No. 20

Pitch Black

Jieun finally got home in the late evening after the long talk with EXO . They disscussed a lot alright . She slowly step into the cold and dark house of hers . SO SILENT . Of course when Maru is not living with  her anymore . I miss Maru ...Jieun sighed heavily as she walked straight up to her bedroom . If only Maru wasn't dead . yes . He's dead . Why and How ? Its been a long time ago though . After a few days missing , Jieun discovers Maru laying lifelessly under the snow . Its frozen and dead . Well , it took Sehun a week staying in her house to comfort and accompany her . She just cries non-stop . All day long . I don't know what would happen today . After the Baekhyun had a girlfriend issue , maybe her tears will dried up .   Same goes as today , barging into her room and quickly covers her self in the warm blanket of hers while staring at the pink shaded sky . She breathe heavily as she started to burst into tears thinking about him. What happened to you Baekhyun ? You're so different than the old one . It hurts seeing you like this .. What is wrong with you-? Do you still love me ? Are you missing me out there ?


" Jieun ! Will you miss me if I go ?" The guy suddenly popped right infront of her face . Jieun nearly suffer the heartattack if her new Ipad fell onto the ground . She bought that using her own money with her allowance from working part-time in a cafe . 

" Yah ! you nearly made your Queen to get a heartattack you idiot ! - Uh , what ? me ? miss you ?  NEVER . I bet my life would be in a peace if you leave . I would be really happy you're leaving ! BTW , you can't delay your flight ticket since you're leaving tomorrow " She lied . She will miss him a lot . You know , she just want to make the situation worser . 

" Sorry then , your majesty . .. - psh ! Fine if you won't miss me but For your information , I'll be missing the goddess face of yours . " There he goes again . Spilling his feelings without him realizing .     Jieun looked up to him , suprised with his words.. is he ...

"Baekhyun-sshi ...-"

" Jieun ,  don't call me that ! Why are you so formal ? Just call me Baekhyun ... that would do it " His mood suddenly went down . Especially when he told Jieun about his moving planning . he kept being sad afterwards .

" Baekhyun , d-do you have any feelings on me ? " She's asking this soo sudden . She even made Baekhyun to startled for a while before he softened . He set up a smile on his face . He stared at Jieun's face which was glimmering under the moonllight .

" yes . I lo-" 

" Hyung! What are you two doing here ? ALONE ?! tch . Well , your luggage is ready . so now , come here and help us to lift your stuffs " What a spoiler . She guessed that Sehun heard it and destroyed their moments . Oh Sehun , I sense jealousy . He immedietly grabbed Baekhyun's hand and lead him outside before he could even finish his words . 

" he does loves me .." Jieun smiled as soon as they left her alone , sitting facing the moon . She knew it . 

End of flashback

Jieun sobs heavily as she clench her clothes tightly . Preventing her tears from overflowing , but she just can't help herself . The old memories with him is just -......It hurts so much . Jieun tried her best to sleep but she just can't . She kept crying . Now , her eyes got swelled up . Her face is bloated and sooo ... terrible looking . She got up and went to the bathroom , taking a hands full of water and splashed it on her face . Yet , its not working . She's still ugly as ever . even the mirror cracked as soon as her face was reflected in it . She can't hold back her tears , it kept flowing out . Suddenly , she saw a familiar guy popped behind her . She knows him well . He smiled before wrapping his hands around her , then , dissapears . After a while denying the truth that she's hallucinating , Jieun finally gave in . 

Jieun dumped her petite body once again on the messy bed and immedietly covers herself with the cold blanket . Letting out her remaining tears out . She felt heavy . ..... Jieun rested her head on her arms and continues her cries and sobs . Forcing herself to sleep .

Are you crying too ?           Do you still remember me ?      Are you missing me ?                  I can't sleep , do you too ?                                 My heart hurts so much             Please come back                   I want to see your face             Do you still love me ?           If you ever thought  of me  , can you run to me and embrace me ?            Wait . No need .         I know that you're not thinking about me ..

She can't contain her feels . Jieun sit up to calm herself . She's going crazy . Suddenly something came into her mind . Something she wouldn't even think before . What's the point for her to live ? Jieun sit up and stares at the empty wall . Maru is dead and Baekhyun dissapeard . She bits her lips to prevent herself from crying again although a tear had escape her eye . She cried all day and long to die , just for him ? She tighten her grip on the blanket , enough to destroy an acorn . Yet , he haven't return ? She creates a fist under the blanket . I spent another meaningless day by myself , again . Jieun burries her face into the soft palm of hers. She really need to confess her feelings to someone right now . But , she has no one . Jieun once again jumped out from her bed towards the telephone beside her bed . She know that she still have another bad boy but , Sehun still some rest right ? Jieun refused to call him . Instead , she called him . True , they're strangers now but , they could get closer some time , right ? Let's see how are you doing . She thought of that as she dialed the same number phone as the last time she did , and its a year ago . Well , as she expected , the number she dialed is unavailable .  That's what she expected . Her eyes widen in shock as the call is connected . How in the world !?-

" Hello , your call is reached to KASAP . Yes , may I help you ? I'm the senior here , Wooyoung "  Wooyoung . Hearing the name of his is enough to make her shivered . Its wooyoung ! REALLY . Her grip on the phone goes shaky since she shivered too much . She just can't believe this . After all these years , finally she could hear his voice . long time no see...

" Y-yes ... I'm Song .... Jieun . " She even change her vioce tune so that he wouldn't regocnize her . Its fun though , playing around him . She really need to disguise herself first for some reason . Well , looks like he didn't noticed her . I'm your ex-girlfriend 

" Okay Miss . "

" U-uh . Can I ask , what does KASAP stands for actually ? Sorry for asking this " Jieun grew closer to her curious feelings .

" No , its fine . Its Kill As Soon As Possible . So , who's your target ?" She almost dropped her phone after hearing Wooyoung's respond. No wonder he never told her about his work . So , he's a-

" target ?" Jieun froze for a moment . Should she request for it ? The golden chance is just infront of her and she only need to grab it ... But ... - Aish . She's bored in crying and breathing everyday .. Should she ? Does she have any reason to live ? Everything which depends on her fades away from her .. maru ... Baekhyun ?

" Yes , who would you like to be killed ? " Wooyoung seems inpatient 

" Jieun ... Lee Jieun . I hate her so much . She don't deserve to live in this world . She , must die . " I tell you , she's serious . She don't jokes around on serious stuffs . Her chance is golden and she had to capture it . 

" Lee Jieun ? Sounds familiar .....oh ......O-kay , so give me your number phone and please send her picture to me . And this is my number ____________. Please send after 5 minutes." Yes , stupid . Its Jieun . And thanks for your cooperation .

" Thanks . This is mine , ___________ . "

" For your information , I'll be your hitman . Thanks for using KASAP's help Oh ! before I forget , you will decide the avenue." He sounds energized . Well , do your work well .

" Yes . So , you'll start your mision tomorrow . Do you know where the Sakura trees are located ? That's the location . Please kill my enemy exactly on 1.00 p.m. I thank you so much and please do well . She really must leave this world ASAP . " 

" No problem Miss . I'll confirm the pays next time so , I'll do my best . I promise you , as soon as the clock is staright 1 , she's lifeless . Thanks again and see you someday . Maybe never "  He ended up the call just like that . Simple and Smooth . Thats what Jieun wants for her death the next day . She can't wait for tomorrow to come . She'll die in a graduated condition . 

" neh " She grinned . It won't be a wastefull call . She'll make sure to have a valueable choice . Jieun smiled happily , exposing her most genuine and sincere smile she ever made . She then , burries herself in her bed and rest her dried eyes . And magically , she slept well . She absolutely so attachment nor regrets with her actions . She likes it and happy as well . She finally could die 

Told you not to be late . She whispers when her soul is lifted, heading  to her dreamland . 

YO ! Wasseo !~ ? well , hows it ? Yes , Jieun hired a hitman to kill herself . Ouch . So , want to know what will happen to her ? Wait for the next Chappie ~~~ LOVE u 




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Haeysoo #1
Chapter 24: Yeah happy ending ! Make more baekhyun and IU story please
LittLEpONNY #2
Chapter 24: i wish jieun with sehun...because sehun always there for her♥♥
Chapter 24: Happy ending~ cheers~
I love your fanfic authornim~~
Write a new one of exou pls, especially BaekU<3
Chapter 24: Yeahhh, Happy Ending ♥♥♥
Chapter 24: Jieun will end with baekhyun right? Good thing, update soon..
Chapter 23: Yey! Jieun is alive!!
Can't wait next chapter and BaekU moments<3 kkk
Update soon authornim!
Sehun_lisp #7
Chapter 23: Yes yes yes ! Jieun us aliveeeeee
Chapter 23: YES!!! SHE'S ALIVE!!!
Chapter 22: So sad :(
Update soon authornim