All's well that ends well, Right?

Leeteuk Shock

Leeteuk’s Pov


I walked into my dorm after saying bye to Mimi and headed to the room I shared with Heechul. He was lying on his bed when I walked in, looking up from his book to nod to me.


“How did it go?” he went back to his book.


“It was great. We watched a movie, went to my favorite restaurant that her father owns, and almost got caught by some fangirls,” I smiled. 


“Sounds fun. So, when are you going to see her again? It was tiresome to cover for you tonight. When are you going to tell the others about it?” he rambled, sitting his book down and taking an earphone out. 


I sighed and laid in my bed, “I don’t know when I’m going to tell the other guys, but I plan to see her this Tuesday,” I put an arm over my eyes and rolled over on my side. 


I thought back to Mimi’s excited smile when I told her I’d see her Tuesday. ‘She’s so cute when she smiles. Where should I take her Tuesday? Somewhere that we won’t get bombarded by fans?’


“Oww,” I exclaimed as something hit me in the back and interrupted my train of thought. I sat up and looked behind me. Heechul’s book was lying on the floor next to my bed, “Dude why’d you do that?”


“What were you thinking about? I called your name twice and you didn’t answer, so I threw my book. Thought it would get your attention,” Heechul said smirking.


“I was thinking of where to take Mimi, if you must know. What do you want?” I asked slightly annoyed with being hit by a book, which I bent over to pick up. I glanced at the title, Midnight’s Tale, and held it up, “And what is this?”


Heechul looked at me for a moment and then shook his head, “Poor, Poor Teukie. First, that is a Manhwa about a Gumiho fighting rogue spirits. Second, there really isn’t anywhere you can take her that you won’t be spotted at eventually. Third, I was going to ask you to turn out the light.” 


I glared at him for a minute before getting up and turning the lights out, “You and your damn fairytale manhwa,” I mumbled on my way back to bed.


“I’m not the one living a fairytale though. Your girl is.”


“Oh shut up and go to sleep, Mr. Cinderella.” I heard Heechul chuckle and I couldn’t help but smile. 


He was right about not having anywhere to take Mimi and how she probably felt like she was in a fairytale. Hell, I felt like I was in a fairytale meeting someone like her. I just hoped that this fairytale wouldn’t end in heartache and tears, like some of those dramas depicted. I sighed and drifted to sleep thinking about the girl that shocked me into trying to live my own fairytale.


Minmi's POV


When I walked through the door of my house, Minji pounced, "How was it? Where all did you go? Was he nice?" 


"Slow down. Let me get changed. Grab us some colas and we will talk in my room," I laid a hand on her shoulder to calm her, "now where's Umma?"


"She's in the kitchen," Minji said as she followed me. 


Umma was sitting at the table. She had her glasses on, papers in three stacks in front of her.


"Are you grading papers, Umma?" I sat down across from her.


Minji grabbed the colas out of the frig and joined us at the table.


"Yes dear. How was your date?"


"It was good. We went to eat after the movie. We ended up at Minwoo's. We were both surprised that the other knew of the place," I told her.


“Really?” she said looking up, “So what is this boy’s name. Your sister wouldn’t tell me.” Umma glanced at Min-Ji, who shrugged her shoulders and shook her head. It was her way of saying ‘Don’t ask me, it’s not my place to tell’.


“Well, his name is Lee Jun-Su. You may know him as Leeteuk,” I cringed a bit as I spoke.


“Isn’t that one of the boys from that group you and Min-Ji like so much?”


“The group is Super Junior, Omeoni, and yes he is,” Min-Ji said.


“Is he the one you were always obsessing about?” Umma asked.


I shook my head. 


“Nope, it’s the leader. Hey, maybe you can set me up with Kyu if you and Teukie get serious,” Minji glanced at me with hopeful eyes.


“Maybe, but won’t they be your label mates soon? I think you could do it yourself,” I assured her.


“Ah, your no fun Mimi,” Min-Ji fake pouted.


I turned back to Umma, “Heechul is the one I used to obsess about, but after tonight…..I don’t know. I really like Leeteuk. We’re going out again Tuesday.”


“Really!” Min-Ji squealed.


All Umma said was, “You better ask your Abeoji.” 


At that time we heard the front door open. Appa walked into the kitchen, followed by Minjo, Songhwa, and their children.


“Ask me what?” Appa asked, catching the end of our conversation.


“If I can go out with Jungsu Tuesday?” I pleaded.


He tapped his chin, thinking, “I suppose so. Just let me know where you will be going.”


I let out a squeal and nodded, “Yes Sir. I’ll let you know when he calls and we set it up. Thank you Appa.”


He smiled and patted my shoulder as I gave him a hug. 


“Who is Jung-Su?” My niece asked coming up to hug me, her little brother on her heels.


“Well HyunJae, he is a friend of MinMi’s.” SongHwa explained.


“Who would have ever thought my little sister would catch the eye of a celebrity, much less a member of SuJu,” Minjo laughed. 


I rolled my eyes at him and turned toward MinJi, who was holding HyunKi, “Come to Aunt Mimi, baby Ki.” MinJi switched HyunKi over to me. I felt a tug on my shirt and turned around.


“Aunt Mimi, are you coming to my 8th birthday?” HyunJae asked.


“Of course my cheonsa,” I told her, “Do you wanna come watch T.V. with me, MinJi, and baby Ki?” 


She nodded and we headed to the living room. After an hour of watching cartoons MinJo, SongHwa, and the kids left. MinJi had fallen asleep on the couch and I had to shake her awake so we could go to our room.


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Heechul no need to throw a book and you could be a bit more supportive!!!
Hi I am a new reader to your story!!! I just want to say I may have just found it but I love it!!! I can't wait to see what happens on their date on Tuesday!!!! I hope they don't have to run for their lives from fan girls!!