3rd date

Leeteuk Shock

Chapter 9: Cafe Date


Minmi’s POV


The last stop on Leeteuk's unexpected tour was the café.


“Go pick a place to sit and I’ll bring us something to eat. My treat,” he told me as we entered.


I nodded and turned around, slowly scanning the room. I found a suitable table that was close to the back, but still visible from the door. I wanted to make sure MinJi could find us when she got here. Leeteuk’s ‘tour’ had taken a little over 30 minutes and I expected her to be taking a break soon. Teukie came back a few minutes later and sat a plate in front of me. I suddenly wondered how long of a break he had.


“When do you need to return to practice?”


He shrugged, “I’m not sure really. I suppose sometime in the next 15 minutes.”


I looked at him for a moment, “Shouldn’t you be heading back then?”


“Are you eager to get rid of me so soon?” he asked, the pout back on his lips.


I shook my head, “No, I just can’t bear the thought of you getting in trouble on my account.”


He grinned, “Don’t worry. I have plenty of time. Now eat before it gets cold.”


I nodded. I was still worried he was going to get into trouble as I picked up my chopsticks and began eating. We passed a few moments in complete silence. I felt slightly awkward since this was the first time we were out in public together where he was just himself.


“So have you been practicing?” he suddenly asked.


I looked at him confused, having no idea what he was talking about, “Huh?”


“For your audition."


“Oh,” I simply said, now remembering, “a bit. I haven’t been able to practice too much with this school project I’ve been working on.”


“Really? What's the project?”


“She has to write and present a visual report on folk tales. I can never remember which one,” a voice replied behind me.


Suddenly a third plate was sat down next to me. MinJi smiled at me and waved to Teukie.


He waved back as I answered my sister, “It’s Shimchong: The Blind Man’s Daughter.”


MinJi snapped, “That was it! So how has your day been Oppa?”


Leeteuk smiled, “Rather boring and bland, until you brought Mimi here.”


I blushed slightly, happy that I could make his day better. MinJi poked my cheek when she noticed the redness that crept into them. I slapped her hand away and hid my cheeks behind my hands.


“Aww, that’s so cute. Oppa, you made her blush!” MinJi said excitedly.


 ‘I swear I’m going to kill this girl one day!’ I thought as I glared at her. 


She coughed slightly and then clapped her hands, “Well, on another note. We’re finally preparing for our debut."


Then I just focused on eating as MinJi and Leeteuk carried on their own conversation. I noticed him glancing at me every few seconds and I would smile, assuring him that I was fine. He would smile back and then MinJi would giggle like a kid. After 15 minutes of their conversation Leeteuk got a call.


“Yobosaeyo?” he answered, “Oh, sorry. I was showing a new trainee around and lost track of time. I’ll be there in a minute,” a second of the others response, “Yeah, thanks Heechul.”


He hung up and then stood, “Sorry girls, but I have to go. Heechul’s covered for me for as long as he can and if I don’t get back Kyuhyun will come looking for me.”


MinJi’s ears perked up at the mention of her Super Junior bias, “In that case, stay for a few more minutes.”


Leeteuk laughed, “You don’t want that. He may get on to you for keeping me.”


MinJi pouted, “But I love Kyuhyun. I really want to meet him. Oh, wait! No, never mind. If they find out you and Mimi are…you know…I don’t want them to know I’m her sister.”


I scoffed, “What! Am I not good enough to be your sister?”


She rolled her eyes at me, “It’s not that Unnie. It’s…complicated. I don’t want him to be nice to me because I’m the baby sister to his Hyung’s Girlfriend. I want him to like me, not think of me as a kid.”


 “Uh-huh. I’m sure that’s it." I crossed my arms and sat back in my seat, "And you are a kid by the way!”


Leeteuk laughed at our bickering, “I’m defiantly going to enjoy having you as a little sister MinJi.”


I smiled as he waved to us, walking backwards. MinJi was muttering to herself about not being a little kid as her group finally found her. With that they went back to practicing and I left to go to a coffee shop across the street.


I didn’t know anyone at SM. I decided my best option was to go work on the project I had to finish before next week and wait on MinJi to get done. I set myself up at a table and got to work. 


I was in my zone, working hard when my earbud was yanked out of my ear. I sighed in frustration as my flow was interrupted. I looked at my sister as she sat down across from me. 


"How's the project going?"


"I'm almost finished," I looked back at my computer and finished the last of my typing, "How was practice?"


"Pretty good. We got most of our choreography down now."


"That's great! Debut will be easy," I congratulated her as I saved my work and closed my laptop.


She smiled as we both stood up, "Yes. It's going to be a piece of cake."


"A piece of cake?"


"It a an english phrase that means it's going to be easy," Minji explained.


"Ahhh," I nodded as we exited the shop.


We walked to the car as we talked about Minji's debut. I was just as excited for her as she was for herself. We sang every song that came on the radio as we drove home.


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Heechul no need to throw a book and you could be a bit more supportive!!!
Hi I am a new reader to your story!!! I just want to say I may have just found it but I love it!!! I can't wait to see what happens on their date on Tuesday!!!! I hope they don't have to run for their lives from fan girls!!