
Leeteuk Shock

Mimi's POV

My father and brother walked to our table and I could feel my face getting red. Appa had his scolding face on and Minjo looked slightly pleased with himself. He knew I was going to get a scolding and was happy about it. 

"Hello Appa, Oppa," I said as my father stopped in front of me.

"Don't speak to me young lady, especially when you can't even come say hello to me. Instead I have to hear that you're here from your brother. Why didn't you come see me?" he asked sternly.

I looked down at my feet, not being able to come up with a response.

"I'm sorry sir, but I believe that may be my fault. She didn't want you to know that she was here with me. She thought it would create a big fuss," Leeteuk said bowing to my father.

My father stopped and looked at who I was with, "Why, Jung-Su! Hello boy, I didn't know you were here either. What brings my favorite customer to the shop tonight?" My father seemed to completely forget about me for the moment, not realizing I was here with his 'favorite' customer.

"Well sir, I'm on a date with your daughter."

"What? How do you know my Min-Mi?"

"I met her a few days ago when she came to one of our concerts. I was taken with her the moment our hands touched. I left a message in her autograph book and she called me earlier today. I asked her out and she said yes," Leeteuk explained with a happy look and gleam in his eyes, "We've had a good time so far sir."

I looked up at Leeteuk and smiled. It had been an amazing time and I was hoping this incident wouldn't be the end of me seeing him. I couldn't believe it, but I actually liked this boy greatly. All my years of being obsessed with Heechul had disappeared at some point, and I hadn't even noticed. I looked back at my father and noticed a smile on his face as he looked at me. 

I put the back of my hand to my face and could feel it burning, "What Appa?"

"Nothing Min-Mi. I have to get back to work. You kids have fun," he said turning to Leeteuk, "and you have her back before ten, ok?"

Leeteuk got up from his seat, "Yes sir, I will."

He bowed to my father. I got up and bowed to him as well. Then I straightened up and gave him a huge hug.

"Thank you. I love you Appa!" 

He waved a hand, dismissing my claim, and left. Leeteuk and I sat back down and continued eating and talking. About twenty minutes later Leeteuk looked at his watch.

"Well it's time to get you home. I don't want your father mad at me. I eat here a lot and he might poison me," I saw him smile as he joked.

I nodded in agreement, even though I didn't want to go yet, but knew that I had to get home. We walked back to the theater parking lot, quickly finding my car.

"Bye," sadness seeping into my voice as I opened my door.

He grabbed my hand and pulled me into a hug "Goodbye, I'll call you tomorrow."

I could feel that he was as reluctant to let me go as I was to go. I inhaled the scent of cinnamon as my cheek pressed against his chest.

All of a sudden we heard a yell, "Is that Leeteuk? Teukie!"

We both turned to see three girls headed our way. We had completely forgotten that he wasn't wearing his hat and glasses anymore. Having been unafraid of being caught in the restaurant, he had taken them off and left them in the seat next to him when we had left. 

"What do we do?" I asked before quickly changing tactic, "Never mind. Get in!"

He didn't ask any questions and ran to the passenger side of the car. As soon as we were both in I revved the engine. One of the girls gotten a few inches away from the passenger side door about the time I pulled away from the theater parking lot. 

We drove in silence as I weaved in and out of traffic. I headed down a few side streets just to be sure we had lost the fangirls. Once I was positive we weren't being followed, I turned down a street that would take us to his dorm.

"So I guess I'll take you home," I said smiling.

Teukie looked at me and smiled back, "I guess so."

Too soon, I pulled the car up to the curb a few feet from the dorms and turned in my seat to look at him, "I had a great time, even though you almost got caught by those fangirls.

"Yeah, I can't wait to see who they say I was with," his grin got larger and he shrugged, "There probably won't be anything big about it yet. We'll definitely have to be more careful Tuesday." 

He opened the car door and got out. I leaned across his seat to get a better look at him as he stood with a hand on the open door. The predetermined date had caught me slightly off guard.

"Wait, Tuesday? You mean we're going back out?" he turned and looked back at me as I spoke.

"Of course, if you want to," he nodded, still grinning, and I couldn't help but smile back.

"Of course," I mimicked him, "I can't wait."

"I'll call you with the details tomorrow okay," he winked at me conspirately.

This time I nodded, my smile growing bigger. He waved goodbye and I watched as he made his way into the building. Once I was certain of his safety, I pulled away from the curb and drove home. I was going to be up all night talking to Minji about what had happened.


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Heechul no need to throw a book and you could be a bit more supportive!!!
Hi I am a new reader to your story!!! I just want to say I may have just found it but I love it!!! I can't wait to see what happens on their date on Tuesday!!!! I hope they don't have to run for their lives from fan girls!!