The Secret Spot

Leeteuk Shock


Leeteuk’s POV

I arrived at the park and was surprised I had never noticed this place, it was only a block from the dorm. As I entered I saw lights hung up around a table. You couldn’t see them from the outside because the shrubbery was so tall, which meant no one would be attracted by them.

The next thing at the table to catch my attention was the brunette in a lavender dress that stopped just before her knees. Mimi was gorgeous. Next I saw a pink haired girl standing beside her. She was in a white blouse paired with a simple black skirt and heels, nodding to whatever Mimi was saying. I was startled as a black haired girl wearing an outfit similar to the pink haired girl’s came up beside me.

She grinned at me as she bowed, “I’m MinJi. This way please, Mr. Lee.”

I grinned back and followed her to the table. I was seated opposite Mimi, who smiled shyly at me.

“Hi,” I felt myself grin like a fool.

“Hi,” she replied as a small pan was sat in front of us.

“Here we have a classic American dish called Pizza. None of your Korean craziness included. Please enjoy this dish personally created by your chef,” the girl with black hair, MinJi if I remembered correctly, said gesturing to herself when she mentioned ‘your chef’.

Mimi immediately grabbed a piece, “This is delicious. You have to try it. My sister is a genius at cooking!”

“If you say so,” I replied, carefully taking a slice.

I took a bite and was amazed. It was just as delicious as Mimi had said. The crust was thin, but soft, and the cheese blended well with the sauce. 

I looked at MinJi with wide eyes, “You made this?”

She nodded vigorously.

“It’s amazing. Wow,” I quickly took another bite.

She bowed, her and the pink haired girl leaving quietly.

“How did she keep it warm?” I asked Mimi.

“I haven’t the slightest clue. Like I said, the girl is a genius. She can sing, dance, rap, and she cooks like a professional. She is amazing,” Mimi rained praises on the girl.

“And that’s your sister? She doesn’t look anything like you,” I questioned.

Mimi smiled, “She’s fully American. We adopted her a few years ago.”

I nodded, asking my next question about the curious girl, “So you said she can sing, dance, and rap?”

“Yeah. She’s actually supposed to debut soon. SM knew what they were doing when they picked her,” Mimi laughed at my reaction.

After hearing that she was an SM trainee I choked a bit on my food. I took a sip of the coke in front of me. I had never seen her around the SM building before and the only new group to debut was a boy group called EXO. They weren’t even debuting until sometime around April or May. It was only the beginning of February now.

“I’m guessing you’ve never seen nor heard of her, huh?” Mimi asked me.

“No,” I said shaking my head, “So how soon is soon?”

“They will debut on MinJi’s birthday in March. I think they will be releasing something on them later this month though. She’s only home for a few weeks,” Mimi looked happy and sad, all at the same time.

“Wow, that’s amazing. How come I’ve never seen her? What's her group name? Or is she a solo artist?” I asked, my head spinning that I hadn’t known of this.

“She's in a group. There's 5 of them and you’ve never seen her because her group was trained in isolation. Something about wanting them away from this or that, I don’t quite remember,” she told me.

I nodded as I reached for another slice of the delicious creation only to realize it was gone. Then the pink haired girl came and took the pan and cokes away as MinJi arrived.

“And for dessert, we have a chocolate bowl filled with Patbingsu. Enjoy guys,” she sat a plate in front of us.

She handed us each a spoon, but there was only one bowl. I looked at Mimi then at MinJi. MinJi sighed.

“You have to share it. It’s romantic!” she stated, “Now, Yooyun and I are going to be at the store around the corner. Mimi, please meet us there when you are finished. Everything is packed so just put the plate and spoons in the bag and bring it with you. Bye!”

MinJi and who I now knew was Yooyun waved as they left the park, affectively leaving me and Mimi alone. We talked as we ate the dessert. We talked about Mimi’s family and my own family. About crazy antics our siblings put us through and how our parents were. I loved talking to her and learning more about her. It may have been too soon to say this, but I was falling in love with Lee Minmi.

We became closer as we talked about our dreams. She wanted to become an actress and was even studying at University for it. I thought about how great it would be to have her under the SM label. I was there and, apparently, so was her sister. I felt like between us two, we could get her there.

I looked at my watch and stood up, “I’ll walk you to the store.”

I grabbed her hand as she nodded. I was glad I had worn a cap on my way over here, it was going to come in handy on the way to the store and back to the dorm.

“Have you ever auditioned for SM?” I asked her as we left the park.  

She shook her head, “No, I’m not that talented yet.”

“Have you ever done plays?” I wanted to know.

“Oh, yes. I’ve done them ever since I was in elementary school. I love doing them,” she replied smiling at me.

“How many times have you been the lead?” I really wanted to know the extent of her talent.

“A few, though I never audition for those types of roles. There are more talented people for it,” she turned her head slightly, trying to hide a blush.

I loved the fact that she was so modest. If she had gotten lead roles when she had tried out for a smaller part, it meant she had a good amount of talent.

“Tell you what, SM is holding auditions in May. Why don’t you try out?” I explained the idea I'd had.

“I don’t think I could,” her blush turning a deep red.

“Just once? For Me?” I begged as we reached the store.

I saw MinJi and YooYun standing outside, waiting on her. I didn’t let her hand go. I wouldn’t until she agreed!

She smiled at me, “Okay, but only if you help me prepare.”

I nodded happily, “Of course. I’m sure your sister and friend will too.”

“Will what?” MinJi whispered coming up behind us.

“Prepare Mimi for the SM audition in May,” I whispered back.

MinJi squealed before YooYun could clamp a hand over . They both nodded, MinJi with YooYun’s hand still over . Mimi smiled at us and nodded.

“Good! Be determined. I’m sure you are more talented then you feel. I have to get back now. I’ll call you later,” I said as I kissed her cheek.

She waved as I walked backwards to the other side of the street. I could still see a tint of red on her cheeks as I turned around and headed home.

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Heechul no need to throw a book and you could be a bit more supportive!!!
Hi I am a new reader to your story!!! I just want to say I may have just found it but I love it!!! I can't wait to see what happens on their date on Tuesday!!!! I hope they don't have to run for their lives from fan girls!!