Am I The Reason?

Unlock His Heart
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“I thought she will not give us some break. I'll hurt my leg." Kai whispered. He was about to drink when someone touched his hand. It was Krystal. He pulled his hand irritated.


"Don't always drink bicarbonate water. It'll affect your health." She explained. He just realized he was holding bicarbonate water. He then put it on the table. He was about to get a water when she offered him something. "Here I got one for you." Krystal handed him a bottle of water. But Kai ignored her. He went to find some water.


"Sehun, do you still have water?" He asked him.


"No. Didn't you get one? I brought for everyone." He said.


"Okay. Never mind.” He said and went back where he was sitting a while ago.


"Water?" Kai asked Krystal. She gave it to him. He can saw her expression. She is smiling like a fool. He was drinking and she is still staring at him. "What are you smiling at?" He coldly asked her.


He’s meaner that I thought. I'll not give up on him. I never will. I'll make him smile again like what others had described him.


"Jongin, why you are so handsome?" She asked while looking at his face.


"Shut up!" He coldly answered.


Sulli then called her. "Soojung-ah, can you teach how to do the 'Alone' steps by Sistar? Do you know?" She asked her.


"Yes, I'm a fan of Sistar." Krystal said and started dancing the chorus of their song ‘Alone'. She started dancing. In fairness, she's dancing gracefully.


She dances like Suzy. Why am I thinking that girl again? First was Naeun. Now she's making me think of Suzy! What is with this girl? Why is she always making me remember the things I want to forget? I hate her because she resembles Naeun and Suzy. Her hand texture is same as Naeun. She also dances as gracefully as Krystal. So what's next? She'll be singing just like Minah too?


Krystal then started singing. This is what I'm talking about. She has a good voice like Minah. I can't take my eyes off her. It seems like I met Naeun, Suzy and Minah in one person. I want to forget the past. I want to forget everything. But this girl makes me think about the past even more. She’s really something.


"What are you looking at me? Is there something wrong with my face?" Kai asked Sehun who giggled to see him. He held his face. Sehun then dragged him to the mirror. Kai faced the mirror.


Sehun's right. There's something wrong with my face. I. Am. Smiling. 


“What is the reason are you smiling? Should I say ‘who’?" Sulli asked him. Kai can't believe he was smiling right now.


"Shut up. I think I'm having a fever." He excused himself and went out of the practice room. He was holding his face with his both hands. Krystal was dumbfounded seeing him left and later she smiled and showed her smile.


Am I the reason? Is my voice so good that I made him smile? I saw everyone's expression when they saw him smiled again. He is more handsome when he is smiling. I don't think is just a simple crush, Kim Jongin. I think I'm already falling for you. 


Kai went to the restroom on the first floor. He faced the mirror. This time, he was not smiling anymore.


Why did I smile earlier? After four months, I was able to smile again. What's wrong with me? Is it because of her? Is it because of Jung Soojung? What is wrong with me? Don't tell me I'm going to fall for her!


Kai was in the dance room. He was dancing the song 'Kiss the Rain'. It's like lovers broke up under the rain. He can't still move on. It's like he doesn't want to trust women anymore. He was in the middle of the song when someone covered his eyes. He knew whose hands is this. He definitely knows whose hands is this. Smooth hands. He knew it's her.


"Naeun?" He asked her. She pulled her hand. He turned around. 


"You still remember her? You should forget that girl; you should forget her along with the other girls who broke your heart. They don't deserve you. You deserve someone better." Krystal said. Kai saw her expressio

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Chapter 26: gosh!! this is really great:)
kyunism #2
Chapter 26: Lovely ♥♥♥ ^_^ I love the story & the characters
sognatoreL #3
Chapter 2: I like soojung character here, she's so cute with her to much noisy haha
Eririn #4
Chapter 26: Thanks for the great story. Good luck on your studies.
baby_jungie #5
Chapter 26: Happy ending. Good luck on your study
yourheartxo #6
Chapter 2: Omg im just starting to read and i love it already!!
sideswipe #7
Chapter 26: love kaistal happy ending! more pls:) and good luck on ur study :)
annie_grg #8
Chapter 23: I love it!!
annie_grg #9
Chapter 23: Can't believe I cried!!!!>_<
monapo #10
Chapter 26: I read this in one day even though my work schedule is killing me. It's so addictive :)
Thank you^_^