Chapter 4.

One Way Out.


They entered the fourth room. The room was pretty much the same as the first three, but this time, there was something on the other side of the room.
There were four boxes with pictures attached on them on their side. And on the other side were holes on the wall.
The floor was the same, but in the middle was blue carpet which divided the room in half.
They walked towards the boxes and found a printed letter.
Minwoo picked it up and read it aloud, "A man started to town with a fox, a goose and a sack of corn. He came to a stream which he had to cross in a tiny boat. He could only take one across at a time. He could not leave the fox alone with the goose or the goose alone with the corn. How did he get them all safely over the stream? Solve by putting the boxes in order on the other side of the room in order. The holes and boxes have sensory detectors. You have 10 minutes. Only one person can cross the room and put the boxes to their respective slots."
"I know this," Zico bragged. "Minwoo you take them across the room."
"Why me?" Minwoo complained.
"Because you're quick and the most athletic among us here," Zico replied.
Then Zico's bomb started to beep.
"Now!" Zico yelled and started to panic.
"O-okay!" Minwoo obeyed and took his place beside the boxes and examined them one by one. "The boxes have pictures of the riddle's characters."
"Okay, uhh," Zico muttered to himself. "Let me think about this first without panicking..."
"Take the fox first—uhh, no! No!" Zico said, stopping Minwoo before he could lay a hand on the box with thr fox. "Take the goose first."
Minwoo obeyed and began to cross the room. He stepped on the blue carpeted area and fell.
"Minwoo!" voices screamed.
The carpet turned out to be a cover for a large vertical hole.
"I'm alright," Minwoo yelled.
Kyung and Myungsoo ran towards the hole and found him hanging. He was holding on to the edge with one hand, while his other hand held on to the box.
The hole was too deep that all they could see was darkness below.
Minwoo held the box up for Myungsoo to grab while Kyung helped him up.
"That was close," Minwoo breathed out as soon as he was on the ground again.
Myungsoo gave the box back to Minwoo as Minwoo stood up.
Minwoo analyzed the width of hole and took a few steps back. He then ran towards the hole, and when he was already by the edge, he jumped and got on the other side safely.
When he was on the other side, he laid the box on one of the slots, then the room shook and the floors moved. This caused the hole to expand in size and the floor they were standing on to contract.
"Crap," Minwoo muttered, realizing he'd have to jump higher the next time.
Minwoo took a few steps back before running and jumping over the hole.
"Now, take the fox," Zico instructed. 
Minwoo did so and jumped over the hole again, with the box in hand, and placed the box on a slot.. He was about to jump over when Zico stopped him and the ground shook again, the hole expanding some more.
"Take the goose back," Zico said.
"O-okay," Minwoo mumbled. He almost jumped over, and when Zico stopped him, he almost fell in to the hole. "I don't think I'll be able to jump back next time, hyung."
Minwoo took the goose and jumped back with it.
"Now put the goose box down and take the corn box," Zico said.
Minwoo hesitated.
"Hyung, I wouldn't be able to jump back when it expands some more..." Minwoo said, gulping after.
"Try," Zico said and intimidated him with a scowl.
Minwoo sighed nervously and backed up more. He jumped over successfully with the box in hand and laid it on a slot.
The ground shook again and the hole must have been a meter and a half wide.
Minwoo jumped over, almost falling when he reached the other side. Good thing, Jihoo was just in time to pull him back.
"Now, put the last box to where it belongs..." Zico said.
Minwoo breathed in and out before jumping over. He fell down face first on the floor when he reached the other side. He stood up and realized that his nose bled.
"Ahh, my nose!" he screeched as he touched his philtrum, and tried to wipe the blood off.
"Stop that! Time's ticking!" Zico told him from the other side.
Minwoo checked if he broke his nose, and sighed in relief when it didn't, before he went to put the box to its slot.
Zico looked at the bomb on his leg and it had stopped ticking and returned to counting down from 2 hours.
The door, which was on Minwoo's side, opened with a click.
The others, who were on the other side, looked at each other, realizing that the round wasn't over and that they would have to jump over if they wanted to move to the next room and get out alive.
Huh. Stupid kids. They could have just thrown those boxes to the person on the other side... And people call them geniuses...
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Chapter 3: Please tell me the answer for this
How did they get that numbers?
average_aqua #2
Chapter 13: I don't get the riddle with numbers
Halimalikesrice #3
Chapter 1: I friggin love this thriller/horror/twisted story! Is awesome! Thumbs up!
chocolakay #4
Chapter 13: asdfghjkl... imma run away coz this author is crazy... and the chappir five with gaeun pov lol...
Chapter 13: Seriously, I don't get some of the riddles.
Chapter 13: creepy but awesome
Chapter 13: first time reading this and i was scared and anxious to see what happens next~