Chapter 8

Let Me See You (HIATUS)

"And in only one morning I was able to talk to Uncle Jonguk and the maid named Eunjung." Saehee excitedly told Minseok her success during their tutoring session. Minseok happily grinned at her good news; he was glad that she was working hard, but also because she was so excited to tell him about it.

Ever since the first time Minseok saw Saehee in the backyard, he couldn’t stop thinking about her. It started out as thinking she was beautiful, to simple curiosity, and now just plain wanting to be next to her. He found himself being anxious a few minutes before his piano lesson would end just because he wanted to see Saehee. He wanted to hear her soft, timid voice and see her gentle face expressions. He didn't know why he had so many strong feelings for her.




On a day without lessons Minseok invited his friends over that he met when he was released from the hospital. They warmly accepted him into their group of friends. When they went out to play sports, they put effort into including him in their activities—even if he was the cause of slowing them down. They always cheered him on and supported him to keep going. They were his precious friends.

One of Minseok's fondest memories with his friends was when he was fifteen:



 “Come on Baozi, come play ding dong ditch with us,” a doll-faced boy named Luhan pleaded Minseok. He gave him a longing gaze.

“Sorry, but I don’t want to play outside today,” Minseok replied. He refused to bring them down. He knew that that game required a lot of running, and knew that he wouldn’t be able to catch up with them.

“It’ll be fun.” A boy with dark circles under his eyes named Tao added. Minseok shook his head, no. “It’s okay, really it is.” Deep down he really wanted to join them.

“That’s it.” Another boy named Jongdae gave Minseok an annoyed look. He went behind Minseok and said, “Someone help me with this.”

Lay, a boy distinguished by a cute dimple, rushed to Jongdae’s side.

“One, two, three,” On three Lay and Jongdae pushed Minseok back until they were carrying him off the ground. The two boys each held on to each side of his body.

“Whoa!” Minseok yelped at them suddenly lifting him up. “What are you guys doing?!”

The last of the boys walked forward and flicked Minseok on the forehead. “Stupid, we know you want to come with us. Stop denying it.” The tallest boy named Kris scolded him. Minseok was defeated. They cheered as Lay and Jongdae continued to carry him down the street.

One by one, they took turns ringing a doorbell and waited if someone would come answer it before running. But they had no luck, and no one bothered to answer the door and chase them away.

“This isn’t as fun as I thought it would be.” Tao grumbled as he kicked a pebble to the side.

“Well, Minseok’s the only one who hasn’t gone yet, so if no one comes out we’ll call it a day.” Kris, being the so-called leader of the group, decided.

Minseok hesitantly made his way for the door. He pushed the door bell, then again, and another time. Tao mischievously snuck up to his side, and then rapidly pushed the button. “Tao stop!” Minseok slapped his hand away.

Loud thuds and grunting was heard from inside the house. “Damn you kids!” A middle-aged man with a beer belly swung his door open and glared at the six kids at his door step. Jongdae jokingly stuck his tongue out at the man. The rage was shown on the man’s face, as it practically looked like steam was coming out of his ears. “Uh-oh, let’s run,” Tao whispered. With that, the boys ran as fast as they could. The enraged man followed behind them, though not so fast, but he showed no signs of letting them off the hook.

Less than a minute had passed since they began running, but Minseok already felt his heart becoming heavy. He was slowing down and was coughing repeatedly. Soon, he slowed to a stop, and his eyes watered out of exhaustion and embarrassment for holding his friends back.

But to his surprise, they turned around to get him. Kris rushed to Minseok’s aid and bent down in front of him. Luhan helped Minseok climb onto Kris’ back. Once he was fully secure on Kris’ back, they made a dash for it when they heard the neighbor shouting curse words at them. Occasionally they would turn around and laugh at the man who was sweating buckets and looked as if he would pass out any minute.

Since that day, the group remained close, and shared many fun, precious memories together.




"You're obsessed with her." Jongdae jabbed his elbow into Minseok's side.

'Yah, I'm your hyung." Minseok put Jongdae into a head lock as punishment for his words.

"It's true though!" The childish Jongdae tried to pry out of Minseok's hold. Jongdae had caught Minseok randomly blushing when staring off into space.

“No it’s not!” Minseok wrestled Jongdae on the floor of his bedroom. The four others ignored their bickering and just carried on with their own business. Kris was sitting on the floor, sketching in his notebook. Luhan was listening to music on his iPod on Minseok’s desk. Tao was busy on his hand-held game system, making rage faces every time he died. And Lay was peacefully reading a book on Minseok’s bed with his body stretched out on the comfy surface.

“Stop denying it!” Jongdae managed to flip over Minseok and sit on his back.

"Okay, calm down you guys.” Kris finally stepped in to break the two apart. He pulled Jongdae off of Minseok’s back, and helped Minseok up. Kris hadn’t changed at all since their younger teen days. They all looked at him as the leader and most wise. He was always there to settle disputes.

"You like her, right?" A doll-faced male named Luhan asked in a cheery tone. He was sitting at Minseok's desk with his elbow on the surface and his chin resting in the palm of his hand.

"'I don't know. Do I?" Minseok stopped messing with Jongdae, and then slumped down onto his bed next to Lay.

"Well do you feel like hugging her and giving her kisses?" Tao, the panda-eyed maknae, asked. Tao left his hand-held game system to join in on the conversation.

"Uh, I..." Minseok became flustered at the thought of hugging and kissing Saehee. He wasn’t capable of lying to himself about never daydreaming about doing those things with her.

“Do you get anxious to see her?” Lay asked, also leaving the book he was reading.

“Maybe sometimes,” Minseok mumbled.

“Do you like a lot of things about her, but in the end you just like everything about her?” Luhan added onto the questions. Minseok didn’t answer, but it was true. Though he could list all the things he loved about her, he could still say that he liked everything. I like your this, your that, your everything, the piano piece he played for Saehee started playing in his mind.

“I think so,” Minseok finally answered.

"That explains it. You like her Hyung. Just admit it," Tao concluded with a smug look on his face.

“Fine!” He exploded with a flushed face, “I kind of like her.”

A/N: I was going to wait a little longer before updating but I just wanted to showcase my beautiful poster made by Euneirophrenia Artworks Shop as soon as possible!! <3

Hope you enjoyed this chapter; it was fun to write it :3

(updated: 12-14-13)

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Chapter 3: Oh minseok you can't just make her overcome her mental illness just like that *snaps* it takes a lot more
Omg please don't make minseok....well, you know, what happened to him in "gone". That would be awful...hopefully not
Chapter 16: Ohhh my gosh its been forever since i've read this. So glad you finally updated. I really loved how you ended it, it was just cute as. Well things are finally turning now so im interested in what will happen in her school life. That is, unless you decide to make her run away again.
Chapter 16: aww I love this chap :) she finally found a reason to go to school & had the courage. Thanks to Minseok! :D but well, the bunny part was quite creepy. Still glad, she finally too notice theres other that care about her :)
emibelle #5
Chapter 16: AAAAHHHHHHHHH!!!! PRAISE THE HEAVENS YOUR BACK!!! Im glad Saehee had the courage to go back!!!
wallflower_ #6
Chapter 15: Omg realllyyy love this story! :)
Chapter 15: omooooo everything is clicking into place isn't it? God i love how you end the chapters, always a cliffhanger sentence D:
saehee's character is love hate for me, at times i really love her attitude and all and at other times, i'm yeling at the laptop for her not to do/say this and that. i like it when a story makes me do that haha!
Chapter 14: Well, I'm finally done reading this. It's 4:18am now. Woot woot for no sleep. Joking, I am sleep deprived and need it urgently so after i finish posting your review at Brook, i will retreat back into hibernation...
I'm really, really, really, glad i reviewed this. it gave me a chance to read such a gorgeous Xiumin fic. It's hard to find those around here, with everything floating around everywhere >.>
I'd just like to let you know that even though your review is done, i will be keeping track of this.
Thank you for the read and don't forget to swing past Brook Horse to have a look at your review. It's been a pleasure ^.^
Chapter 13: MERRY CHRISTMAS! Yeah it's really late, haha. Oh god, i'm almost done with the current updates >.> I looooovveee the m gang so much, they are just sooo argh. I think I can sense where our Chensing is heading ;) ;)
Chapter 12: aww, that last part was just really cute. I'd thought you'd just make everything progress into the ' i love you' and 'i love you too' stage but I was wrong. Thank god for that, they still have a cute innocent relationship ^.^ I don't know, it really makes me happy to see the two of them acutally having a lot in common and i loved how you slowly revealed each one of these similarities as the story progresses.