Chapter 7 ^_^

Wait For Me

Kris and Minjung are sitting in the library. They're glaring into each others eyes, not one word is shared between them until-

"Dammit! I blinked!" shouts Kris frustratedly.

"Great job Yifan, you lasted 10 seconds. A personal record," says Minjung in a mocking tone.

"Harharhar, I know right," replies Kris sarcastically.

Meanwhile, the maknaes are hanging out in the other side of the library. Sehun is lying on the table, head facing downwards inbetween his arm. Tao has his earphones in zoning out to the shelves in front of him. Kai is texting someone on his phone. All of them seem just as bored as the other.

"Oi Sehun-ah, you awake there?" asks Kai while still looking at his screen. A small grunt is emitted from him as an answer. "Great, 'cause Chanyeol hyung is hoping to meet us at the music rooms."

"Sheesh... I don't wanna walk that far," says Tao.

"Yeah, give me five minutes, then we'll go," mumbles Sehun.

"Fine," answers Kai.

Just as they stop speaking, they hear faint foot steps coming from behind the shelves. Sehun and Kai look up to see a smiley Sohyun while Tao is still zoned out with music playing into his ears.

"Hey guys! What are you doing?" Asks Sohyun curiously.

"We're gonna see Chanyeol hyung, see ya," says Sehun quickly as he stands up to walk out. Tao gets up off his chair and swiftly follows Sehun out of the library without saying anything. Kai just shrugs his shoulders as he sees the two leave.

"You can come if you want?" He asks politely to the dejected looking Soyhyun.

"It's fine, I'll hangout with someone else instead..." She replies in a rather duller tone than usual. Jongin notices her different aura.

"Well, I wasn't that interested in going to see Chanyeol hyung anyway, I'll stay with you!" He says to try and cheer her up. Hearing this, Sohyun stares back at him with bright sparkly eyes.

"REALLY?! THANKYOU~!!!" She screams, jumping up and down excitedly. What surprises Kai next is the fact that Sohyun lunges at him with a big hug. The cool, y Jongin from the popular crowd is no longer shown on his face, instead a shy, flustered one in its place. He was blushing.

"It's fine," He says in a small voice. “Where do you plan on going?” Sohyun ponders before thinking, school had already finished and most of them had only stayed back to wait for others who were study for the upcoming tests.

“Lets go get some frozen yoghurt, all that studying fried my brain,” she grumbles. Kai smiles, agreeing to the idea.


They exit the library together, Sohyun walking with a small hop in her step. Kai walking coolly with his hands in his pockets, his infamous smirk plastered on his face. The main exit door of the school is directly down the main hall of the whole school. At one end of the hall being the exit while the other was the library meaning that the two only have to walk ten metres. But on one side of the hall consisted of the auditorium. As Kai and Sohyun step out of the school, piano music could be heard slightly through the hall. Inside the auditorium is Yixing and Hyojun practising their duet. (this is what they're playing huehue I love this cover~~~~~)


The duet is played flawlessly even though the two pianists have only been learning this for the past week. There was a slight problem when they had first started as Lay wasn't able to read the sheet music as he had only learn piano by ear. Hyojun had already expertly learnt both parts of the duet and played them to him to learn. With both of them deciding on what part the other was doing, they put it together to get the perfect harmony they had now. Lay ends the song with an A note in the bass line. Both lift their heads up from the separate grand pianos.


“Wow,” was all that came out of the Chinese males mouth. Hyojun had the same spaced out expression on his face.


“The tempo was exact, we weren't off that whole time,” Hyojun spoke with her head still in the clouds. Lay smiles at her comment.


“I guess we just work well together,” he continues. Hyojun snaps out of her trance and looks in the direction of Yixing.


“I guess so,” she replies quietly with a soft smile. The two of them stay in a quiet yet comfortable silence until Yixing speaks.


“Want to try that again?” and with that, Hyojun's small smile grew into a slightly larger grin.



Havent updated for 5months wow eheee... ill do an update everyday from now on to make up for it:P


Lay and Hyojun playing Destiny by Infinite :) 


Thanks for subscibing!


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Chapter 7: Pls update soon! :D
Chapter 6: i love it already omf

hope you'll update soon ehehehhee