
He Can't be Human!

Sara's POV

I stare at my phone. I expect it to buzz, ring, flash some light, anything to signal that Tao still wanted to be friends. It has been a day since I went over to Tao's place, and it was now Friday. We have school today.

I force myself to look away from my phone and focus on getting ready for school. Get dressed, get all my stuff together, the works. I failed to see why I had to go to school, since tomorrow was a weekend. The snow would probably call for an early dismissal, anyway. Stupid weather....

"Sara! You're about to miss the bus! Get your down here!" Dae-Ho shouts as he opens the door. His voice jerks me out of the little daze I was in, and I grab my bag and phone, feet pounding on the stairs as I sprint for the door. I skid down my driveway, before finally climbing up into the bus, breathing labored. I swear I could see Dae-Ho smiling at me from his seat in the back of the bus.

I take my normal seat, allowing myself to catch my breath as the bus pulls away from my driveway. But my breathing speeds right back up again as I think of who we're picking up next. What am I going to say to him? What if he sits next to me? Oh my god, will he sit next to me? What if he doesn't? What would that mean? Dear Lord, I'm over analyzing this!

Suddenly, the bus stops, and the door opens, leaving me vulnerable to the shards of cold air that pierced my coat like it was nothing, chilling me straight to my bone. We must be at Tao's. Holy crap, was I freaking out for that long? I avoid looking at the bus door, and instead look out the window, shivering.

Tao came on with Kai again. I heard them discussing something quietly, in whispers, heads bent close together as they took their seat. Their seat. Not with me.

I spend the rest of the ride trying to figure out what in god's name they're saying. I hear 'game' a bunch of times. I also spend the ride debating whether or not I should go up to them and ask to sit with them. I shut that idea down. I already have a seat, and if they wanted to talk to me, they would've sat down with me, or talked to me first.

When we get to school, I'm off that bus ASAP and into the school, standing by the heater next to the door. I intend to stay there for the next five minutes, until the first bell rings. It was heavenly warm. Unfortunatly, a lot of other kids had the same idea, and now I was surrounded by a group of people, most of whom now think I'm school royalty or something like that. They're practically tearing each other to shreds trying to get my attention. Ok, maybe that's an exagaration.... Maybe.

"Saaaaaaraaaaaa!" One girl squealed in my ear. "Oh my god, how was your break?"

"It wasn't a break, dummy, it was a couple of snow days!" Another kid harshly corrected the first girl.

"Oooooooh! You called her a dummy!" A large boy with a strangly deep voice said sarcastically. "She must be so offended!"

And so it continued, all the way until the first bell. I didn't want to seem rude, so I walked away as casually as I could, but almost the whole group followed me. The conversation was much of the same as what was said at the heater. I didn't participate in any of it. I just went to my locker, got my stuff, and hurried off to my class. Thank the Lord none of them had any classes with me...

School was..... different..... to say the least. All of a sudden, I was interesting, had friends, and was worth the time to try and talk to in class. Yeah, no. None of them were my friends. But it was weird all the same. I felt like snapping at them and telling everyone to off, and that they never cared what I thought before, so why should they now? Using those exact words. Ok, minus the swearing.

All of the classes were weird, what with all the sudden love and attention, but Creative Writing was just..... awkward. Like I said earlier, the classroom was cramped, with barely enough seats for the gang and me plus Luhan. So I had to sit next to the guys for class. It just reeked of awkwardness!

But I said nothing about before class. Before class, they were all on the other end of the room, laughing and cheering as a pair of them grunted and mock-fought. They talked loudly about the upcoming game, but they said it funny. Like, "I hope we win the game!" As in, wink wink nudge nudge, I was missing something.

As soon as Mr. Kang walked in though, they were back to their seats, and greeted Mr. Kang. Mr. Kang probably knew something was up, because for once, there was no playfulness in how the boys treated me. If they had bothered to interact with me.

Mr. Kang didn't make any of us talk to each other today, though. He had us working on our individual projects, and this required no talking, so he didn't expect to hear any, as he said. But the silence was heavy, making the air too thick to breath. It was like breathing a slushie.

When the bell rang, dismissing me from my class and allowing me freedom to go to lunch, I gathered my stuff and tried to leave the room as quickly as possible, desperate for breathable air. I was being stupid, the air in there was perfectly fine. It was just my head.

But Mr. Kang called me back before I could leave. "Ms. Sara, could you stay back? I'd like to talk to you." I visibly slouched in defeat. I turned around and stood still as the boys and Luhan pushed out of the classroom, making it impossible for me to reenter the class right away. It would be swimming against the impossible current.

When I finall could go back into the classroom, I found Mr. Kang sitting behind his desk, looking at a sheet of paper. I take a deep breath, and walked up to the front of his desk. He looked up, and spared me a smile.

"Don't worry, you're not in trouble." Mr. Kang said reassuringly. "I just wanted to talk to you about the boys. Is everything going ok?"

I sighed. "Yes, Mr. Kang, everything is going fine. Why wouldn't it be?"

"I don't know, that's why I was asking you. I'm sure you noticed the tension in the air today. You and the boys weren't joking like you usually do. Is something going on that you'd like to tell me about?" Aha. Obvious loophole.

"No, sir, everything is fine." I say again. No reason to get the grownups involved in my life when they don't need to be.

Mr. Kang raises his eyebrows, but let it go. "Alright. Talk to me if anything goes wrong, ok?" I nod, and hurry to the cafeteria. My stomach was turning with uneasyness, and I doubted I'd be able to eat anything today without barfing it up. But still I went to the cafeteria, at least to get some of my homework done.

When I walked in, I saw what I normally saw. All the cliques were in their usual spots. The Head Babi was sitting by herself, at the farthest table from the door, and that was the only thing different. Usually, this didn't bother me. I had my own friends to sit with. But today, with how things have been going, I didn't want to risk being rejected if I went up to sit down at my usual table.

But I didn't want to make things worse by sitting with the Ingi, even though I knew they would let me sit. So I found an empty table, and sat down with my stuff. I got out my English homework, and worked on that for the period. It wasn't that hard, but I purposfully dragged it out so I wouldn't have to look up.

When the end of the period came about, I did the same thing I've been doing all day. Get to my next class as quickly as possible. And that's what I did, for the rest of the day. I counted down the minutes until final bell, when I could go home. Longest three hours of my life.

And finally, thank the Lord, Jesus Christ, the day came to an end. Final bell rang. I sprinted through the halls to my locker, and from there, out into the bitter cold. I ran, hair flapping wildly around my face, to the bustop by building D. My usual place.

When I got there, I collapsed onto one of the ice cold benches, and waited anxiously for the bus to arrive. My chest heaved as I struggled to catch my breath and not burst into tears. No, I would wait until I was home for that.

"Sara!" I heard faintly. I ignored it. I didn't want to talk to anybody.

"SAAAARAAAAA!!" I heard again, louder, more voices calling me. I turned, curious, and saw the gang walking up to the bustop. Anger surged through me. Oh, so now they wanna talk, eh? I turn away from them with a huff. Then I can hear their footprints crunching the snow as they walk towards me.

"Sara!" Tao says at a normal volume. He's now five feet away, seperated by the clear glass of the bustop house thing. I start, as if startled, and look around, before my eyes come to rest on Tao and the gang. I look around some more, to make sure that no one else could be calling me, before turning again to him.

"I'm sorry? Are you talking to me, Tao?" I ask him, making my eyes cold and my tone equally matching, possibly a bit too cold for the situation.

"Yes, Sara, I'm talking to you." Tao said with an eye roll.

"You say it like it should be obvious. And yet you're the boy whose been ignoring me all day. Giving me the cold shoulder." I narrow my eyes at him. Tao looks a bit taken aback.

"Excuse me?! Well at least I'm not the one who left for the Ingi!" Tao sounded like a little kid, or maybe that was my anger distorting things.

"Oh, seriously? Is that the best you could come up with?! You've never looked at me twice all day, god forbid you even talk to me! And then you have the audacity to come up to me like, oh, it's just a normal day, and expect me to talk to you?!!" I roll my eyes, saving the birdie for my dramatic exit.

"Sara, look, come on, I know you're mad, but it's not what you think, honest!!" Tao looks as if he's about to continue trying to calm me down, but he rethinks. "In fact, I think you're overreacting! How many days in the past week have you just blown me off to be with those damn Ingi?! At least three! And you're getting mad about one teensy weensy little day? Ha! Get over yourself! You still owe me two more days, and I plan on using them!" His face twists into a crueler, angrier version of him. I swear he grew a few inches!

"Oh, god, you're mad about that?! Jesus H, you're self centered, aren't you?!" I snap. "So what you're saying is, I can't have any friends other than you? You're so f-ing territorial, that you flip when another guy goes anywhere near me! What's wrong with you?!"

"No, Sara, you can have other friends! Just not them! Not the Ingi!" Tao tries to recover, but I pounce.

"Who do you think you are?! That you can decide who I can and can't be friends with! Jeez, not even my family is like that! Dammit, Tao!! If I wanna be friends with the Ingi, I will!" I shout. The bus pulls up, and the door opens just as Tao flips me off, and walks away. The other boys look to see how I react. I glare at them, and mouth an insult off at them, before turning and storming onto the bus. The driver doesn't even ask me for fare.


No One's POV

As Sara speeds home on the bus, Tao and his friends walked back the way they came, totally forgetting about the fight with the Ingi for at least a second, focusing instead on Tao and Sara. They bumped into the Ingi.

The two groups faced off in the bitter cold, staring each other down, each waiting for the other to make a move. Finally, Justin motioned for Tao and co. to follow him. They did. The schoolyard seemed abnormally empty. Everyone, even the Ingi felt the nerves. But Tao knew that he and his friends would win. They'd planned it out. Wait until they were outta sight, then just let it rip. The gang finally realized their only way of winning was to fight dirty. So that's what they were going to do.

The Ingi lead the gang up the hill that the school was at the base of. They walked through the trees, everyone's nerves building with each step. Finally, they made it to a clearing, with a old-looking building on the far side.

"We'll do it in the--" Justin said, but he couldn't finish the sentence. Luhan jumped on his back, forcing him to crumple to the ground. The rest of the Ingi didn't really have anytime to react before the rest of the gang decended on them. The gang had the Ingi by surprise.

Tao grabbed one of them by the collar of his shirt, and pulled him to the ground. Tao sat on his chest, delivering puch after punch after punch to his nose. The Ingi tried to hold up his hands to defend himself, but Chanyeol grabbed them, and held them to the ground. The two switched when Tao got tired.

Kai and Kris, back to back, were delivering strong and acurate kicks and jabs to the Ingi that surrounded them. The rest of the gang was fighting solo.

Chen ran, inviting two of the Ingi to chase after him. Suddenly, Chen stopped short, whirled around, and stood his ground. When the pair of Ingi slowed, curious as to what Chen would do, Chen darted forward, and slammed their heads together. That's three Ingi out of the fight, since the one Tao and Chanyeol were hitting was done. Chanyeol and Tao moved to help Luhan, who was struggling with Justin.

Xiumin took on one of the Ingi surrounding Kris and Kai, using the good ol' knee to the nuts. The Ingi doubled over, groaning, and Xiumin elbowed him in the back. The Ingi fell to the ground, and was still. Xiumin turned his back on the Ingi, and the Ingi sprang up again, tackling Xiumin to the ground. Then the fight started to turn in the Ingi's favor.

Baekhyun and Suho were taking turns beating on one of the Ingi, but suddenly, the Ingi throws them off, and slings Suho into a tree. Suho tried to attack when the Ingi's back was turned, but the Ingi twisted - like a contortionist! - and grabbed Suho as he came up. The Ingi twisted Suho's arm, more, and more, and more, until Suho- who was in tears by now, begging for the Ingi to stop - Suho's arm bent at an entirely unnatural angle. Suho collapsed to the ground. Baekhyun was unconscious by the trunk of the tree.

The Ingi who took on Xiumin, who was now barely consious after three hard slams to the skull against the rock hard ground, teamed up with the Ingi who just handled Baek and Suho, and ganged up on Lay, who had an Ingi of his own to deal with. They all jumped on him, and he was done in seconds. But the three didn't stop there. They laid his arms out to his side, and spread his fingers. They stomped on his fingers til they were broken beyond belief.

The Ingi, realizing that the fight was theirs, knew that they could just leave, and that no one was gonna challenge them. But where's the fun in that? So they retreated, for a second. They just got up, throwing off their attackers, and retreated to the far side of the clearing. Those of the gang who could move tried to get those that couldn't to a safe position. Except D.O. He got thwaped in the head real good, and was slow because of it.

The Ingi slowly turned towards D.O. They approached him menacingly. D.O. tried to run, and he might've had a chance. If he was running from humans. But, if you haven't figured it out by now, the Ingi aren't human. So they had D.O. surrounded in the blink of an eye. D.O. screamed, once, loud, before letting out quiet whimpers. Then the Ingi retreated. D.O. was laying there on the ground, bite marks all over his body.

Luhan turned and looked at D.O. in shock. His muscles twitched, his lips curled, and he lept forward, pouncing on D.O. Luhan scooped D.O. up, and flung him across the clearing. He sailed right into the metal wall of the building at the far side. D.O. didn't move.


OK!! I really wasn't happy with the fight. But, tell me what you think! I want comments! Who do you think the Ingi are, what's going to happed to D.O., and what about Sara? three plus comments. Thank-a you!

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Going on vacation tomorrow, trying to cram in the update before I go to sleep. Maybe I'll make it.


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PauSungRa #1
Chapter 14: Oh, man! I wish Sara and the boys will be friends again!
Author-nim, please update soon! Kamsahamnida!Keke. ^_^
So excited for the next chapters!
ozwalkr #2
Chapter 12: may have been short, but quite a nice set up for what is to come..
PauSungRa #3
Chapter 11: I like your story! Please do update soon!^-^
ozwalkr #4
Chapter 10: Hmmm what you up to Tara? Keke...watching for more! you are doing very well here!
Chapter 9: gurl, I think because of you I am going to end up an exotic :)
ozwalkr #6
Chapter 9: Glad you are ok, I heard the weather up there was a bear. Glad she and Tao have sorta made up, and glad she is starting to be normal again. I know this cannot last, cause then there would be no story, but glad to see it just the same...LOL
ozwalkr #7
Chapter 8: Yup! I knew the Ingi were gonna do that! I think I even mentioned it to you...LOL As far as the "meeting/fight...wolf vs cats... gonna be a fur fest. and the Ingi got nothin on Tao!
Chapter 5: chapter five, please ignore me as i sit here face palming...
Chapter 4: chapter four, that ingi guy better back off for good
yay!!!!! Sara is a genius chick!
Chapter 3: chapter 3, my friend jessica got a concussion from basketball,they :(
, lol overprotective mom!