Chapter 13

Love in the Ice

 “Mr. Kim, this is the first time the show stopper is kept a mystery from the audience, any particular reason as to why you did that this year?” Kara Shim, fashion news reporter asked Jaejoong Kim, who was dressed in a sleek all black tuxedo, with a red tie.

Jaejoong smiled into the camera as he answered, “I felt like doing something different this year. Something no one will expect…hopefully everyone will be amazed at my choice of show stopper and it will make fashion history.”

“Hmmm it sounds like you’ve taken a big risk Mr. Kim” Kara stated in good-humor.

Jaejoong gave a killer grin, capable of stopping the hearts of many women, including the reporter who stood in close proximity of him. He looked at Kara and replied confidently, “Of course…it wouldn’t be my work if it wasn’t risky.”

“Thank you Mr. Kim and good luck!” She stated and looked back at the camera, “Ladies and Gentlemen, the show is about to begin. Hold on to your seats and keep a glass of water nearby, this place is about to turn hot with breathtaking designs and a-list models. And don’t forget to buckle in your seat belt as well. With a surprise show stopper, the fashion week finale 2010 just might blow your mind away. This is Kara Shim, reporting live from The Plaza, Fashion News.”

As Kara wrapped up her report, Jaejoong took his place next to Junsu in the VIP section as the lights dimmed. Soon, music filled the venue as the first model entered the stage. Countless flashes sparkled from the audience as the media tried to get each and every angle possible of the models posing at the ramp. The model reached the end and posed, followed by the audience’s applaud. The show has begun.


One after another, the models posed, showing off the unique designs they wore. Each and every outfit received impressive reviews from the audience and the show was running smoothly. All in all, Panache has delivered yet again. But a certain someone wasn’t aware of what was going on the ramp. She was too busy being nervous backstage.

“Sonia common. You’re up in 2 minutes.” The helper’s voice brought Sonia back from her trance as she was rushed to stand right at the entrance of the stage, awaiting her cue. She caught a glimpse of the audience…houseful…and felt her heartbeat increase in nervousness.

Changmin finished his walk and once he exited the stage, he stopped by Sonia to give her an encouraging hug and a lopsided smile. “Knock em dead babe” he added before he made his way to the changing rooms, getting lost in the frenzy. 

“1 minute.” The helper announced. Sonia took in a deep breath and closed her eyes in an attempt to calm herself. For a moment everything around her faded. The scurrying of the models to change outfits seemed to slow down…Jason’s frantic voice muffled…everything around her muffled…except for one voice. She saw Jaejoong’s smiling face in front of her, his dimple flashing and eyes full of love. “Go out there…and make me proud…” his smiling face said to her.

Sonia opened her eyes. All the lights went out on stage. That was her cue. She exhaled the breath she was holding and entered the ramp.

The whole audience was quiet. All that was heard were the clicking of heels. The lights at the edge of the stage started to shine, only highlighting the show stopper’s silhouette. Everyone held their breath, waiting to see who the mystery person was. The backlights soon followed, along with the spotlights until the whole stage was lit, revealing Sonia Kim’s face.

There was a moment of silence from the whole audience, before the whole venue erupted in excitement! Everyone stood up from their seats, cameras flashed, and the whole place filled with applauds. The Queen was back. 

Sonia reached the edge of the ramp and posed, the dress flowing around her as if a part of her. The same hip movements raising the temperature of the room; the same posture oozing confidence. She turned and posed again. The camera flashes almost blinding, but of no bother to her…she was used to it. She walked to the middle of the stage and posed once more, this time being joined by fellow models for the of the show. Other models criss-crossed in front of Sonia taking their positions, before she took the lead once again and did the final walk of the show.  

Sonia caught Jaejoong’s eye as she posed at the edge of the ramp once again. Like many other times, he grinned at her…and just like many other times…she knew that the show was a success.


Confetti burst from the edges of the stage as Sonia walked with Jason to the front, marking the ending of the finale. They posed in front of the camera as everyone applauded. Sonia smiled, her smile wide and eyes sparkling from happiness. The ramp truly was like home to her. She felt refreshed…like a new her was just born. The rush of the walk still pulsing through her veins…oh how she missed that feeling.

She then saw Jaejoong coming up on stage to bow to the audience and thank everyone for coming. He then looked at her and gave her a breathtaking smile, indicating how proud he was of her.

Sonia didn’t know what came over her. It was as if her feet had a mind of their own and they took her towards Jaejoong. She went and stopped right in front of him, and when he gave her a curious look, she wrapped her arms around him and pressed her lips to his.

Jaejoong’s eyes widened in shock, completely taken by surprise. He heard another eruption of applause from the audience at their public display of affection. But it all faded when he felt Sonia press her lips more to his. The pain he felt in chest for so long finally eased, before completely disappearing, replacing it with joy. He closed his eyes and pulled Sonia closer by the waist, deepening the kiss.   

Sonia wrapped her arms tighter around Jaejoong’s neck and kissed him back passionately. She then let out a hearty laugh when Jaejoong picked her up and spun her around, followed by more clicks by the media of the ideal couple.


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Ryughosh #1
Chapter 15: Lease write a sequel...I know it's a shameless request
Keahun #2
Chapter 17: just subscribed and read your story, like it and goodluck to your succeeding fanfics, thanks
Ryughosh #3
Chapter 15: This was nice...gave such a warm n happy feeling at the end
Ryughosh #4
It's priyanka chopra on your cover....this is truly daebak!!!!
shiniheiji #5
Chapter 15: I just find this story and its reallyy good ! I love it !!! You are the best authornim <3
Angelz0715 #6
Chapter 17: This story is so amazing!!!
ayouth #8
Chapter 17: Nice short story ^^
Daebak!! Great story!