Chapter 5 ^_^

Wait For Me
Class finishes so my friends and I began to move to our next class. The school corridors are full of students pacing around to get to their destination.
“Gosh… It’s English next isn’t it?” Asks Sohyun. 
“Yup,” Answers Yunji. 
“Can I sit next to Hyojun today? Please!” Pleads Sohyun. I give her a small smile. 
“You only say that ‘cause she’s coming second in our grade for English,” says Minjung. With her cold expression, people move out of the way creating a path for the four girls to walk through. 
“Well yes, and plus we’re gonna have exams soon and I need to concentrate, if I sit next to Hyojun, she can help me plus I can actually get some work done!” Sohyun says brightly. I give her an understanding nod meaning ‘of course you can sit next to me’. 
“Are you sure you’re not just going to disturb Hyojun’s learning instead,” Yunji says suspiciously.
“Of course not! What would make you think that?” She replies with a hurt look. Yunji rolls her eyes but doesn't say anything in return. I quietly giggle on the side and continue walking. 
English class has begun and everyone in the room is silently listening to the teacher. Ms Kang is writing down a few sentences on the board, her back is turned away from the students so Minjung uses the chance to pass notes to me.
You said Kris and his friends help you out today,
what about “him”? Did you guys talk at all?
I blush at her words and write back.
Ummm… no actually, I forgot he was there:(
I watch her reaction as she reads what I wrote. I can see her mentally face-palming herself. She begins to write her reply.
Really Hyojun? How do you forget?! Sheesh.
Well, we’re going over to their table today so
get ready to talk to Yixing.
My eyes widen as I finish reading. Oh gosh, no. It’s too early. I can’t-
“Miss Jang, read this for us please,” Ms Kang says. I snap back into reality at her voice.
“Yes Ms Kang. They were poor but happy as they had each other and that was enough,” I answer swiftly. 
“Good pronunciation Hyojun, you will pass the oral with flying colours. Everyone else, learn from Miss Jang!” She says to the rest of the class. The whole class answers with a slight mumble of ‘ne’ and continue on with the work. Throughout the whole lesson, I help Sohyun with her speaking and spelling.
When class finally ends, my friends all sigh in relief. 
“Well that was annoying…” Says Minjung tiredly. Yunji gives off a slight yawn, showing her agreement. It’s break after second period so we walk to our usual spot in the cafeteria. 
“Oh Hyojun! Don’t forget that we have to thank the those guys for saving you!” Minjung says with a sly smile. I give her a slight pout but I don’t say anything. 
“Right, I almost forgot! To the popular guys table!” Sohyun says in a leading voice. But instead of following her, herself and Yunji stand either side of Minjung while I hide behind Minjung. The guys look up to see three attractive girls in front of them, not very surprised that they’re girls but more to the fact that they’re the popular girls. 
“We would like to thank you guys on behalf of us for saving our dongsaeng,” begins Minjung.
“If you guys didn’t turn up, she probably would have been stepped on,” continued Yunji with a grateful voice.
“Yup! So thanks you guys! Hyojun-ah~ don’t be shy and say thanks to them as well!” Says Sohyun as she tries to pull me out from behind Minjung. I struggle a bit but eventually step out into the open with a blush on my face.
“Thank you for helping me,” I say with a slight bow. It’s common curtesy but I also want to hide my pink cheeks. 
The guys reply to our thanks with a bright smile. “It’s fine, plus a friend of Minzheng is a friend of mine,” says Kris with a small smile. Minjung replies with a similar smile. 
“Ehhh, hyung. You didn’t tell us you knew Minjung!” Says Baekhyun and Kai pretty much at the same time. 
“Well you guys didn’t ask,” replies Kris coldly. 
“Eonni, how do you know Kris?” Asks Sohyun.
“We work for the same modeling agency,” Kris and Minjung say at the same time. The whole cafeteria went silent in surprise. 
“So Minzheng, would you and your friends like a seat? There’s still plenty of room!” Asks Kris in Cantonese as he breaks the silence.
“Yeah sure,” She answers Kris. Everyone else on the table as well as the girls are quite confused as they none of them understand the foreign language. “You wanna sit here?” Minjung asks us. 
“Okay then!” Replies Sohyun quickly as she takes a seat in between Chen and Baekhyun with a bright smile. All the guys look at her with curious eyes as her fearless personality shocks most of them. The girls seem use to her and sit down wherever there is space. Yunji sits on the edge of the bench next to Kyungsoo. He gives her a curious look with his large eyes as Yunji does the same. He returns back to his food uninterested as Yunji turns to look at where I’m about to sit. I want to sit next to one of my friends but Minjung already sat next to Kris on the other end of the bench. There was a seat in front of Yunji but it was also the seat next to Yixing. Not wanting to look stupid for standing up for so long, I quickly take the seat. I give Yunji a slight smile and open my bag for food. 
I can feel all my friends giving me sly smiles as I look back up but I ignore them. I begin to chew on my apple quietly while everyone else makes conversation. 
Wow, this is awkward. Hyojun just sat next to me and when she did, all eleven of the guys turned to me and gave me the same annoying look. I keep a straight face on even though I’m panicking inside. Should I start conversation with her? I can feel Luhan nudging me with his elbow from, telling me to talk to her. She does look kind of bored. I finally decide to turn to her. I give her a small smile.
“Annyeong Hyojun! I’m Yixing,” I say. I can feel Luhan almost laughing at my bad start for conversation. Yeah, it was pretty terrible. Hyojun stops chewing her apple and looks at me with her round eyes. Her bangs had swept to one side. Cute. She opened to speak but- 
haha this chapter... i hope you guys can see what im trying to do with the characters ;)
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Chapter 7: Pls update soon! :D
Chapter 6: i love it already omf

hope you'll update soon ehehehhee