Chapter 11

Love in the Ice

 The Panache building was in chaos. But that isn’t anything new during this time of the year. The Fashion week was the biggest event of the year. Companies, designers, and models prepare rigorously for this event since it was a race to bag the finale of the fashion week. Only the best of the best walk the ramp during this event, and only the rulers of the fashion world make it to the finale.

And just like previous years, Panache was hosting the finale for this year’s fashion week as well. Jason Choi worked day and night to bring his sketches to life and the whole Panache crew scrambled everywhere trying to get everything ready in 2 weeks time.

“Here’s the VIP list you asked for Jaejoong” Junsu said, walking in to Jaejoong’s cabin. Jaejoong took the list from Junsu’s hand and scanned it briefly before approving it. Junsu was about to return to his own cabin before he stopped at the door abruptly.

“Oh I almost forgot…Jason was asking who the show stopper was going to be for the finale. He needs the measurements for the show stopper dress. I suggested Jessica…considering how she already is the face of Panache.” Junsu stated.

Jaejoong shook his head in disagreement. “No Junsu. Jessica is great, but she is someone everybody expects. I want to do something out of the ordinary this year. Something that no one will expect…and never forget. Let’s hold a meeting in a couple hours to brainstorm ideas.” Jaejoong replied back as he went back looking at more details. Junsu simply nodded and left the room.


*In the meeting*

“What!?’s too risky Mr. Kim. What will the industry think? And the media will completely blow it out of proportion. We shouldn’t take such a big risk for the finale.” One of the associates objected to Jaejoong’s idea.

Jaejoong gave him a cool stare. After a few moments, the associate started squirming in his seat at Jaejoong’s steady gaze. Junsu decided to take matters into his own hands and answered on behalf of Jaejoong. “It is risky…but it’s a risk Panache can afford to take. Besides, if this idea succeeds it will become the talk of the fashion world.” Junsu replied smoothly. That is exactly why these two men made great business partners. They knew what the other thought.  

The associate thought it wise to refrain from arguing, simply because no one went against the Kim’s, especially Kim Jaejoong when it came to business.

“It’s settled then…we’ve found our show stopper.” Jaejoong concluded, ending the meeting.


Jaejoong entered his empty bedroom and went straight for a hot shower to ease his tense muscles. The fashion week was extremely stressful and he wanted nothing more than a relaxing shower and his family’s warmth for the rest of the night.

As he was taking his shower, Sonia entered the room as well. She had just come back from dinner with Yoochun and her heart did a little flip when she heard the shower on, indicating her husband was already home.

Though she wouldn’t admit to herself, it felt nice to have him home after all those times she spent alone in this bedroom. As much as she tried to give him the cold shoulder, his little antics managed to soften her slightly. She looked down at her hand and remembered their little playful exchange during dinner at Yunho’s. A soft smile appeared on her pretty face. It felt like old times again…but even better; because the old Jaejoong was playful, but was never romantic towards her. This time he was both.  

Sonia kept on smiling until the buzz of Jaejoong’s phone caught her attention. She hesitated at first, but thinking at it might be something important considering how the fashion week was right around the corner, she picked up his phone to read the new text message. Her smile disappeared…and the sadness returned in her eyes.

At that moment Jaejoong came out of the bathroom wearing pj pants and a wife beater. His face lit up seeing Sonia in the room, not noticing her serious expression at first glance.

“Hey! How was dinner with…” Jaejoong trailed off when he saw Sonia glare at him through teary eyes. He went to her in lightening speed and cupped her face.

“What’s wrong? Did something happen?” he asked in a concerned voice.

Sonia pushed his hands away roughly and tossed his cell phone at him, taking him by surprise.

“You’re mistress is waiting for you. You should go to her.” she spat at him and stormed out of the room.

Jaejoong frowned at Sonia’s words and looked down at his phone. He noticed the opened text message and everything made sense.

*text message*

Hey, let’s have a business meeting at my apartment tonight…if you know what I mean. ;)


*Text message end*

Jaejoong heaved his cell phone across the room in frustration, breaking it in two. Why did she have to text him now!? He stopped sleeping around ever since he realized his feelings for Sonia. He hasn’t even been with Jessica since that night Sonia left home. Jaejoong let out a frustrated breath before he went after his wife.

As predicted, he found her in Youngjae’s room. He was about to speak up when he noticed the maid with Youngjae in his playpen.

Sonia blinked rapidly to prevent any tears from falling. She dismissed the maid calmly and waited for her to leave the room before she reached for Youngjae still playing in his playpen. She didn’t get far, however, since strong arms pulled her back.

“Listen to me…” Jaejoong started to explain but was cut off by Sonia roughly pushing his arms away.

“There’s no need for an explanation. You should go. You don’t want to keep her waiting.” Sonia said harshly as a tear escaped the corner of her eye.

Jaejoong grabbed her tighter this time, “There’s nothing between Jessica and…”

“ENOUGH!” Sonia yelled. She pushed Jaejoong back in anger, “I’ve had enough. I don’t even know why I’m so surprised. I was stupid to actually start believing that you changed…” Her tears were flowing freely now.

Jaejoong felt his anger rise as well, “Will you just listen to me! Yes Jessica and I had a relationship but that was before I realized my feelings for you. I haven’t been with her for months for heaven’s sakes! I don’t even know why she sent me that text all of a sudden.” Jaejoong said in a pissed off tone.

“Oh please, like I am really supposed to believe that. Even before we got married you’ve had a playboy reputation. I don’t see why that would change.” Sonia replied coldly.

“Because I fell in love with you!” Jaejoong yelled. “WHAT do I have to do to make you believe me…?” Jaejoong asked, combing his hand through his hair in a frustrated gesture.

“NOTHING! You can’t do anything!” Sonia yelled back, trying hard to not let his confession affect her. “I’m through being hurt. I already told you that there can be nothing between us. I will not give you the power to hurt me again!” she stated and turned around, not wanting to face him.

Jaejoong was about to grab her again when he heard Sonia gasp in shock. “What?” Jaejoong asked concerned completely forgetting his temper. He then followed Sonia’s shocked stare and his jaw fell.

There was Youngjae, holding on to the wall for support as he was standing on his own two shaky feet. He gurgled and took a step forward with much effort.

“Oh my God! Jaejoong look! Our baby is walking!” Sonia said as she grabbed onto Jaejoong’s arm in excitement.

It took a while for Jaejoong to process it before he let out a laugh. “Common son! That’s it…take another step!” he cheered.

With that, Youngjae took another shaky step as his face portrayed great concentration.

 “That’s it baby…come to mommy and daddy” Sonia encouraged, as both she and Jaejoong watched on amazed.  

Jaejoong and Sonia held onto each other with excitement as they watched Youngjae take a few more steps before finally giving up. They both let out excited laughs and rushed to Youngjae. Jaejoong reached first and scooped Youngjae up in his arms. Sonia hugged him as well and the proud parents showered Youngjae with hugs and kisses.

The three of them stayed like for a few minutes with Jaejoong carrying Youngjae with one arm and hugging Sonia with the other. The proud parents beamed at their son. Their baby took his first steps and they couldn’t feel happier.

But the moment didn’t last forever. Sonia soon noticed her closeness to Jaejoong. The smile disappeared from her face for a second time that night and she pulled away from his arm. Jaejoong’s smile also faded as their fight from before came rushing back.

There was an awkward silence between them for a few seconds, until Sonia finally spoke uncomfortably, “I’m…I’m going to take a shower…”

“Uh…yea…yea…Don’t worry about Youngjae. I’ll put him to sleep.” Jaejoong replied just as awkwardly.

Sonia placed a soft kiss on Youngjae’s head and quickly exited the room, with Jaejoong staring after her.


sakura: hahahah junsu is here in this chapter...i jus wanted jae to mean things with yunho...tats why ther was more of yunho in the last chapter...glad your enjoying jae and sonia's moments...i hope u keep on enjoying this story...

rawkabette: yey! new reader! awww thank you for your kind words...they mean alot...i hope the upcoming chapters live up to your expectations...thank you for reading and commenting...

missel: yes! another new reader! thank you so much for taking the time to read and makes me want to continue writing...hope u enjoy this chapter and upcoming chapters just as must...

miakitty: thank you! i'm so glad u like my story...i worked super hard on it!...thank you for taking the time to comment as means a lot...

yehabby: Jae is a complete sweetheart isnt he? u can tell i'm jae crazy...i simply love writing about him...thank you for reading and commenting!

shazzyx3: hahahaha comment as much as u want...i wont its satisfying isnt it? to show parents tat ur doing great in one time my parents didnt let me go to an outing with my friends...n i told them i'm doing great in skool so why am i not able to go?...later they agreed to let me really wish i knew the language..some songs have such beautiful only makes me wonder how much more beautiful it is in the actual language...

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Ryughosh #1
Chapter 15: Lease write a sequel...I know it's a shameless request
Keahun #2
Chapter 17: just subscribed and read your story, like it and goodluck to your succeeding fanfics, thanks
Ryughosh #3
Chapter 15: This was nice...gave such a warm n happy feeling at the end
Ryughosh #4
It's priyanka chopra on your cover....this is truly daebak!!!!
shiniheiji #5
Chapter 15: I just find this story and its reallyy good ! I love it !!! You are the best authornim <3
Angelz0715 #6
Chapter 17: This story is so amazing!!!
ayouth #8
Chapter 17: Nice short story ^^
Daebak!! Great story!