went on for a few seconds. 

"Woah, woah calm down Hamster Gyu! Sungjong, you can sit beside me! I'll protect you from those dangerous people there." Dongwoo said as he moved towards his right. 

A couple of angry outbursts started once again and Sungjong silently sat down with a smile, taking in all that he had seen. 

Maybe fitting in wasn't going to be too hard after all. 



Returning home, Sungjong placed his stuff down behind sinking down on his bed. His brother wasn't home yet. Hugging his favourite teddy bear, Sungjong thought back to the day's events. It had went better than he thought it would, and meeting those bunch of people had definitely helped. Sungjong was glad that he had fit right in as the day went on, and somehow, he really enjoyed it. The whole experience felt new, and thinking back to the various comical scenes he had witnessed, Sungjong smiled. From their conversations, Sungjong could tell that Sunggyu and Woohyun were close, even though the older seemed to show a strong dislike for Woohyun. Dongwoo had mentioned that Hoya and him have been dance partners for a few years, so that meant they were relatively close as well. Sungjong could see that all of them were good friends though, and Sungjong enjoyed their company. Sungyeol though, as the day went by, he had of course repeatedly and desperately questioned Sungjong on and on. Sungjong found it amusing, and as Sungjong continued thinking, he realised that Sungyeol had reminded him of Niel. 

Niel... Sungjong missed his best friend. It had only been a few days, and Sungjong found himself missing his ever so clumsy form, his continuous lectures... 

The thought made him recall the painful memory, and Sungjong's hold on his teddy bear tightened. He couldn't understand, even till now, why Myungsoo had did that. 

Had he all along been mocking me? Why then... 

Fresh tears sprung up in Sungjong's eyes again as he buried his head under his covers upon the sound of keys jingling.

"Sungjong? Niel's here to see you." His brother called out. 

Hearing this, Sungjong immediately got up from his bed, and clearing his voice, he replied, "Just a minute!" 

Scrambling to grab some tissue, Sungjong quickly dried his tears before checking himself in the mirror. 

"Sungjongie?" Niel's muffled voice called out as he knocked on the door. 

Throwing away the tissues, Sungjong rushed to the door. Opening it, he found a worried Niel waiting.

"Hi Niel." Sungjong greeted with a smile as he ushered his friend in. 

"Are you all right? What were you doing?" Niel questioned curiously as he glanced around the bedroom, his eyes settling on the pile of rumpled blankets. 

"Oh I was just trying to take a nap." Sungjong replied as they took a seat on the floor. 

"Oh no, did I disturb you?" Niel asked as a slight tone of panic rose. 

"Not at all, Niel." Sungjong assured as he gave a warm smile. "Want some chocolate?" Sungjong asked as he reached into his bag. 

Patting his stomach hesitantly, Niel replied, "I ate one already... Nah, my tummy says it's still hungry." He said as he grabbed the bar over and ripped up the wrapper quickly before munching away joyfully. 

Smiling at the sight, Sungjong burst out into laughter as he saw Niel's chocolate decorated face return a smile. "When will you learn how to eat properly?" Sungjong exclaimed as he pulled out a another bar before unwrapping it. 

"Oops hehe." Niel simply replied as he continued munching away. 

Just like a child. Sungjong thought happily. 

The scene reminded him of the times they often spent together, and a small sadness filled Sungjong as they continued their conversation of his new school. 



"Don't you have a family dinner later, Niel? I thought you mentioned it last week." Sungjong asked as he looked at the clock. 

Glancing at the time, Niel got up immediately. "Oh yes! I've got to go now!" He exclaimed as he packed his things hurriedly. "Bye Sungjongie! I'll come back soon!" He continued as he rushed to the door. 

"Check that you don't leave anything behind, Niel!" Sungjong called out as he hurried to the door. 

"Yup! Oh wait..." Niel replied before stopping, and digging through his bag, he pulled out a small piece of paper with a candy attached to it. 

With a small smile, Niel said, "Be sure to read it, Sungjongie! Goodbye!" 

Left with the paper shoved into his hands, Sungjong watched as Niel ran down the stairs. "Bye! And don't trip!" Sungjong shouted worriedly. 

Closing the door, Sungjong looked at the paper curiously as he returned to his room. Sitting down on his chair, Sungjong held the candy in his hand as he opened the paper. Sungjong recognised it as Niel's handwriting, but it was much more neat than before, and Sungjong could tell Niel had spent quite some effort on it. 

To my bestest friend, Sungjongie <3

Reading this, Sungjong smiled. Niel wasn't one that normally expressed his affection, but Sungjong could feel Niel's care for him from this. 

I hope you're doing well! And Sungjongie, please smile! Cheer up, and forget about that horrible person! Just take it as a bad dream, and wake up with that cheerful smile I love to see, okay? Remember what you always said to me? "When you have a lot of thoughts, eat a lemon candy!" So I bought one for you! Do eat it, Sungjongie, I tried so hard to resist eating it hehe. 

- Niel :D 

A smile appeared on Sungjong's face at this, and looking at the yellow candy in his hand, Sungjong's vision started to blur. Small drops of tears landed on the note, and placing the note on the desk quickly, Sungjong grabbed more tissue. 

Thank you, Niel.



A/N: /smiles/ I really enjoyed writing this chapter, because it reminds me of my friends so much. Hehe it really feels great when someone writes a small note to you, because that small note can really help to brighten your day. I hope all of you feel the same way as well! /jumps happily/ And thank you so much for the subscribers, views, upvotes and comments! Reading the comments are like reading those small notes to me, so please do comment more! :D I'll really appreciate them! 

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Going on a semi-hiatus for a while (even though I already am). School has been taking its toll on me, and I'm so tired, thank you for understanding!


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rei_zha #1
Chapter 9: Update please....i really like your story^-^
Junie_Jjang11 #2
Im your 100th subscriber author-nim!!! Yeayyy *throws confetti*
Junie_Jjang11 #3
Chapter 9: Please dont tell me you abandoned this story already author-nim. Update soon, will you? Jebal T_T
Chapter 9: Eonnie update pleas3!
I can't wait amymore =(
Chapter 9: Woah !!! i love it (*-*)
I hope you'll update soon (^-^)
Chapter 9: Update soon :)
Chapter 9: I want to see myungie will do to fix the mess he made
Chapter 9: awww eonnie please update soon !!!!!
<3 <3 <3 <3 <3
i love ur ff!!
Chapter 9: Finally you update it ^^ cute hamster? Hahaha... yes, he's cute ouo
Looking forward to the next chapter :)
lemonboy #10
Chapter 9: Yeaa~ an update! Thanks~ plz updat