
You and I

Six-year-old Jaejoong was sitting in the window, waiting for his mother to come home from work, as usual. When he saw the bus come in, he rushed out to meet her, as usual. He stopped at the pedestrian crossing, since he knew he wasn't allowed to cross the road by himself. He waved at his mother, who waved back.

Neither of them noticed the drunk driver cutting the red light at full speed. Neither of them realised what had happened until it was too late. Jaejoong's mother screamed in pain the entire time while they were waiting for the ambulance. Jaejoong, who had been the first to run out to his mother, was covered in her blood, but was too upset to notice. He protested when his father, busy comforting four-year-old Changmin who was crying at the top of his lungs, wanted him to go with the nurses to get cleaned up.

He didn't care.

He wanted to wait for his mother to stop sleeping so that she could hug him and tell him everything was okay.

But she didn't.

Instead she lay in the ER, hooked up to a bunch of tubes and a machine that bleeped all the time. Due to a major train crash happening at the same time, there were no surgeons available to help her, and so the doctors had to to their best to keep her alive until there was an opening.

Jaejoong watched helpless as the bleeps slowed down slowly but surely until there was only one long bleep. He watched helpless as the doctors came rushing, using another bleeping machine that made her jump in the bed. He listened but refused to accept when the doctors told them that she was dead. He listened but refused to accept when their father told him and Changmin that their mum wouldn't come back anymore. After the funeral three days later, he never cried again, deciding to stay strong for Changmin, but instead, he never wanted to go to the hospital again, since that place only meant death for him now.

Twenty-eight-year-old Jaejoong was lying in the ER, covered in blood. His belly had been cut open and he was hooked up to a bunch of tubes and a machine that bleeped all the time. He saw his father, busy comforting twenty-six-year-old Changmin who was crying at the top of his lungs, desperate for the doctors to save his hyung. He saw Yunho trying to comfort Ha Eun, who was making a fuss, wanting Jaejoong to hug her and tell her everything was okay.

But he didn't.

Instead he was pulled further and further away, until he didn't see his family members anymore. Everything went blood red, then pitch black.

Jaejoong woke up with a start, not even realising that tears were streaming down his face. All he could focus on was his husband's safe arms as he was pulled into a comforting embrace. Sobbing in relief that it was only a dream, he clung onto Yunho with all his might, wanting him to make all his fears go away.

- Did you dream about your mother again? Yunho asked calmly, already knowing the answer. Only those dreams were bad enough to make Jaejoong react like this. Jaejoong nodded.

- It was worse this time, he managed to say between the sobs. - I dreamt that I would end up like that as well, that I would die too. Yunho, I'm so scared, what are we going to do?

In that moment, Yunho knew exactly what he wanted.

- Jae baby listen to me. Look at me. I love you more than I ever thought possible, you know that, right? You are my treasure and my reason for living, and you've given me Eun-ie, who I love more and more every day. You two are my miracles, and I could never ask for more. If you don't want to go through with this pregnancy, then I don't either. There are millions of children in this world, and we can always adopt if we want more, but there's only one Jaejoong. I will always, always choose you. I will never ever blame you if you decide to end this, but I will always blame myself if I lose you because of this. Whatever you decide, I will support you, as long as you understand that if — god forbid — I ever have to make a choice it's going to be you.

- Thank you, Jaejoong whispered into Yunho's chest. He still didn't know what to do, but being reminded that he wasn't alone in this made it a lot easier.


A couple of days later, Yunho and Jaejoong were cuddled up in bed, preparing to go to sleep. Suddenly, Jaejoong sat up, ushering Yunho to do the same, before looking at his husband with a serious expression that only he was capable of.

- Do you remember what we talked about during our first trip together, when we went to that cottage on the coast for our 100-day anniversary? When we were planning our future together, you said you wanted, what was it, twenty daughters and five sons? Jaejoong couldn't help but chuckle slightly at the ridiculous amount.

- Yeah, but-

- I can't give you that, obviously, but if there is even the slightest chance that I can have at least two children with you, then that's what I want to do. We might have to change our minds later on, but for now, I want to do this. I would never be able to live with myself if I gave up without even trying. You can stop me if you think it gets too dangerous, I will listen to you, but for now, this is what I want to do.

- Are you sure?

- One thousand percent.

- Okay. Let's do this, angel. I'm so proud of you for being this brave.


So this chap is short but vital for the plot

I realise things are getting a bit dark and angsty here, but I promise a happy ending, so bear with me <3

I'll give you a pic of happy Yunjae so please don't throw rocks at me ^^'

As always: please comment and tell me what you think



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Chapter 9: I totally LOOOOOVE your fics, and that's the only reason because I'm subscribing to a story updated so long ago. I really have hopes you'll keep writing this one. This chapter was really heartbreaking, you are amazing!
kireyyuki #2
Chapter 9: T.T give us the happy jaejoong again please.....
Neng2ovid #3
Chapter 9: This is sad. I can't handle seeing jae breakdown like that. Make him happy again.
seiza32 #4
Chapter 9: I cried.. and I cried.. I just want to cuddle Jae.. it was serious that we shouldn't bottle up our feelings..Please give them a chance to have another baby..
Chapter 9: Oh my. This is so heartbreaking
faithot5 #6
Chapter 9: I think u write this emotional chap well
Kattan69 #7
Chapter 9: My heart goes out to Jae....poor boy....losing a child is so painful.
MizzPeel0007 #8
Chapter 9: So sad, the pain must be unbearable for Jaejoong, hope things slowly get better.
ranmaiz #9
Chapter 9: Hope Jaejoong will get over his depression. Thanks for the update.
iloveiKON #10
This story seems interesting! Can't wait to read it but I have to go to sleep right now:(