Here Comes Trouble

Leeteuk Shock

Minmi's POV


I arrived at the theater at seven ten, Minji having got out of the car and scrammed in a different direction. I didn't notice Leeteuk at first because he was wearing a hat and glasses. He smiled as he came walking up. I would recognize that smile anywhere.


"Hey," I said looking down shyly.


"Hey," he said holding out his hand, "We weren't officially introduced. I'm Park Jung-Su. Most people call me Leeteuk or Teukie."


"I'm Lee Min-Mi, but you can call me Mimi," I said smiling and taking his hand. The shock ran through me as our hands touched, "I...I'm sorry for being late. My sister was fussing over not being allowed to come." 


Teukie smiled and nodded, finally breaking the contact of our skin.


"So what are we going to see?" I asked.




"Really? I've been dying to see that!" I said excited and nervous at the same time. I couldn't believe this guy had picked this movie.


"Well, it was the newest thing playing," he said shyly. 


I smiled at him as we walked into the theater. I liked that he was honest. We found our seats and sat through the hour and forty two minute long movie totally engrossed.


"So what now?" he asked as we headed outside.


"I don't have to be home for a while. We can do whatever," I told him.


"Ok, well let's go eat. I'm sure you haven't had dinner yet either," he said grabbing my hand and leading me away.


"Where are we going Oppa?" I asked, the shocks running up my arm and coursing through my body. What the hell did these things mean? Was I the only one affected because Teukie didn't seem to be. If he was then why did he keep grabbing my hand? I noticed that while asking myself these questions the shocks became less strange and more pleasant. I didn't understand what was happening but I decided that moment to just 'go with the flow' as Min-Ji would have told me to do if she were here.


"To this nice bulgogi shop that I know of," he said.


"Okay," I replied following as he held my hand. We went to blocks from the movie place and stopped in front of a shop I knew all too well, "You know this place?"


"Yeah, I've been coming here for years. It's my favorite restaurant. I even know the owner personally. Why?"


"Because I know the owner personally too! He's my father," I told him. We looked at each other for a minute before he started grinning. We both were laughing as he opened the door and we went inside.


"Mimi," the waitress cried when she walked up to our table.


"Hey Songhwa. How have you been?" I asked.


"Good. Your brother's being a pain as usual," Songhwa said, "So what brings you to the shop?"


"Uhh..." I couldn't tell my sister-in-law that I was here on a date with THE Park Jungsu, could I?


"Hello Noona," Teukie said before I could decide what to tell her.


"Jungsu, what are you doing here? You don't usually come in on Fridays. Wait a minute," Songhwa said as she came to a realization, "are you two on a date?"


"Yes," Teukie said as I came out with, "Please Unnie! Don't tell Appa or Minjo!"


"Why not? They love Jungsu. He's been a loyal customer for years. I think Appa would be over joyed by this and Minjo would find it funny. Plus your father is going to be mad when he finds out you came here but didn't come see him," she said to me.


"Unnie," I whined, "Please?"


"Fine. I won't tell your father anything, but you know he is going to find out somehow," Songhwa warned me.


"Thank you! You're the  best unnie ever Songhwa," I hugged her quickly before I sat back down. Teukie laughed at my begging before he also sat down.


"The usual for you both," Songhwa asked, all business like.


"Yes, thank you," Teukie said as I nodded. Songhwa left with our order and we were alone again.


"So, why don't you want your father to know we are on a date?" he asked me.


I looked down and sighed, "It's a first date and he might embarrass me. Not on purpose of course, but it's just who he is."


He grabbed my hand and I looked up at him, "It wouldn't matter. I like you Mimi, and even if he does embarrass you I won't run away."


"Well if he doesn't embarrass me, you might," I mumbled looking away.


"How so?" he asked, catching my words.


"If you say something like that to him, or to me in front of him, I would die!"


"Your father is a great man Minmi. If I said it to you and he heard he would pretend he didn't. I'm not dumb enough to say it while he is around anyway," I looked up to see Leeteuk grinning as he said the last part.


I couldn't help but smile as well.


"What are you two grinning about?" Songhwa asked as she set our food down.


"Nothing Unnie," I said looking at her.


"Well, you two have fun, and be on the watch out. We're short on waiters so your brother's helping out." Songhwa said grinning.


"Kay, thanks for the heads up," I said sighing as Songhwa walked away.


As we ate, I forgot about the threat of my brother seeing us. Teukie kept me entertained with stories of Super Junior life and of his childhood. I told him of how Minji came to be a part of our family and how she was training. I was so engrossed in one of his stories that I nearly jumped out of my chair when I heard someone yell, "LEE MINMI!"


I cringed and slowly turned around in my chair. My father, Lee Miseung, and my brother, Lee Minjo, were standing at the kitchen door. 'What am I in for now?' I wondered to myself.


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Heechul no need to throw a book and you could be a bit more supportive!!!
Hi I am a new reader to your story!!! I just want to say I may have just found it but I love it!!! I can't wait to see what happens on their date on Tuesday!!!! I hope they don't have to run for their lives from fan girls!!