No. 11

Pitch Black

" Wow . Your house is pretty old ..." His words got Jieun to pissed off abit . Of course ! Who won't get hurt with other people's confession . Especially when they just said it as nothing ever happened . Honestly Baekhyun think the same as Sehun too but he didn't dare to say it out loud . She ignores Sehun while herself searching for the house key ...- Aha! here you are . Jieun insert the key into the lock when suddenly a soothing voice startled her .

" Hey look .. its snowing .. It came pretty quick ay ?" The soothing voice of his as he cupped some snowflakes on his bare hands . Followed by Sehun . They . Looked . Pure and innocent . But once Jieun heard him said snow , she turned backwards to face them . Don't lie ! Its still to early for winter ! Unfortunately , her thoughts melt down and dissapears as she faced the two look-alike angels . They aren't lying . Its snow ! Her mood is lighten . The empty feelings she had suddenly turned happy as ever . Her red plump lips curved into a sincere smile which she rarely does . Her cheeks heated up as she saw the two idiots stucking out their tongue to taste (?) the tasteless snow . Jieun looked up into the sky . Snow floats and wandering in the cold air then , falls onto the earth surface . Some pure white spots covers the green and withered grass . Her sight is fixed onto the smiling guys . One word . Baeutiful (?) . Forget about them . Its winter ! The season which she only pleased them to come . . Because , winter has the same personality as her . Cold , and only cold . She even wrote lyrics to describe the cold wether and herself . But , nobody knows where it went . In a blink , it dissapeard . Blame Maru !

Suddenly , while she was admiring the snow , a snowflake lands on her nose . Right on her low bridged yet cute nose . Observing it for a while , while squinting her eyes , in a sudden , both of the guys rushed towards her . Yes , to wipe it off . But too late , she wipes it off immedietly when the two of them are still blocking each other . She then , opens the door for them to come in . Its getting colder . Get in or you'll die .. 

" Come in " Jieun leaned her head to the right , signalling them to enter her dark and silent house . They gladly enters while forming a bright smile . The first word they could think of is Its much more colder here than the outside . Baekhyun and Sehun observed their surrounding . A messy , dusty , cold and dark house . How can she survives in a surrounding like this ? Ah ... now they understand why she looked dark and cold everytime . Suddenly , a barking sound enchoed in the house as Jieun closed the door tight .

" Woah ~ A dog ! Its cute ! I never knew that you're a dog lover " Sehun squats down to mess around with Maru . He lift up Maru's ears , left , then right . He messed up with his tummy and next , his tail . A dog would get frustiated too , right ? Maru bites Sehun's finger when he's about to pinch his round nose . Sehun shouted in pain , then he immedietly his finger . Jieun and Baekhyun eyed witness the inceident and rolled their eyes . What a baby .

Baekhyun's sight which was fixed onto the overacting Sehun earlier , was now on the lifeless girl beside him . He could barely see her . Its too dark . Its even really cold . He was about to ask Jieun about something when she talked earlier . 

" I'll go change . You . Stay and don't do anything . I won't serve you hot choco since I never invite you to come over . For your information , I won't serve an uninvited guest . Especially you two " Jieun eyed both of them before walking towards the staircase . The sound of her stomping feet could be heard clearly in their ears beside of Sehun's mocks . " I won't serve you hot choco since I never bla .. bla.. bla." Sehun made a face and continues mocking quietly . Only himself and Baekhyun could heard it . OK . Maybe Maru too .. But actually , this girl has a special power of hearing alright . She could hear well .

" I heard you ! " With that , Sehun froze in his right spot before continues playing with Maru . Say , who said he won't stop mocking her ? For the last time , he made a face one the same moment Jieun took a peak from the stair . I will get you later . 

Baekhyun , stroll around the living room and discovers lots of old stuffs even magazine and newspapers . He took a newspaper and gently wiped off the dust which was covering the words . Oho ~ February 19 2006 , A huge deadly car crash involved a success bussiness man with his wife . Both of them were reported Died in the severly damaged car while their daughter is missing . They were found a few hours after the crash happened by the pedestrian. Some eye witnessed that their daughter is alive but nowhere to be found . ..- Baekhyun's brows is furrowed as he reads it words-per-words carefully . February 19 .... hrmm .. sounds familiar ... OH ! Its the date he saved the beautiful stranger from the crash . ! Its in the newpaper ! Why would Jieun even wanted to keep this old news ? Wait . It can't be . No , no , no . Don't expect anything Byun Baekhyun !!

Baekhyun heaves a heavy sigh while searching for a place to seat . He discovers an old and classic sofa . Wow ... its antique . Although it s a bit dusty but , if this sofa been sold , it must coast really expensive ! Just look at the neat wood , carved nicely . Baekhyun dumped his onto the classic wooden sofa , its unincredibly soft yet , dusty . As he's about to move to the other page , sudddenly something fall from the pages . Baekhyun peeks down onto his foot . A piece of paper ? Without hesitating , he picked it up , not to bother what is it but as he realized that its not something normal , he starts to read it . Is this a poem or a lyrics ?

Spring comes and flowers bloom

Summer comes and memories melt but ...


The four seasons don't suit me well , I'm a cold person

My hard personality is like the skin-

cutting winter, the cold wind - you all know

To me , coldness is everything , its like 

the winter sea

Send a boat off and you'll see that I'm

not an island but an iceberg

I lost my focus because my eyes are


The cold memories have been trampled

I was an icy road with only painful scars remaining

My heart crumbled as if an avalanche came down

After I put things back in place , the lights were off and it was night

Through the sun called you has risen,

The snow snow-covered mountain does not 


It's cold here even when I hide my hands in my pocket

Its so cold even when I blow into my hands

My heart is so frozen that my lips get cracked

I'm the only cold one even when I wrap my body in blankets

Its so cold even when I'm in someone's embrace

I try to block the hole in my heart but the wind keeps coming in

Epik high - Its cold ft Lee Hi

Baekhyun repeats this lyrics , twice , its the third time now . And the first thing he thought is Wow  besides of Did she really made this because its DAEBAK . He was deep in his thoughts when someone snatches the paper from his harshly . Baekhyun startled and looked at the person . Oh No .. Jieun.. she seems furious . Especialy when her eyes widen as she reads the words . She looks embarrassed too . But then , Baekhyun's sight is fixed onto her clothing . The brown coat she is wearing . It suits her perfectly well . She would look like an angel  if she dosen't wears that beanie . Whatever . As long as you're still beautiful ... WHat ?! Byun Baekhyun ?!

" Hey ! What are you holding ? let me see!" One more uninvited person came along , ruining his view . Sehun snatched the paper from Jieun's hand and lift it high in the air . He's the tallest among them so ... giraffe ? Jieun continuesly smacked his chest while tip-toeing , trying to get back her feelings . Sehun cracked a wide smile before in dissapears . He looked back at Jieun after reading it for a while then, he returns it back to Jieun .

" Woah ... I never knew you were this broken " Sehun made a faint smile , only to be given a death glare . Baekhyun too , don't forget . He's the source from this problem . Jieun then , handed out each of them a coat ? who knows that the Bad Girl Jieun is sometimes a caring bad girl too . Jieun pushed the coat against their chest and once again firm... Both of them thought that its her father's coat since she gave them the men's high quality ones . She walked away to somewhere and appeard once again , bringing her boots . But not for them , they'll be only using their school shoes . And on her other hand , she's holding a dog's collar thingy . . Jieun warps it around the dog's neck and went outside . Signalling them to follow her . 

" To where ?" The curious maknae asked while observing the outside world he missed so much. Its covered with white layers of snows .... Its really quick 

" Just follow me " Jieun adjusting her beanie before locking the door leisurely . Jieun then , smiled softly as she sees the snow and the white surrounding . She then , naturally forms her eye smile . BElieve me . Its the most beautiful smile Sehun and Baekhyun ever seen before .... okay , maybe after their mother . 

Jieun walked forward , feeling gleeful after her first step on the cold snow . Followed by Sehun and Baekhyun . They are to immersed into Jieun's beauty . Jieun noticed something . Something weird . She faced back as she lets Maru steps on the cold road . 

" What are you idiots looking at ?"

" N-nothing "

HEllo ~~ Double update for today ~~~ So , How ? Do you love it ? Well, same goes now .I have nothing to say ... Please comment ?


  & SUbSCRIBE ~~

I'm feelin' sleepy ~~ Gud Bam ! SEE u in the next upcoming chap !! Love you dear readers~~~

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Haeysoo #1
Chapter 24: Yeah happy ending ! Make more baekhyun and IU story please
LittLEpONNY #2
Chapter 24: i wish jieun with sehun...because sehun always there for her♥♥
Chapter 24: Happy ending~ cheers~
I love your fanfic authornim~~
Write a new one of exou pls, especially BaekU<3
Chapter 24: Yeahhh, Happy Ending ♥♥♥
Chapter 24: Jieun will end with baekhyun right? Good thing, update soon..
Chapter 23: Yey! Jieun is alive!!
Can't wait next chapter and BaekU moments<3 kkk
Update soon authornim!
Sehun_lisp #7
Chapter 23: Yes yes yes ! Jieun us aliveeeeee
Chapter 23: YES!!! SHE'S ALIVE!!!
Chapter 22: So sad :(
Update soon authornim