Can You Sneak Out?

Leeteuk Shock


Mimi’s POV

I was awoken to my body being shaken as the morning light danced on my face. I opened my eyes to see MinJi sitting on her hands and knees. She was bouncing up and down on the edge of my bed.

“What?” I asked groggily.

“Wanna take me to the office? I have to meet our manager for something and then I’m going to steal one of the practice rooms. Oh, and you can meet the other girls,” she grinned and then gave me a pinch on the cheek, “and maybe even Oppa.”

“I don’t think they will allow me in,” I stated sitting up. 

There was no use in trying to go back to sleep until this child left.

“Ahh…come on Unnie. I’m sure they will. It’s not like I don’t technically work there,” she pouted.

“MinJi-ah, I want to go back to sleep. Leeteuk has a schedule today. I doubt he is at the office,” I said thumping her in the forehead.

She scowled at me and crossed her arms. I rolled my eyes, knowing that she wasn’t going to leave until I agreed. Honestly, I would love the chance to see Leeteuk. He had been so busy since our date that I had barely had time to even talk to him the last few weeks. With that in mind I agreed.

“Fine. Let me get dressed,” I replied.

She smiled brightly and nodded, bouncing her way to the door. I got up and took a shower, debating on what to wear. I should have known there wasn’t a good reason to debate when MinJi was around. She already had an outfit picked out by the time I got back to my room.

An hour later I found myself was waiting outside the meeting room for MinJi. As she had predicted, I was allowed in. I don’t really know why, but it surprised me none the less. The other members of MinJi’s group had already arrived for the meeting, so she promised to introduce me after. I had just texted Leeteuk when the girls exited the room beside me.

Three girls came out before MinJi and two more after her.

“Girls, this is my sister Mimi. Mimi, these are my friends. This is YoonHee Unnie, she studied in America for a while and is our leader,” MinJi gestured to a brunette to her right.

I bowed to the girl, “Hello.”

“Hello Unnie. We’ve heard so much about you,” she said smiling and bowing as well.

MinJi gestured to one of the blondes, who was to her right, “This is YuSun. She’s the Maknae.”

I bowed and greeted her as well. She had a shy smile and a cute, innocent look.

“Next is HeeYoung Unnie,” MinJi introduced me to the other blonde on her left.

Another bow and greeting.

“This is MinLi Unnie,” MinJi gestured to another brunette on her right and threw her arm around the brunette to her left, “and this is my Twin. ChangMi and I were born on the same day and year. We’re only 3 hours apart.”

I bowed to them both. ChangMi laughed and, after bowing, gave me a hug. It surprised me at first, but I hugged the girl back.

“On to a practice room, girls,” YoonHee called, shuffling the girls along.

I stood there for a minute before she turned to me, “Are you joining us Unnie?”

I nodded and followed after the group. We found a room for them to practice in and they got started. A few minutes later my phone vibrated. I glanced down hopefully and smiled. It was from Teukie.

From: JungSu
Hey, what are you doing? Sorry I’ve been so busy.

To: JungSu
It’s fine. You have to work :). I’m hanging out with MinJi and her group while they practice. I’m actually wondering if you’re at the office.

From: JungSu
Yeah. We’re practicing as well. 

From: Jungsu
Wait, are you here?

To: JungSu
:) Yes. I gave MinJi a ride and she wanted me to come in to meet the memebers. I was surprised they actually let me in.

From: JungSu
Well if you’re here then can you sneak out to see me?

To: JungSu
Can you? I don’t want you to get in trouble.

From: JungSu
Don’t worry about it. We're taking a break. What room are you in?

To: JungSu
Room 365.

From: JungSu
That’s right down the hall from us. :) Meet me outside?

To: JungSu
:D Sure!

I looked around before getting up. I caught my sister’s gaze, giving her a nod and wave. She smiled, giving me a thumbs up, and I left them to their routine. I looked around to see if I could spot Leeteuk, but didn't see him. So I decided to walk down the hall to my left a bit. Suddenly there were hands over my face. I jumped, startled, and spun around to find Leeteuk bent over laughing.

“I’m…sorry. I…didn’t mean…to scare you,” he got out between laughs.

I glared at him and pouted, crossing my arms. I turned around and started walking off.  I didn’t think it was funny. I didn’t know this place or the people here, how was I supposed to know someone wasn’t trying to kidnap me or something.

“Mimi, come on. I really didn’t think you would get scared,” he pleaded as he caught up with me.

“It wasn’t funny Teukie,” I pouted.

He stepped in front of me and glanced around. When he was sure no one was around he landed a kiss on my cheek. I knew I was blushing, but ignored it.

“Will you forgive me?” he pouted.

I tapped a finger to my chin, letting him hang for a moment, before smiling, “Since you did apologize in a very apologetic way, yes.”

He smiled and winked at me, “Wanna go to the cafeteria?”

“Are you sure it’ll be ok?” I was suddenly nervous about being with him and not MinJi.

“Sure. We can pretend we just met and you’re waiting on your sister,” he replied.

I nodded, taking out my phone as we started walking again.

“Who are you texting?”

“MinJi, so she can meet me in the café when they take a break."

“Ahh, so we can keep up the pretense of our story. Good idea,” he smiled and tapped my nose.

I wrinkled my face and smiled. We continued our journey as we got to the first floor and Leeteuk began his special tour. 

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Heechul no need to throw a book and you could be a bit more supportive!!!
Hi I am a new reader to your story!!! I just want to say I may have just found it but I love it!!! I can't wait to see what happens on their date on Tuesday!!!! I hope they don't have to run for their lives from fan girls!!