Chapter 1 ^_^

Wait For Me
“Oi, Hyojun! You okay there?” says Yunji. 
“Huh? Oh yeah, I’m fine,” I reply quietly. We’re in maths class right and my friends are discussing where we should go on the weekends. Being me, I’m zoning out to my teachers constant droning and my friends whispering. 
“So, x equals negative ten. Any questions?” says Mr Lee as he finishes off the equation. Everyone in the class stays silent. “Great! Then you guys shouldn’t have any problems with next week’s algebraic equations test then?” He replies. The whole class groaned at his words. My friends have definitely groaned the loudest.
“WHAT?! I’m screwed for this test,” Miyung said with a pout. I giggle at her reaction.
“Well, I guess that’s our weekend gone… We all need to study,” Suhyun says with a sigh. I smile at the phrase, it’s reassuring that my friends put study over fun, most of the time. 
“Settle down class, I’ll give you guys the rest of the period to study. We only have two lessons until the test; I hope you guys have been paying attention!” My teacher says. The class goes silent with determination. Even my friends are quiet. I smile at the fact and put my head down to study, passing the test is first priority right now. 
Class is over, finally. My friends and I head off to the cafeteria. It’s autumn in the beginning of the school year so it’s quite cold outside. With my scarf up to my chin, I walk with my friends to our usual table. Of course, they’re talking loudly unlike me.
“I can’t wait till the holidays start!” Suhyun begins as we take out seats 
“Already? We only started school 4 weeks ago,” states Miyung.
“So? Tests are starting and I’m tired already,” sulks Suhyun. We all give her a sympathetic smile as we turn to our food.
“Hyojun, how’s it going?” asks Yunji. As always, she’s trying to engage me in conversation.
“Well…” I begin. Everyone’s eyes turn to me. “Nothing much actually,” I reply quietly. All my friends give me a disappointed sigh.
“So, how do we…” Miyung continues. They give up trying to get me to talk and plan on how to go out while not fail the up-coming test in a few days time. I begin digging into my lunch. I zone out of the conversation as usual and stare off to the table across from ours. Cute, he dropped his chopstick. 
“Hyojun? Earth to Hyojun, are you there?” Yunji says as she waves her hand infront of my face.
“Don’t tell me you’re staring at him again,” Suhyun says with a slight groan in her tone of voice. I blush at her words. “Why don’t you just talk to him?” she said. I sit there with my head hung low pushing my rice to the side with my chopsticks.
“Suhyun, don’t be like that to Hyojun. It’s hard for her to talk to us let alone to the guy she likes,” Miyung says defensively. 
“No, she’s right. It’s been two years, it’s about time I talk to him,” I say looking up. All three of my friends give me a smile. 
“And we’ll be there to support you when you do!” says Suhyun.
Woah... i dont even know how to start off the story ><  
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Chapter 7: Pls update soon! :D
Chapter 6: i love it already omf

hope you'll update soon ehehehhee