Chapter 9

Love in the Ice

 Jaejoong sipped his drink as he chatted with a few of his co-workers. His eyes then scanned the room and landed on his wife…and he took in a short intake of breath. She looked beautiful in her deep green gown and simply took his breath away. She came back with Youngjae a few days ago and things have been alarmingly cold between them. She didn’t even acknowledge his presence if they were alone in the bedroom. Jaejoong watched his every step when with her, afraid that he might do something wrong.

However, when in the public eye, things were completely normal between them. Sonia always acted affectionately towards him when in the presence of others…and that killed him. He wanted her touch even when they were alone. He wanted her to look at him with those soft eyes again…he wanted her to get shy when she came too close to him again. His heart yearned for her…He was finally getting a taste of what Sonia went through all those years.

Sonia, who was chatting with a few friends, felt like someone was watching her. She turned to meet gentle gray eyes and goose bumps scattered across her arms.  Jaejoong’s gaze still managed to affect her. He was half way across the crowded room, and his stare made her feel like they were the only two people in the whole world. It was just them and no one else.

She’s been ignoring him ever since she came back to live with him. But she did notice the little changes…Jaejoong came home every night since she came back at a reasonable time. He didn’t drink unless at a party socializing…and he held her at night when he thought she was sleeping. His arms would gently encircle her and he would breathe in her scent before drifting off to sleep.  

But that didn’t mean she forgot the terms she set between them. She broke her gaze away from Jaejoong’s and concentrated back to what Yoochun was saying.


Jaejoong continued to watch her, a little sad when she stared back at him with cool eyes before giving her full attention back to Yoochun.

“You seem like you need company.”

Jaejoong turned to the owner of the voice to be greeted by a smiling Yunho. Jaejoong’s fingers tightened slightly around his glass, but he forced a friendly smile towards the taller man. The two handsome men made their way to the bar and got comfortable as the bartender refilled their drinks.

“Sooo…how’s the business going?” Yunho said, starting small talk.

“It’s good...and how is your career? Do you plan on modeling again? Your last ad was a hit.” Jaejoong said as casually as possible, but Yunho heard the chill in his voice.

Unaffected, Yunho took another sip of his drink. Little did Jaejoong know that Yunho was a smart man. He felt tension the first time he met Jaejoong, and he knew bits and pieces of what happened between Sonia and Jaejoong from Yoochun. That was the reason why he approached Jaejoong tonight, he noticed him watching Sonia from afar and he decided to give Jaejoong a little push in the right direction.

“Well I had a good partner to begin with. Sonia was a delight to work with.” Yunho replied smoothly, noticing Jaejoong’s knuckles slightly turning white from holding his glass too tightly.

Jaejoong clench his jaw, trying his best to keep in temper from rising. He knew there was nothing between Sonia and Yunho. He was wrong in accusing her that night, but he couldn’t help but still get a little jealous at another man being so close to his wife.

“My girlfriend really liked it as well.” Yunho revealed, taking pity on Jaejoong.

Jaejoong frowned at the new information and felt his muscles start to relax.

“Your girlfriend?” Jaejoong asked.

“Yea…she actually wants to meet Sonia. Maybe you and Sonia can come to dinner one night at our place.” Yunho suggested, easing the tension between the two. Jaejoong gazed at a smiling Yunho. He couldn’t help but loosen up to him. He had a friendly aura about him that Jaejoong didn’t notice before due to his jealousy.  

Jaejoong finally returned Yunho’s smile, “I’m sure Sonia would like that.” With that, both men came to an understanding and continued chatting about various things.

After some time of mindless talk, Yunho noticed Jaejoong glance at his wife for the umpteenth time and be ignored on all accounts.

“Sonia looks exceptionally beautiful tonight. I always found women to be more beautiful when in an angry mood.” Yunho said as casually as possible.

“Excuse me?” Jaejoong said, giving Yunho a surprised look.

“Oh common…Sonia has been giving you the cold shoulder this whole evening. I’m surprised you don’t have frost bite on your yet.” Yunho said in a joking manner. This earned a chuckle from Jaejoong, as it was meant to.

 After the light hearted moment, Jaejoong heaved a sigh, getting a concentrated look on his face.

“I don’t know why I’m about to tell you this…but Sonia has every right to be mad at me. I’ve…done some unforgivable things and I won’t be surprised if she stays mad at me for a long, long time.” Jaejoong murmured, surprised at himself for voicing his most personal feelings to a stranger.

Yunho placed a steady hand on Jaejoong’s shoulder, “Maybe you should do something about that. You never seemed the type to give up easily. Hell…that’s why you’re one of the most respected names in the fashion world. You’re known to always get want you want…so why should this be any different? I can see you really love her…maybe it’s time you showed it.”

Jaejoong listened intently to Yunho’s words. Maybe this is why he told his feelings to a stranger. Strangers don’t judge him…they simply say what should be done.

“Where are you going?” Jaejoong asked when Yunho suddenly downed his drink and stood up.

The serious mood now replaced by a fun-loving one, Yunho replied in a mischievous manner, “What? I told you Sonia looked beautiful tonight. I’m going to ask the lady for a dance.” With that said, Yunho made his way to her, leaving a surprised Jaejoong.

It took Jaejoong a few seconds to process what just happened, before he let out a hearty laugh. He then watched Yunho lead his wife to the dance floor. When Yunho placed his hand on Sonia’s waist and said something to make her laugh, Jaejoong raised his eyebrows in amusement instead of jealousy.  

Like hell he was going to give up this easily. Kim Jaejoong refuses to admit defeat…and he’s through being depressed. He downed his drink and made his way towards the dance floor.


Yunho was happily chatting with Sonia when he felt a tap on his shoulder. They both stopped dancing and turned around to see a smiling Jaejoong.

“Can I steal my wife for a dance?” Jaejoong asked politely.

Amused, Yunho smiled back and gave Jaejoong Sonia’s hand before walking away.

Jaejoong pulled Sonia closer than necessary and caught Yunho’s wink over her shoulder. He grinned back and pulled her even closer as he started swaying her to the music.

Sonia tried to ignore the feeling of Jaejoong’s hard chest pressed against her bosom as they moved around the dance floor. He never asked her to dance during their marriage. Jaejoong was only affectionate towards her when needed, but after dealing with media they usually separated during parties and didn’t acknowledge each other until they had to leave. The feeling of Jaejoong holding her so intimately as they danced was new to her.

No one spoke for a moment, with Sonia looking at anything else but him.

“You can at least look at me while we dance Sonia” Jaejoong said in a voice loud enough for only his wife to hear.

Sonia met Jaejoong’s gaze with a steady stare. “There is no point in us dancing this close Jaejoong. We never did it before. Why are we doing in now?” she asked calmly.

“Simple…” Jaejoong replied, as he smoothly trailed his fingers down her spine and intimately resting it on her waist, “I want to dance with my wife.”

Sonia pulled back a little, surprised at his touch, trying to read his calm expression. She frowned when she met his charming smile.

“What are you trying to do Jaejoong? We agreed that there will be nothing more between us than what is needed for the public eye.” Sonia said softly.

“No, YOU decided that...I just decided to not listen.” Jaejoong answered simply.

“Excuse me?” Sonia asked irritated, pulling back more.

Jaejoong put pressure on her waist and collided her body with his again. When her jaw dropped at his flirty behavior, he smirked and leaned in close to her ear.

“You heard me…” Jaejoong whispered, “I’m not giving up on you…”

Sonia closed her eyes when she felt Jaejoong’s hot breath near her ear, and shivered slightly at his words before Jaejoong placed a soft kiss on her cheek and pulled back. Sonia, at a complete loss of words, simply stared at Jaejoong.

Jaejoong saw the affect he had on her and that gave him hope. He then raised her hand and placed another soft kiss on her knuckles, right above her wedding band. When their eyes met, he gave a naughty grin before walking away.  

Sonia stood dumbfounded on the dance floor. That grin…that same mischievous twinkle in his eyes. Was she mistaken?…or did she actually see a glimpse of the old Jaejoong just now?


demonhybrid13: thank you so much for reading and commenting! i hope u continue to enjoy this fic.

miakitty: thank you so much...i worked hard on tat chapter...i wasnt sure how to approach it because i didnt kno how a girl should react to somthing like tat...your right...i dont like it when girls gorfive easily either...i love jaejong too....but he's gonna have to prove his love to win her back...

sakura: jaejoong is going to get a taste of wat sonia felt....hahahah yea youngjae is adorable!...lets see if he can help bring his parents together....thank you reading n commenting!

shazzyx3: hahahaha omg...your gonna get me in trouble with your i was never intersted in the language but DBSK makes me wanna learn

amore_koko: thank you!

yehabby: hahah yep...karma is a bit** ur right...jae still has a chance since she is going back ;)

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Ryughosh #1
Chapter 15: Lease write a sequel...I know it's a shameless request
Keahun #2
Chapter 17: just subscribed and read your story, like it and goodluck to your succeeding fanfics, thanks
Ryughosh #3
Chapter 15: This was nice...gave such a warm n happy feeling at the end
Ryughosh #4
It's priyanka chopra on your cover....this is truly daebak!!!!
shiniheiji #5
Chapter 15: I just find this story and its reallyy good ! I love it !!! You are the best authornim <3
Angelz0715 #6
Chapter 17: This story is so amazing!!!
ayouth #8
Chapter 17: Nice short story ^^
Daebak!! Great story!