Chapter 4 ^_^

Wait For Me
It's a new day of school. I'm walking to school at a slow pace; I left home earlier than I thought. I have my earphones in, I'm not particularly listening to anything, just whatever song is next on shuffle. The autumn wind blows my hair as I walk. It doesn't take me long to reach the school gates. My slow walking paid off, there's only ten minutes till the start of class. As I walk into the school, people begin to walk up to me, mostly guys. 
"You're Hyojun right? Could you give this to Yunji please?" Says one of them as he hands me a letter and walks away. 
"Hyojun-ssi, could you give this to Minjung? Tell her it's from Shin Yuhan," asks some other boy as he hands me a box. 
"Hyojun-ah. Give this to Sohyun. Thanks!" Says another as he turns away.
"Minjung's your friend yeah? Could you-" 
"Hey Hyojun!"
"Um, Hyojun could you?" 
"Hey, you're friends with Sohyun right?" 
I can't take it anymore, there are so many guys standing around me asking me the same things and they keep handing me objects until my hands were full. I try telling them to stop but there's too many of them, they'll never listen to me. I put my head down and just hope for everything to stop. As if my thoughts were heard, it suddenly goes really quite. 
I look up to see that I have my personal space bubble back. I see all the guys who were crowding around me a few steps back. But in front of them with their backs turned to me were at least 12 guys with their arms outstretched like a barricade. I realise it's the popular guys of our school. Wow, they saved me. 
"You guys better back off," says the tallest, Kris. He gives them an intimidating look that gets a few of the guys outside the "barricade" to start walking. 
"Ha, why should we listen to you? I just want to get my letter to Yunji so it doesn't concern you!" replies one of the guys outside the "barricade".
"Why don't you just give your letter to her instead of getting Hyojun to do it for you? Doesn't it seem cowardly to get someone to confess for you? Maybe she's too out of your league to approach yourself?" Comments Kai bravely. His comment turns the guy red in the face out of anger and embarrassment, most of the guys at this point have walked away leaving the popular guys and me alone. One of them approaches me with a worried face.
"Are you alright?" Asks Luhan with a concerned tone. I give him a shy smile.
"Yes, I'm fine Luhan-ssi. Thank you everyone," I reply politely with a small bow and a slight blush.
"Awww, you're so cute!" Says Baekhyun with an eye smile. I blush even harder at his comment. 
"There are only a few minutes till class guys, I suggest we hurry up and go. Any of you guys in Hyojun's class?" Says Suho as he takes command.
"Kyungsoo and I are," says Sehun with a blank face. 
"Great! Let’s get going!" 
As we walk to class, Sehun and Kyungsoo begin conversation with me. 
"So Hyojun, you interested in anyone?" Asks Sehun straight-forwardly. My eyes go wide in surprise and I look down as a blush creeps up on my cheeks. 
"Sehun! You don't just ask people things that! Gosh maknae..." Says Kyungsoo with an annoyed face. "Hyojun-ssi, don't take it the wrong way. Sehun doesn't think before he speaks," 
I giggle at the two of them; they remind me of my friends. "No, it's fine," I reply, cheeks still tinted pink.
"See, she's fine with it," Sehun says while facing Kyungsoo.
"Ha, you should be glad she's not offended!" Replies Kyungsoo with a half glare. "Hyojun-ssi don't be too nice to him, you hear me!" I laugh quietly at his statement.
"I'm sorry Kyungsoo-ssi, but maknaes have to stick together," I reply quietly.
"Yeah! So don't tell me what to do oldy!" Shouts Sehun as he sticks his tongue out at his elder. The classroom isn't too far away so he runs for it, avoiding Kyungsoo's growing wrath. 
"Why you little..." Kyungsoo says under his breathe. "Excuse me for leaving you but I have someone I need to murder," Kyungsoo says just as he begins running to chase the younger who had just about entered the classroom. I giggle at their playfulness and continue walking to the classroom.
As I enter, I look for my friends. They're sitting in the middle of the class room while chatting away loudly. 
"Hyojun! There you are! We thought you were going to be late," says Yunji with a concerened face.
"Yeah, 'cause that would be a first," says Sohyun. I give them all a small smile and sit down.
"Um..." I begin. All my friends turn to me waiting for me to say something. "Some people kind of gave me these to give to you," I finish. I begin to open my school bag.
"Oh," they all say at the same time. There were two boxes for Minjung as well as 3 letters. Sohyun got 4 letters and Yunji got 2 letters and a box. 
"Wow, who gave you these?" Says Minjung as she looks at the letters and gifts. 
"I don't know, they all just crowded around me and shoved them in my face," I say quietly. They all turn back to me with shocked faces. 
"THEY WHAT?! Are you okay Hyojun? Did they hurt you?" Says Yunji with a concerned face. Her eyes grow larger than they already are. 
"Do you recognise any of their faces? I'll strangle them with my bare hands!" Said Sohyun while shaping her hands as if she was about to choke someone. 
"Maybe I should get you a body guard?" Says Minjung with a calm face. 
"Unnies, calm down," I say as loud as I could, which in fact, isn't very loud at all. "Kris-ssi and his friends saved me," I say with a small blush. They all calm down at my words.
"Well, we better thank them for saving our dongsaeng later," says Minjung. Just as she finishes her sentence, Mr Lee walks in to the classroom. 
Thats chapter 4 i guess... comment if ur bothered^^ 
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Chapter 7: Pls update soon! :D
Chapter 6: i love it already omf

hope you'll update soon ehehehhee