No. 17

Pitch Black

Jieun quietly sitting facing the outside world in EXO's small balcony with the thin blanket wraps to keep her warm . Yes , she's still there , they prohibit her from going back to her house since its still dark outside . A heavy sigh escaped her tiny nose as she blankly stared at the white snow hanging on the bold tree infront . As she is , no emotion , no feelings .Just blank . Well , she's still the Bad loner you know . Sometimes she's like so childish and clumsy and in one time , she'll turn to a cold and dark loner . Its dawn by now as the sky slowly turns pinkish . And in a moment , the temperature drops and usually people would sunk and snuggle deeper into their thick and warm blankets but not to this person . She's too busy staring on the pure white snow covers the earth surface . Jieun would get bored of it in any minutes by now but weird , its been 3 hours since she sat there and kept staring , same positions and same old empty feelings as 3 hours ago ..  One by one , the members wokes up from their short rest and took their relay to wash up .  Some would continue to fall asleep on the couch and maybe checks their phones . They only would drag their lazy butts of the leather couch if ones would slap and shook their body as they fell asleep . And some , would stare on the petite body at the balcony . She did nothing . Just sit there and stares on the same spot . Is she asleep too?

The three's mind won't go easy on them . Endless of questions filled their massive brain as they stared the girl at the same time . Baekhyun is slightly worried with her condition since its really cold outside and she's still quite weak especially when she explodes a few hours ago then claimed for some time alone . Sehun felt guilty for not giving her more blankets to give her more warmth and also feels guilty since she didn't fill her time to sleep and rest when she knows that she's still unwary about her health . While the tall guy over there ? He kept blaming himself nonstop for not keeping his mouth shut . And because of him , Jieun . Got . Dark and Colder . Mad and explode . " I , no . We need to say sorry to her . Go and get EXO . Sehun?" Baekhyun breaks the silent and shook Sehun's shoulder as he didn't react to his command . Too deep in his thought . 

Exo gathers in the living room , exactly as a few hours ago . Some is still undressed and working onto it . Some was quite puzzled and excited . Why ? " Why did you gather us around again? New hot issues?" Chen got really excited when Chanyeol tricked him and them to gather around , reason ? Another hot isuues . But then , his smile turns upsidedown . " We gotta apologize to her . She's hurt . Say sorry or we'll die the next day " With that , all of them scrambled and in a flash , they surrounded her . Only to be greeted by the cold air . wow ... how can she stand in this cold surrounding . Really ! Look at those water puddle . its frozen . Sehun squats down and reached for the hanging hand then , gently carressing it . Jieun startled from the sudden touch and her head automatically turned to her side , only to be greeted with 12 pairs of eyes staring at her . The dark and eye bags could be seen clearly under her eyes . Her chapped lips too . But , she only stared at them as they were nothing . She scanned their faces one-by-one . Its the faces she really wanted to torture and kill . " Jieun .. how about coming inside ? It's cold out here and look , your hand is getting colder again .." Baekhyun said as he also reached out to grab her other hand . Its cold . He looked at her with his worried eyes . However , she still stared at them . Slowly , her gaze gone pass through them . Creating an imaginary hole on their chest . Her eyes is shooting lazer . And the EXO got really frighten with her scary gaze . She'll kill them in-

" I'll kill you" 10 letters , 3 words , 1 sentence is enough to describe her feelings . Plus her gaze , and the cold wind brushed onto their skin . Here comes goosebumps and spooky feelings . Her stares , her gaze , her emotionless multiples their fright . Don't worry . They just stood there , frozen for a moment and suddenly gain caurage to face her Ice barrier . Its nore powerful than Xiumin's power . 

" Jieun , we're sorry . We're really sorry with ..- our action , especially Me . I created this mess ... Its not their fault ... So , we're good ? Huh?" The happy virus guy turned all quilty and stuffs for a second . Then , he changed to his real personality . Loud , cheerful , all happy ... Its really daebak when it suddenly dissapears and replaced with gloomy sensation .Jieun , really!

" Then , I'll kill you instead " Sounds serious . ( Silence ) All of them went frozen once again . Especially Chanyeol . She's aiming on him . Well , fastforward , Chanyeol flew away and claimed that he needs to pack stuff to school for excuse . As soon as he did that , he quickly run into his room . Leaving them , still frozen . 

" Kyungsoo ... .. Lay ..... Luhan ..... Xiumin ..........Kris .........Su-ho .......Kai .......Tao ..... Chen" She slowly called their name . Its really creepy .. All those name called , now , their gaze is fixed onto her . She's staring her feets . Suddenly , she lift her head up and went to face them . Its so sudden and scary caused them to backked off . Jieun created a faint smile and it dissapeard from her pale face . " i forgive you" You know how releieved they are ? They finally could breathe freely after she accept their apology slowly stepped back and fade away . Doing their stuff or should I say , having breakfast . But , not to these two . They shivered up as the other who survived wished them 'luck' . Unfortunately , from their information , in Jieun's dictionary , the word 'luck' dosen't excist and never . How high she felt , playing with their lifes . Jieun smirked .

" Should I forgive you or ....-not?" Not just that . Her questions kept appearing . The two boys almost died in fright .

" Should I burn you alive ...-or I .... cut you into pieces ? Hrm? I warn you . I'm serious and I had even killed my pet fish and ..... my dearest parents" For Baekhyun and Sehun who known nothing about her parents death nearly fainted . Jeongmal . SHe's really serious ! Look at her - smiling face(?)

" yah ! Are you deaf?! Im asking here !! So , should I kill you which way ? fire or knife? " Both of them rushed to her while kneeling , ignoring the weird looks EXO gave him . Well , Jieun likes this . Its fun . But she should end it right away . They have to go to school . 

" Okay . okay . I forgive you . . In one condition . " Her smiles dissapears . ANd Baekhyun and Sehun's mood is lighten

" Be my bad boys , or should I say , become my captives" 

Kkkk ~ LIKE I SAID , she's a troller . Well , see you next time ~ I'll double update today ~~ So make sure to keep waiting ~ Its getting interesting now ~ Trust me !!! 




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Haeysoo #1
Chapter 24: Yeah happy ending ! Make more baekhyun and IU story please
LittLEpONNY #2
Chapter 24: i wish jieun with sehun...because sehun always there for her♥♥
Chapter 24: Happy ending~ cheers~
I love your fanfic authornim~~
Write a new one of exou pls, especially BaekU<3
Chapter 24: Yeahhh, Happy Ending ♥♥♥
Chapter 24: Jieun will end with baekhyun right? Good thing, update soon..
Chapter 23: Yey! Jieun is alive!!
Can't wait next chapter and BaekU moments<3 kkk
Update soon authornim!
Sehun_lisp #7
Chapter 23: Yes yes yes ! Jieun us aliveeeeee
Chapter 23: YES!!! SHE'S ALIVE!!!
Chapter 22: So sad :(
Update soon authornim