Tingle Tingle

Leeteuk Shock

3rd POV


"The last one," the promoter told the boys as he showed a beautiful girl in. 


The girl started down the table getting all the members' autographs. Lastly she came to Leeteuk and handed him the book with a shy smile on her lips. She flipped to the back and as Leeteuk took the book, he felt a shock go through him. 


Taking longer than he should have to look at the girl, he noticed as she flinched and quickly let go of the book. He saw that her brown hair was tucked neatly behind her ears, a blue ribbon keeping everything in place. Her eyes were downcast now and her smile was no longer present.


Leeteuk could feel his heart hammering inside his chest. Her absent smile made him sad, for a reason he didn't quite understand. That shyness leaving an imprint in his mind.


Slowly looking away from her and down to the book, he wrote down his real name and phone number. Under that he wrote, 'Call me sometime :)' and closed it, handing it back to her. She carefully took the book, being sure not to touch him in anyway. Bowing in thanks, she quickly walked away.


Minmi's POV


Two days ago I had come home thinking about that shock that had ran through me at Leeteuk's touch. Two days had passed and I still got the jitters thinking about it. I hadn't even touched my autograph book, leaving it on my desk where I had sat it down at. Here I was sitting on my bed starring at it when there was a knock on my door.


"Come in," I called. 


The door opened and my little sister, Minji, waltzed in. I jumped up, book forgotten, and wrapped her in a huge hug. It felt like ages since I had last seen her.


"Mimi, your squishing me," she gasped.


"Sorry Minji. It's just I've missed you so much," I gave her one last squeeze before letting her go. 


Minji wasn't my real sister. She was from America and my family had sort of adopted her when she came to Korea three years ago. She doesn't look a bit asian...because she's not...and people still give me strange looks when I introduce her as my sister.


"How's the training?" I asked her, sitting back on my bed.


Minji was a trainee for SM Entertainment. She was going to be a vocalist in a new girl group they had been preparing, so she had been away for the last year or so. It was hard being away from her for such a long period of time since she was also my best friend. I actually didn't have many friends as it was. 


"Its good. We debut in a couple months," she smiled as she sat at my desk and picked up my autograph book, "How was the SuJu concert? Did Kyuhyun look as good in person as he always does on camera?" 


I smiled. Kyuhyun was Minji's favorite memeber of Super Junior and mine was Heechul. That is until the other day. I shivered as I answered her.


"It was good. Actually it was great. And yes, all the guys were super hot in person."


"And did you make a move on Heechul?" she grinned as she flipped through the book.


I gave a fake laugh, "No, I was to nervous. Plus...something strange happened...when I handed my book to Teukie. Our hands touched and it was like an electrical shock or something went through me."


"Really now," Minji smirked mischeivously.


"What?" I asked. 


She didn't respond and just handed me my autograph book. I looked down at the page. It was the page that Leetuek had signed and I saw 'Park Jungsu' written with a number under it.


"I guess he felt it too," she said, shoving my phone in my face.


Leeteuk's POV


"Teukie, what's wrong with you?" Heechul asked me after practice, "It's not like you to screw up so much. Where's your head at?"


I looked at him and sighed, "It's that girl. I can't stop thing about her. I've dreamt about her for the past two days. How her voice sounds, her lips feel, everything. It's driving me crazy." 


I plopped down on the couch as he asked, "She still hasn't called?"


I shook my head, "No! I don't even know her name, much less anything about her." 


Just then my phone began ringing. Heechul looked at me, a smirk plastered on his face. I glared at him as I answered.


"Hello?" the melodious voice sent chills through me.


"You called!"


"Yeah, I didn't see your note till this morning and I've been trying to get the courage to call."


"Well I'm glad you did," I nervously started off before deciding to do something stupid, "Umm....what are you doing later tonight?"


"Nothing. Why?"


"I...was...umm...wondering if...you wanted to go see a movie with me?" I finally got out. 


There was a pause and I was afraid she would say no. My heart gave a flutter in disappointment. I knew I liked this girl, even if I didn't know her.


"Sure," her reply was hesitant. 


The answer brought a smile to my face anyway, "Ok. Meet me at the theater later tonight. If that's ok with you?"


"Yeah," she laughed, "How about around seven?"


"That works for me," I said.


"Ok. See you later then. Bye."


"Bye, see you then," I said and she hung up.


"Teukie, you forgot one important detail," Heechul still had that smirk on his face.


"What?" I asked confused.


"Her name!" Heechul stated, laughing. 


He got up and walked away. I could feel my face pull into a frown. How could I forget to ask something like that? Oh well, at least I remembered what she looked like and wouldn't be looking around not knowing who I was looking for. I was really nervous but excited too. But what kind of clothes did you wear on a date when you had to be in disguise?


A/N: I'm rewriting this story, so happy new years everyone. I'm going to finish it this year....pinky promise guise!!!! I'M BACK BABY!!!!

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Heechul no need to throw a book and you could be a bit more supportive!!!
Hi I am a new reader to your story!!! I just want to say I may have just found it but I love it!!! I can't wait to see what happens on their date on Tuesday!!!! I hope they don't have to run for their lives from fan girls!!