Chapter 8 ^_^

Wait For Me

As Sehun and Tao enter the music rooms, Chanyeol is sitting on a single chair strumming his guitar quietly, playing no particular notes or chords.


“Hyung?” Sehun asks cautiously. Chanyeol acknowledges their existence with a small nod of his head.


“Are you okay there hyung?” Tao questions. There is few seconds silence before Chanyeol rapidly sits up straight, startling the two maknaes.




The younger two are still in a state of confusion. Before either of them ask, Chanyeol decides to leave the music rooms and find Yixing instead.


“But hyung... We walked all the way here and now you want us to go back to the auditorium,” Sehun begins to complain. Tao rapidly nods his head in agreement.


“Well for your information, I invited Kai not you guys,” Chanyeol replies with a sarcastic tone of voice. He starts to pack his guitar back in its case, ready to leave the soundproof room. “Speaking of Jongin, where is he?”


“Probably still with the crazy lady,” comments Tao bluntly. Chanyeol furrowed his eyebrows at the statement.


“And who would this 'crazy lady' be?” asks the tallest male curiously as all three of them exit the room, heading for the auditorium.


“Cho Sohyun,” Sehun answers in a rather harsh tone. Chanyeol was about to scold them for referring to a girl in that manner but felt rather lazy dealing with them at that point in time. He had spent most of his afternoon off school strumming his guitar. On this particular day of the week, he would usually spend it with Lay, together they would play some guitar pieces together, quite a few times they would compose as well. But ever since Yixing began organising the school concert, he had missed out on two of these days, leaving to Chanyeol with pure boredom that lead to his miserable aura. He even resulted in calling Kai too cure his boredom, but even he didn't turn up and left him with the rest of the maknaes. Chanyeol sighs as he recalls his day, turning the door nob to enter the auditorium.


The first thing Chanyeol hears as he enters is the chorus of the pop song. As he stands besides the door with the two others, they all ponder to what the title of the song might be. They all know the song but with it having that slight classical twist, the song title was hard to pinpoint. As the last A note is played by Lay, the two at the piano turn to look at the other three standing at the door.


“Wow that was sooooooo good!” exclaims Tao as he continuously claps his hands, creating an echo through the auditorium. “My favourite bit of Destiny is the intro when there are high notes but I also really like the chorus and-”


“LAY HYUNG I MISSED YOU!!!” a thundering sound can be heard as Chanyeol comes running towards the said boy and tackling him into a hug. Sehun takes slow steps towards the two pianists silently unlike his companions.


“Annyeong Hyojun-ah,” Sehun greets informally. Most of the popular crowd have gotten close with each other so formal talk was put in the past. Hyojun replies to the blonde with a shy smile. The five of them then go into an awkward silence. Being the socially active person he is, the tallest in the room decides to break it.


''Can I perform in the concert?” He says straightforwardly. Both Hyojun and Lay have a shocked expression on their faces, they had been scouting for people to audition for the past week and no one until now decided to go for it.


“Sure! Just write your name on this sign up sheet and what you're gonna perform,” Lay says as he hands him a clip board with a piece of paper attached. Chanyeol quickly prints his name and performance on the paper and hands it back to Lay. Hyojun then gives him a smaller slip of paper.


“Auditions are next week Tuesday during lunch, you'll be the first one up since you're the first one to actually sign up,” Hyojun says. Chanyeol nods in reply and looks at the piece of paper, on it had his name and what number he was for the audition. Him being first to register meant that the paper had the number one on it.


After all that, they all decide to head home. Lay had hoped to walk Hyojun home but it turned out all five friends had to walk in the same direction to get home. They all engage in small conversation with each other.


“Do you think Minjung and Yifan will get together?” asks Tao curiously. Chanyeol starts to laugh lightly while Sehun's usually stoic face lifts up with a small smile. Hyojun begins to ponder at his statement.


“Are you dumb maknae, of course they are,” Lay says making it sound as if it is the most obvious thing in the world. Hyojun looks down with her with furrowing eyebrows.


I thought Minjung-eonni liked Minhyuk-ssi?” she thought to herself.


Hyojun's home is the furthest away from the school, it was only herself and Lay walking together now. When they reach her gate, she stares at him questionably.


“You live on this street Yixing-ssi?”


“No, I live near Tao, by the way, it's either Lay-oppa or Yixing-oppa,” he replies teasingly.


“Oh,” she replies with a bashful face. “Then why did you come all the way here?”


“Because I wanted to walk you home of course!” he says enthusiastically. “Now go inside beside before it gets cold.”


Hyojun complies and quickly enters the gate to her unit. Lay turns around to go home after he sees her enter the elevator with a broad smile on his face.



weow i gotta get this couple thing going

you guys curious about this minhyuk guy ;)


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iloveyeolandyoungie   Ariel_R   Eunhee48

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Chapter 7: Pls update soon! :D
Chapter 6: i love it already omf

hope you'll update soon ehehehhee