✪ infatuation 18

When infatuation becomes love
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Kyuhyun hummed a happy tune, while uploading a self-shot of himself at the ski resort. He just had a great time skiing with his brand new board, and he was feeling really hyped up now because today is a special day; today is his day!

The singer grinned at the tweets his friends sent him, all wishing him happy birthday, making  him feel very loved. He scrolled lower, and saw hyukkie's tweet, "Kyuhyun-ah, happy birthday." with a youtube link promoting his own MV.

That cheeky monkey! Kyuhyun chuckled as he switched screen to Line Chat the dancer, "Yah! How could you use me to promote your own MV! ><"

Seconds later, hyukkie Lined back, "Kekekeke cos you love me~  ^^"

Huffing, kyuhyun replied, "Hmpf. Whatever."

"   ♥  " , the dancer immediately sent a heart to pacify his younger lover.
Obviously, kyuhyun bought that because he was now grinning from ear to ear. "Kyu!", one of his friends, J, waved him over to sit with them. As he bounced happily to his seat, J nudged him, "Boyfriend?" He nodded shyly, causing everyone to whistle and make howling noises. "Going for a date later?", J winked knowingly at the blushing boy. "I don't know-", the boy shrugged and added with a pout, "he didn't say anything." The guy sitting beside J, with spiky hair, snapped his fingers,"Ah-ha! That means he's planning a surprise!" "R-really?", the boy's big puppy eyes glimmered with hope upon seeing the others whoot and cheer for him.

Later on his way back home, kyuhyun couldn't help imagining all possible senarios- would hyukkie appear with a bouquet of roses to wish him happy birthday? or would the dancer bring him to some fancy restaurant for a candlelight dinner? what about the present? would the older manage to pickout something that he really likes?

Then the singer started to worry- what if he doesn't like it? He wouldn't want to hurt the older's feelings, but he wasn't very good at controlling his facial expressions, besides, everyone always told him he was easy to read like a book. what if he shows it unintentionally? Kyuhyun chewed on his nail worriedly.

Unknowingly, the singer had already arrived at their dorm. Kyuhyun took a deep breath, anticipating what would be waiting behind the door. He thought hopefully; maybe party streamers would pop in his face and then all his hyungs would rush to hug him? then maybe they would bring out a cake and sing him a happy birthday song? With his heart beating quickly, the maknae pushed the door open, and to his surprise, there were-

- no party streamers, no birthday cake and no hyungs rushing out to hug him. His face fell as he saw those hyungs who were supposed to embrace him warmly were all lazing around in the living room and worse still, hyukkie wasn't even there. Kyuhyun stomped forward childishly, "HYUNG~", he whined.

But not a single one of them batted an eyelid, as their eyeballs were all glued to the television. Not willing to accept that he, Cho Kyuhyun, the best-handsomest-smartest-awesomest-evilest-maknae-on-earth was being ignored, he squeezed in front of the TV and stamped his foot, "HYUNG~~", this time louder.

This time, he managed to get some attention, though not the ones he wanted. There were some tsks and someone muttered, "Aish! Don't block the TV." The singer swore he had never felt so neglected in his life before, he glowered at all of them somemore before storming towards his room and slamming the door shut.

Kyuhyun huffed and puffed angrily as he sat on his bed, staring at the opposite wall filled with hyukkie's posters. He whipped out his phone and punched in the numbers he had memorized by heart now. He listened to the dialing tone for quite a while before the other end of the line picked up.

"Hello?", hyukjae's voice came on the phone.

"Where are you?", the younger boy's voice sounded abit accusing.

"I'm outside now.", the dancer replied.

"When are you coming back?", kyuhyun couldn't help asking.

There was a long pause, before the hyukjae replied, "I'm sorry, kyu. I don't think I can come home today. I'm pulling an all-n

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leehyosonn #1
Chapter 40: Why did i lost this story in my subs list? And now i'm a few chapter late...
luv4gyu #2
I miss this so much so I re read it again
Chapter 40: OMG HAHAHAHAHA THE EVIL MAKNAE BEING SO BLUNT! Anyway.... glad Hyuk has been firm for once and let Kyu knows his feelings. I really love your story author-nim will wait for update! ^^
b-rosa #4
Chapter 6: voila voila sa me disez bien quelque chose c'est basser sur un manga que j'ai vue j'adore
Chapter 40: even this is unexpected but i'm happy that it turn like this.. :D
Riddlemeidle #6
Chapter 40: Oh the confession, I can't laughing poor Hyukie, haha. Thanks for the update, it's a great story, love it ! <3
jaezetta #7
Chapter 40: Poor hyuk...its hilarious kekkekee
Looking forward.thanks for the update
analee592 #8
Chapter 40: Woaahh i miss this story.. And i love the confession. There's more, right?
Chapter 40: Well now that seems to be settled with that outburst of love for Kyu !!!!!
Chapter 40: Didn't expect that.. but i'm hoping for a LONG great next chapter.. anyway kyu promised that hyukkie will not move out of the bed.. right? Hahaha...