Enter Bubble-gum Yooyun!

Leeteuk Shock

MinMi’s POV

I woke up excited. I couldn’t wait for Leeteuk to call me. I was going through my normal morning routine when I heard a knocking on the bathroom door, opening it to find a sleepy MinJi holding out my phone. I took it, thanking her. She turned away and gave me a thumbs up. I suppose she was headed back to my bed, which she had crawled into this morning at 3 because she'd had a nightmare. I glanced at my phone to see I had one new text message, opening it, I smiled.

From: Jungsu
Good morning. I can’t call you yet, but decided to let you know I was thinking of you. I’ll call you after we are done with our schedule.

Good morning to you as well. I’ve been thinking of you too. Do good at your schedule, I’ll be waiting for your call. 

I hugged the phone to my chest like a schoolgirl. I finished getting ready and headed to school. This was my last year of university and I couldn’t be late because I was daydreaming!

School went by rather quickly and I was proud that I was able to keep my mind focused on my classes. Well, all them except English that is. I’d gotten a text from MinJi before class had started.

From: Jiji
Was that Leeteuk this morning? What did he say? 

I replied, but wasn’t able to pay attention afterward. My mind kept straying to Leeteuk and when he would call. At the end of class YooYun, a friend of mine and MinJi's, walked over.

“Hey Mimi, what was with the goofy grin during class? You usually pay attention,” she commented. 

I shook my head, coming back to reality. I looked at YooYun as she twirled her bubble-gum pink hair around one finger. “Uhh…I was daydreaming,” I answered her sheepishly, “You didn’t by any chance actually pay attention today and take notes did you?” 

YooYun smiled and reached into her bag. She handed me several papers, “You should be glad that your sister is a native English speaker. How is she anyway?”

“She’s good. She’s back home for a few weeks before she debuts next month,” I replied stuffing her notes in my folder and getting up. 

“Yay! We should catch up sometiem soon. It seems like ages since I’ve seen her,” she replied, clapping excitedly as we left the classroom. 

“How about you come over now? I’m sure MinJi would be thrilled to see you,” I suggested.

“That’s perfect. I have nothing to do for the day anyway. Oh, and I can help you with what we learned today,” YooYun replied happily. 

I laughed, “Thanks. That would be great.” 

YooYun and I happily set off, heading to grab some smoothies for us and MinJi before heading to my house. We arrived to find MinJi sprawled out on the living room floor. 

“What are you doing?” I asked sitting the drinks on the coffee table. 

MinJi perked her head up and immediately grabbed one of the smoothies.

“I’ve been practicing. Just because I’m home doesn’t mean I can slack off,” MinJi replied between sips.

“Well, it’s time for a break. We have a lot to catch up on!” YooYun remarked as MinJi sat up. 

Yooyun took a sip of her smoothie as Minji nodded. YooYun sat down on the floor beside her and I joined them. They carried on a conversation about how MinJi had been doing, having heard it before I sipped on my drink quietly and took out my phone. I looked at the blank screen, wondering when Leeteuk was going to call.

Minji nudged me, “Waiting for Teukie to call?”

I held up a finger as my phone went off. MinJi squealed and I shot her a sharp glare. She stood up, pulling YooYun with her, no doubt to explain what was going on.

“Yobeosaeyo?” I grinned instantly when the voice on the other end replied.

“So, about Tuesday, there really aren’t many places I can take you were I won’t get noticed eventually. I was wondering if you had any ideas,” Leeteuk asked.

I pondered for a moment before answering, “Not really. I guess we would need a secluded area. Somewhere not many people go.”

MinJi popped up in front of me, “Welcome to Melodies! Enjoy the finest cuisine and music!”

“What was that?” Leeteuk questioned.

“My little sister,” I replied, attempting to shoo her away.

She just stood there, a hand on her hips, “Hello!? I’m offering you a secluded place. No one will be there but you two…except me and YooYun.”

I looked at my sister for a minute before agreeing, “Well, it looks like MinJi has a plan. Wanna give her a chance to help?”

“It sounds like an idea. Probably better then anything I've been able to come up with," I could hear the smile in his voice.

I relayed the agreement to MinJi, looking at her questioningly. She wore a huge grin that scared me a little bit.

“I know of a park down the road from his apartment. No one ever goes there. It’s pretty much abandoned,” she informed me.

“Then why do you know of it?” I asked.

“Well…it’s where I spent my first few days in Korea,” she looked sheepishly at the floor.

I knew her first week in Korea had been bad. Nothing had gone right for her. She had come here with nothing to her name. Being old enough to be on her own after her parents deaths a few months earlier, she had been left to her own fate. Her little sister, though, had went to their mother’s friend.

Their mother's friend couldn’t handle the two of them, so MinJi booked a plane ticket here using the money her parents had left her. The problem was, she didn’t know anything about Korea. I knew all of that, but I had never known she had slept in a park.

“Give me the phone and I’ll tell him where it’s out,” she said, a hand outstretched.

I gave her the device and she explained the plan to Leeteuk. She smiled, nodded, and handed me the phone back. Leeteuk and I exchanged our goodbyes and I hung up. As MinJi and YooYun spent their time planning the date, I couldn't keep up with their ideas. Instead I got ready for bed.

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Heechul no need to throw a book and you could be a bit more supportive!!!
Hi I am a new reader to your story!!! I just want to say I may have just found it but I love it!!! I can't wait to see what happens on their date on Tuesday!!!! I hope they don't have to run for their lives from fan girls!!