My Personal Tourguide
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You turned to lock your apartment door and picked Sehun, your puppy up. You prefer calling it 'Sehunnie', so you can differenciate the puppy and the giant freak. "Come on, Sehunnie. I'll walk you around the neighbourhood," you put it down and held on the leash, so it won't get out of your sight. 

'Sehun' lead the way, looking like he knows the way to everywhere. But actually he was just walking. Both Sehuns were your personal tourguides, coincidentally. 

You hugged yourself closer as the weather was cold, and wrapped the scarf around your neck tighter. "Sehunnie, aren't you cold?" You bent down and ruffled Sehun's head. It kept on leaning on to you that you picked him up, not able to withstand his cuteness. 

You patted his head as his eyes became an eyesmile. It reminded you of Sehun. They had so many in common, that you were always reminded of that giant freak. 

You stopped by the neighbourhood park, where you celebrated Valentine's day with Sehun. You sat on a swing with Sehunnie in your arms. It looked really comfortable and snuggled closer. Maybe it was because of the cold weather. "Hana?" 

You looked up to the voice and saw Baekhyun. "Alone?" 

You smiled and shook your head slightly while pointing to Sehunnie. Baekhyun's lips turned into a smile and he sat on the swing next to yours. "You've got a pet for yourself?" 

"It's from...Sehun actually. That's why I named it under him," you showed him it's dog collar. Baekhyun's eyebrows raised as a smirked apeears on his face. "I see." 

"What are you doing here actually?" He asked. You shrugged. "Just having a walk with Sehunnie." 

"Wanna drop by the bakery?" "Sure." 


"How's your studies in school? Did you get to catch up the subjects?" Baekhyun enquired as he sipped on his tea. He said his mother let him had a day off. 

"Yeah. Well, Sehun helps me often," you showed a smile. Baekhyun chuckled softly and leaned closer to your face. "Do you like Sehun

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Chapter 26: cant wait for the next chapter, i love your story soooi muchhh thanksss
Chapter 24: omg u updated!! & noo hana forgets sehun //cries//
Chapter 23: I'm reading this story again and i can see my old comment xD

when will you gonna update this story? are you gonna abandoned this story like this? ㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠㅠ
Chapter 23: author-nim ! make Hana lost her memories xD hahaha ~ /evil laugh/ and make someone (a cameo) in love with Hana x3 ㅋㅋㅋㅋ
Chapter 23: ahh what will happen next omfg
sarajiyongie #6
Chapter 23: I think Hana will lost her memories. And that is a revenge for sehun lol. And jiyoung, //tap my chin// I feel like want to kill her lol. Update soon authornim..can't wait for the next chappie^^
Hanis_Exotics #7
Chapter 22: Heol , ur story make me nervous for the next chap . ^^ . Anyway update soon . ^^
HyueSung #8
gaaaah double update autor nim >.< Poor Hana
byeworld #9
Cool story. Pls make double update
minsulliand4ever #10
Chapter 20: I hate that jiyoung now!!!!! ><