Chapter 7.

One Way Out.


The next room had boxes inside.
Jihoo pulled away from Yoomi to try and inspect the contents of a box.
"Be careful," Yoomi told him. "There could be something in there."
Jihoo nodded and opened a box which turned to be empty.
"Hey, look, it's a picture," Minwoo said as he was already rummaging a box.
He took out the picture and looked at it curiously.
"'s him!" Minwoo exclaimed and pointed at Jihoo. "And who's this girl?"
Jihoo strode towards him and took the picture.
Yoomi joined Jihoo when she saw his eyes widen as he looked at the picture.
Zico, Kyung, Hana, Myungsoo, and Luna looked at it too.
They audibly gasped as they saw the picture.
It was Jihoo, smiling happily as his arm was around a pretty girl's shoulder.
"Ga Eun noona?" Kyung mumbled.
"You dated her?!" Zico asked loudly, his tone disbelieving.
"This was..." Yoomi mumbled before she massaged her temples.
"Who's she?" Minwoo asked, as he was the only one who didn't know her, since he was a freshman and Ga Eun was a senior that time.
Luna stared at Jihoo blankly before she sighed and started to search for something or anything inside boxes.
Zico and Kyung followed her and looked for stuff themselves.
Jihoo just stared at the picture blankly. Yoomi looked at Jihoo with her brows furrowed.
Minwoo had started to look for stuff. Myungsoo was staring at the ground, thinking hard about something. And Hana was spaced out, slightly open, as she appeared to be shocked.
"Hey...what's this..." Kyung said as he took a piece of notebook paper on one of the boxes.
Zico snatched the paper from him and read it out loud, "It's a dish best served cold. Get ready to find out the reason why you're here. But of course, you have to figure that out on your own. Put the pieces together. Maybe you can start with Lee Jihoo. There's no time limit for this room. But don't get too relaxed, you still have the remains of your two hours."
"Revenge?" Minwoo said. "But what—I have never done anything wrong to anyone before!"
"It's handwritten," Zico said and crumpled the paper and threw it too Jihoo.
Jihoo caught it and spread the paper.
"It's her handwriting. Ga Eun's. She's doing all this," Jihoo mumbled.
"Jihoo, care to explain to me? Why is she doing this to us?" Yoomi said, not bothering with 'oppa'.
"I broke up with her," Jihoo said quietly, it almost came out unheard.
"Because I love someone else," Jihoo replied quickly and in a tone as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
"But, if she's harboring hard feelings for you, why drag me along this mess?! Why are they dragged into this mess?!" Yoomi shrieked.
"I know why I'm dragged here..." Myungsoo mumbled and took a seat beside Yoomi on the side of the room.
Yoomi looked at him, expecting an answer.
"I saw the break up scene," Myungsoo answered. "I heard everything..."
Jihoo's lowered head perked up and he turned to look at Myungsoo.
"Did you tell anyone about it?!" Jihoo questioned.
"No," Myungsoo replied sharply. "But you should. Everyone in this room deserves to know why they're here."
"I can't," Jihoo said.
"Why can't you?!" Yoomi shrieked.
"I just can't," Jihoo said weakly, running a hand through his hair.
"I know why I'm here," Luna said. "She went to the hospital once, no, she was rushed to the hospital, because she got into an accident. My mom was the doctor in charge of her. Her legs were paralyzed. She begged me to beg my mom to make her okay again, but my mom told her that she couldn't do anything about it. She begged me again to convince my mom to do something about her paralyzed legs, but I didn't bother anymore, since I know that there really was nothing we could do about her legs."
"Ga Eun...she doesn't forget people easily. She easily gets mad and harbors ill to people who she thinks did, even the smallest, bad things to her. She likes to get even," Jihoo said. "I broke up with her because of that too."
"That's not all," Myungsoo said.
"I can't tell it right now, okay?" Jihoo said frustratingly at Myungsoo.
"Then when are you telling me—us—about it? When we're all dead? There's only less than an hour left, Jihoo. We need to know what you, or, we could have done wrong to be here. We need to know to get out of here," Yoomi snapped.
"Ah, crap!" Kyung suddenly exclaimed.
Everyone looked at him with death glares.
"What?" Zico said.
"Remember that girl...when we were coming home from school? Then she got hit by a car. And it was only us there, and the car fled. And then, we were too scared to do anything that we just stared at her?" Kyung said.
"Oh, god," Jihoo muttered. "That was Ga Eun...that was why she was on a wheelchair when she graduated..."
"Then, what happened to her? You just left her there?" Yoomi asked Kyung and Zico in disbelief. 
"We—we were scared we'd get blamed since we were the only ones there," Kyung stuttered.
"What?!" Yoomi yelled. "And you call yourselves smart?!"
"We panicked, okay?!" Zico replied for Kyung.
"God," Jihoo mumbled, pulling his hair.
"And you!" Yoomi turned towards Hana. "Do you have any connection to Ga Eun? Have you done something or anything wrong to her?!" 
"Yes," Hana gulped.
"It was me and Hee Jin. I wasn't really with Hee Jin. It just so happens that we were both there. It was at the school festival. She asked Hee Jin to help her with some stuff. But Hee Jin ignored her. Hee Jin didn't like Ga Eun sunbae because she dated Jihoo sunbae. Everyone knows that Hee Jin liked Jihoo sunbae.  She left Ga Eun sunbae there. I was going to help her. But Hee Jin dragged me away and told me that I shouldn't be helping sunbae or she'll humiliate me in front of the whole school," Hana explained.
"But what about Minwoo?" Kyung suddenly spoke as he turned to look at the dazed boy.
Just then, Minwoo burst into tears.
"I—it was my dad! He hit her! He was the guy that hit her! He fled because he got scared! I was with him in the car. I had fallen asleep. We were going home from Hongdae. I just applied for a scholarship," Minwoo wailed. "When we got home, my dad started to act weird and he cleaned the car, something he never did. Then there were blood stains on the hood. And he said he hit a stray animal..."
"Oh god," Yoomi mumbled. "What about Yoona?"
Everyone else shrugged.
"Maybe she's the girl you like," Yoomi said, directing her words to Jihoo.
"No, it's not her," Myungsoo said.
Jihoo flashed a glare at Myungsoo.
"Then why is Yoona dragged here? She was only a freshman when Ga Eun was graduating."
"We don't know," Myungsoo answered in behalf of everybody else.
"Then...if Yoona isn't the girl Jihoo is in love with, then it must be someone from here. I mean, she's supposed to be here. If Ga Eun noona harbors ill easily, then that girl should be here too," Kyung concluded.
Myungsoo gave Jihoo a look.
"If you're not going to say anything. Then I'll say it," Myungsoo dared.
"No, I can't," Jihoo said shakily.
"Why not, Jihoo? Why are you so afraid? Are you afraid of rejection? Aren't you a school heartthrob?" Myungsoo challenged.
"Apparently, you have to tell us Jihoo. We won't be getting out of here not unless you tell us," Kyung said, then sighed.
"What do you know about getting out of here?" Jihoo snapped at him.
Kyung threw a piece of paper at him.
Jihoo caught it and read it.
"A confession for a loved one is the answer. Lose a loved one, but gain freedom."
Jihoo looked up with a more than stressed expression.
"You see?" Kyung said.
"Just tell us, Jihoo!" Yoomi screamed. "What would you lose?!"
I will double update because I wasn't able to update yesterday. So much for trying to do a cliffhanger.
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Chapter 3: Please tell me the answer for this
How did they get that numbers?
average_aqua #2
Chapter 13: I don't get the riddle with numbers
Halimalikesrice #3
Chapter 1: I friggin love this thriller/horror/twisted story! Is awesome! Thumbs up!
chocolakay #4
Chapter 13: asdfghjkl... imma run away coz this author is crazy... and the chappir five with gaeun pov lol...
Chapter 13: Seriously, I don't get some of the riddles.
Chapter 13: creepy but awesome
Chapter 13: first time reading this and i was scared and anxious to see what happens next~