No. 24

Pitch Black

In the begining of September , there comes the year's colourful season . Autumn . Either the forest nor  the city , amber , brown , red , golden  and yellow cozy surroundings would adorn your vision . Wether you like it or not , here it comes . Autumn . The sun rose up high in the sky , spreading it's sunshine to shone the daylight in the world . Okay . Maybe some part of the world is the opposite -,-.  The colour of the leaves would change even the texture . Everyone loves it . Maybe some dosen't . Meanwhile , on the other side . An early twenties guy , entering a hidden park which was really peace and silent . Only nature surrounded him , the sounds of birds singing , insects buzzing and many more . He indeed loves nature . It gives him peace and rest however , its not what you think . He's not here to keep his mind calm or whatsoever . He's here to visit his one and only love . Guess where ? The evening sunlight is hitting his fair skin , causing his features to stand out more . His dyed brown shimmering hair really blends the background . He owns a beautiful pairs of eyes , gloowing with his hearty feelings .He's beautiful .  Especially his smile . But who is he smiling to ? There's no one ..Not a single person . 

He continues his steps , carefully not to step onto other people's land towards the area he usualy went . Its the one there , the most unique among them . The guy still , with his beautiful smile on his face walking there , he's almost there - His eyes is now glued onto the tombstone which was craved neatly . Lee Jieun . Died when ? Its so weird that it wasn't list here . Well its okay . He kneeled down onto the ground , feeling the crispy leaves being crushed merciless by his weight . The genuine smile he created nearly fade away as he place the bouquet of flowers on the grave yet , he forced a smile so that she won't feel sad seeing her love tearing up . It is his third time coming over to visit her since September came . But , this guy never know the word 'boring' if his love is the case . His times when knowing that his love died is totally miserable . His smile lost to nowhere . He never laughs from that moment . All he knew is just shedding his tears and to be left alone . He only wants Jieun to visit him however , he knows that she had died . Slowly , his problems starts to vanish as he get back into his sense and accept the ugly truth that she's dead . But , you can't prohibit him from talking by himself . He even chats with bugs and the invicible Jieun . He may looks insane but he's really innocent and actually , nothing's wrong with his mind . Its just himself being him . Sort of .

And now , he's goind to start his chit-chat , again . Accompanied by the soothing breeze and the fresh air fills his lungs . The guy named Baekhyun would help her to clean the messy leaves shattered which covers her grave . He swipes all the crispy brown , golden and most of them are reddish and replaced with his bouquet of flowers . White and yellow lilies . Its her favourite Sehun said . Baekhyun felt quite guilty for not knowing his love's favourite stuffs . Like I said , white and yellow lilies is her favourite . Instead of using them , he bought an elegant bouquet of wildflowers . He just want to try something different . Hope she would like the colourful wildflowers . Baekhyun closed his eyes concentrating on his words . It need to be romantic !"JIeun-ah , guess what ? EXO will debut in a few months ! I can't wait and I'm extremely happy to hear that! But I'm sad as well when you can't see me debut . I miss you so much . So , what's going on over there? after life?" Chatting with his heartfelt tone As he closed his eyes while sweeping the remaining leaves and decorated her grave ,when suddenly he felt someone's presence in front of him . 

Baekhyun slowly opens his eye lids only to be given with shock . There is a person . With coat and boots .The simple attire for Autumn but something is weird with this person . He could confirm that Its a lady stood silently there once he saw a long hair of hers . They are just a few meters away . She must've popped out behind the huge shaddy tree infront . His lips is sealed neatly as he eyed on her . She dosen't feel like someone familiar but- Baekhyun's gaze was fixed on her feets to her hands which was left hanging and he got this some feels . How can ones could be so beautiful ? Seems similar to his lyrics he made a few years ago . And it was written to describe the most gorgeous girl in his life . Lee Jieun . But how come that she got a new rival ? Baekhyun was determined to mave his gaze but he was too scared if he would unexpectedly fall for this mysterious lady and forget about Jieun . Unfortunately , too late to warn him for the second time . His curiousity grew bigger and ended up having his heart to sink deeper and deeper but on the same time beating abnormally . His heart nearly popped out . His orbs enlarge as he saw the view infront of him. His eyes met with her alluring pair of orbs  . Is this a dream ? Someone more pretty than Jieun ? But in some ways they look exactly the same . 

Baekhyun just sit there and stared at the fair face of the girl . Her long brown silky hair falls down onto her shoulder while the soothing wind blew the string of hairs of hers . Her expression could be considered as blank and emotionless as she stared at the guy's face too . Her red plum kissable lips - This girl wouldn't be Jieun . Her orbs is all black and empty , thats Jieun . And this girl , her orbs is hazzle brown in colour yet , full of curoiusity . That's the difference between them . And this girl really captured his heart . Does Jieun have a twin sister ? Baecause they looked exactly the same . Except the eyes , its more lifely . Well , they stared at each other for soo long till' Baekhyun's heart kept saying that It's Jieun while his mind said its an illusion . Then , a small chuckle fills the silent .

" Oh Byun Baekhyun . You missed her too much alright . Her beautiful face . Aishh ... and now , you're hallucinating her . What a dumb . She's resting in peace and look ! her grave is just on your sight . " He cracked into a faint laugh as he continues to sweep the leaves away , trying his best not to hallucinate and result ? she's still there ! The look-alike Jieun is still there ! Only one choice . Baekhyun lift his hand up to be smaked on his cheeks . He kept slaping himself and onlt to be given a chuckle by the girl . His eyes widen to see her chuckle . Even her smile , its the same . His brows furrowed . " J-Jieun ? Is that you I'm not dreaming or hallucinating?"  And now , he starts to punch his face . Jeongmal . He's frighten . 

But then , the girl took a few steps forward and followed by the others . Where ? Walking pass Baekhyun who was just hitting himself . But before she could walk anymore further , he grabbed her wrist . The stared into each other's eyes . 

Jieun ? I-Is that you ? I'm not dreaming ..., right ?" He trembled as he looked into the girl's eyes . Its deep . But then , she smiled . Its beautiful than Jieun's .He had to admit that although they just look the same . 

" I'll wait until you would stop hitting yourself and realize you're not dreaming . If you need me , I'll be having a hot break in Sunrise Cafe, in the middle of the city ."

" Ah !And yes , My name is Lee Jieun . I did survive from my death . I have a crush onto someone but he never pay a visit in th Hospital . i've been waiting him for soo long yet , he never comes . Sad right ? And his name is Byun Baekhyun . He's gonna debut as one of EXO's member . " 

And that's a month ago 

" So , she's your girlfriend ? " The middle aged lady's first word as soon as she arrived there . The wind and the surrounding in Japan really is different from Seoul. Its much more colder here . And don't forget she loves it . She grabs her jacket and tighten it to give herself some more warmth . She smiled to the fierce lady infront before doing her intro . Actually she was nervous but thats BEFORE . Since now , her hand is squeezed by the guy beside her giving her some courage to face the mother of his . 

" Neh ,omonim . My name is Lee Jieun . Nice to meet you . Oh omonim! You look soo young as extremely beautiful in this dress ! Woah ~ you really have a sense in fashion these days ~ " Wow , she's throwing out her dirty tactics . But seems like it dosen't really worked on her . Instead , she was given a starnge stare from her 'mother-in-law' . even Baekhyun ,  he chuckled seeing his girlfriend's tactic isn't working smoothly . . Well , its not long when she suddenly smiled and hugged her . Eh?

" yes ! I know thanks for the compliment ! You know , this dress really is expensive and one of my limited edition collection ~ So dear , let's have some tea and I'll take you to a tour around japan ! I'm sure you would love it !" What is this ?the scary middle aged lady turns to a - bright one ? Jieun was suprised with the sudden change . She forced a smile then. But , someone protested .

" NO ! I will take her to a tour ! Only me and her ! She's my girlfriend afterall ! Oh and , Isn't she more beautiful than the Taeyeon ? huh ? omma?" Baekhyun held her tight and pulled her into a hug . INFRONT OF EVERYBODY . Jieun covers her face in embrassment . Aish .

" You're right . Oh and for your information , your engagement will be held in 3 months from now on " Its . So . Sudden . 

Baekhyun's father : What ?!

Baekhyun: What ?!

JIeun: What ?!

The world : What ?!

Baekhyun's mother : what?

Lol . Is that the happy ending you want ? kkk well , as you see its complete ! yay! Thanks for always reading this story ! I THANK YOU SO MUCH !!!! 

Guys , FYI , since Its really exciting writing stories , so I decided to make another one !!~~ Another fanfiction . So I'm here to inform you that I'll just be going to make TEASER later and please look forward it ! ~ 

I'm sorry if you don't like me writing another story and think me as annoying . I'm deeply sorry ! I just can't help it ! I just love to write . But there's one thing you should know . Since School starts soon , I don't think that I will update as active I usually do . Maybe twice a week . Sorry but school is important too and the main thing is my grades are falling dramatically and I nearly got a heartattack (LOL) after seeing my scores . ITS A DISASTER . I love wirting and I still want to improve my scores to please understand . ^^ 


COMMENT AND SUBSCRIBE - SQUISHMARSH      Oh and for the last time , thanks a lot for willing to read my story . GOMAWO ~~~ LUV U  SEE U AGAIN ON MY NEXT FANFIC ~ 






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Haeysoo #1
Chapter 24: Yeah happy ending ! Make more baekhyun and IU story please
LittLEpONNY #2
Chapter 24: i wish jieun with sehun...because sehun always there for her♥♥
Chapter 24: Happy ending~ cheers~
I love your fanfic authornim~~
Write a new one of exou pls, especially BaekU<3
Chapter 24: Yeahhh, Happy Ending ♥♥♥
Chapter 24: Jieun will end with baekhyun right? Good thing, update soon..
Chapter 23: Yey! Jieun is alive!!
Can't wait next chapter and BaekU moments<3 kkk
Update soon authornim!
Sehun_lisp #7
Chapter 23: Yes yes yes ! Jieun us aliveeeeee
Chapter 23: YES!!! SHE'S ALIVE!!!
Chapter 22: So sad :(
Update soon authornim