Get Ready

Leeteuk Shock

Minmi's POV


Minji was rummaging through my closet as I hung up. I stared at her back for a few seconds as I wondered what she was doing. Was she looking for clothes for herself? She had a whole closet of her own down the hall. 


"What are you doing?" I finally gave up trying to reason out what she was up to.


"Well, you have a date tonight! I decided you should wear," she pulled out my favorite jeans and my pink off-the-shoulder shirt, turning to show me, "this! With your pink flats."


I smiled at her knowing it was a good choice, "Ok, I'll wear it. You know best right?"


"Neh Unnie, I do!" she smiled and I could tell she was just as happy to be home as I was to have her here.


"Minji, Minmi! Lunch is ready," Mother said, knocking lightly on my door.


"Neh Umma. We're coming," Minji and I laughed as we spoke simultaneously.


"So after lunch I say we do a spa thing. I'll give you a facial, do your nails, the whole nine yards," Minji said excitedly.


I just nodded, nervous about tonight, as we walked down the stairs into the kitchen. We talked about how I should do my hair and makeup as we ate. We agreed that I would go natural with the makeup and wear my hair down. Soon we had finished eating and we headed back upstairs.


Minji and I went into our shared bathroom and scrouged around for the perfect face mask and nail polish. I slapped a cucumber mask on and laid on my bed. Minji grabbed my hand and started painting my nails the sparkly pink color we had chosen.


"So what are you going to be seeing?" Minji asked as she finished off the last nail on one of my hands.


I sighed, "I'm not sure. I mean, what would an idol even go watch? Does Leeteuk like comedic movies? I honestly don't know enough about him to even begin to guess."


"I would bet he likes action movies. He is a dude after all. Now turn around so I can get your other hand, but becareful  of the wet polish on this hand," she tugged at the hand she still held.


I turned over like she had asked, sticking the unpainted hand in her direction. I thought about what she said as she began painting. I wouldn't mind an action movie or a comedy. As long as it wasn't a sappy romance movie, I thought I could handle anything he wanted to watch. 


"Done!" Minji announced as she gently laid my hand on the bed. 


"Great. By the time my nails are done drying, it should by time to take the face mask off," I tried not to smile under the mask.


"So," Minji began, "about this date?"


 "Yes?" I inquired, the sound of her voice making me curious.


"Can I come along?" excitement evident in her voice.




"Because I want to. I don't get out often Unnie," I could hear the pout in her voice.


"I don't know Minji. Wouldn't it be kind of awkward for us?" I tapped one of my nails against the other, testing to see if they had dried.


"No. I mean, maybe for you. But I promise you won't know I'm even there," Minji begged.


"How about I say no, but it's not like I can stop you from going to the movies," I got up now that my nails had fully dried and headed to the bathroom.


Minji followed me and stood in the doorway as I washed my face. I looked up into the mirror to see the crease and pouty lips that graced her face behind me. I sighed as I grabbed a towel to dry my face with, turning to her.


"Look, it's a first date Jiji," I told her, using her old nickname.


Her shoulders slumped, "Fine. I understand you don't want your baby sister tagging along and embarrassing you. But I still really want to come!"


"You can go to the movies if you want to," giving in I sideled past her and back to my room, "but you have to take the bus home and be scarce. I don't want to see you anywhere, okay?"


Minji perked up, still standing in the door of the bathroom, "Okay Unnie."


With that she was off to her own room to get dressed as I also got dressed. As I finished dressing I looked at my clock. It blinked 6:45. I quickly called for Minji as I rushed to the bathroom. She met me at the bathroom door as she came out of it.


"It's almost seven! I still haven't done my make-up or hair," I was almost in panic mode.


"Okay, calm down. Quickly do your hair and make-up. I still have to finish getting dressed and if it comes down to it, you can lay the blame on me," Minji laid a hand on my shoulder.


I nodded and took a deep breath. I went into the bathroom to do the last of my rotuine. It really didn't take that long and as I looked at my phone, it was only 6:50. I was going to be late regardless of how I proceeded now.


I walked downstairs with Minji right behind me. In our rush we headed to the door, but Minji stopped with her hand on the knob. She looked at me with wide eyes and nodded in the other direction. We had almost forgot to notify our mother of where we would be, like good daughters. We turned and headed back to the living room where she was at.


"Umma, we're going to the movies. We'll be back around ten. Tell Appa good night for us," I told her, kissing her on the cheek.


"Ok girls. Be careful and don't have to much fun," she said, a smile on her face. 


Minji gave her a kiss on the cheek also and we made it to my car finally. We pulled out of the driveway at 7:00 exactly.


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Heechul no need to throw a book and you could be a bit more supportive!!!
Hi I am a new reader to your story!!! I just want to say I may have just found it but I love it!!! I can't wait to see what happens on their date on Tuesday!!!! I hope they don't have to run for their lives from fan girls!!