Chapter 10 ^_^

Wait For Me

Hyojun and Chaejin approach the administration office.


“Goodmorning Miss Moon!” says Hyojun enthusiastically as both siblings bow ninety degrees.


“Goodmorning!” replies the office lady with an eye smile. “What can I do for the both of you today?”


“My brother's new to the school and would like to receive his timetable,” answers Hyojun. Miss Moon's expression changes from smiley to surprised when she hears this.


“Ah... Yes of course! Could I get your name please?” her question directed at Chaejin.


“Jang Chaejin.”


Miss Moon types in his name and a new timetable is printed on a fresh piece of paper, she hands it to the new student.


“Thankyou Miss Moon,” Chaejin replies as he reaches for the sheet. With that, the two bow again and leave the office with a flustered Miss Moon.


'I thought they were boyfriend and girlfriend...' thinks the office lady.



They approach the Chaejin's homeroom five minutes before the bell rings. Chaejin begins to sulk at the sight of his noona leaving and the unfamiliar students she was leaving him to fend himself from.


“Noona~~~ don't leave~~~,”he whines.


“Sorry Chaejin-ah but I have class to,” she replies sternly. With that, she turns to walk to her homeroom which is pretty much three classrooms down from his.



As Hyojun enters the classroom, all heads turn to hers, even her four friends are staring at her. Hyojun cautiously sits in her seat, the one beside Yunji.


“We heard you're dating someone,” interrogates Sohyun.


“Is it true? Why didn't you tell us?” interrupts Yunji. Minjung sits there with a questioning look on her face.


“What?” says the surprised Hyojun. “I'm not going out with anyone.”


“Really? That's not what half the school population is saying,” replies Minjung suspiciously. The maknae realises what her best friends are talking about and begins to explain how her brother had enrolled in their school because of the situation at his previous school. She also continued with her explanation about how everyone had thought they were a couple. When she finishes talking, the warning bell goes off and the teacher appears through the door not too long after.


“So Chaejin's in the school?” says Yunji quietly as the teacher takes the attendance.


“Aw~~ he's so cute,” squeals Sohyun in a whisper. Hyojun gives her the sisterly disgusted yet 'that's-my-brother' look to her. “Not in that way, just in the adorable child kitten puppy kinda way,” she concludes with her eyes rolling.


“Excuse me, but could you please not talk while I mark the role?” says the teacher.


“Sorry Sir!” replies Sohyun rather loudly, earning faint chuckles and giggles from the other students. The teacher sighs but continues with the attendance anyways.


“Socialise with him at recess, we still have periods of learning to get though sadly,” says Minjung with a cold expression.


“Neh omma,” answers Sohyun with a sarcastic tone. Yunji sniggers on the side while Hyojun just shakes her head at her friends. The 'leader' of the group of friends gives a sharp glare at hyperactive one.  


ugh short chapter after ages of not being bothered to update


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gigichi   Divalicious01

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Chapter 7: Pls update soon! :D
Chapter 6: i love it already omf

hope you'll update soon ehehehhee