Happy news

You and I

The stomach pain and nausea faded a couple of weeks later, and except for the complete inability to look at shellfish without wanting to pull a Linda Blair, Jaejoong was feeling quite good. He still had dizzy spells sometimes, but the doctor had explained that rushes in blood pressure was to be expected, so he wasn't worried.

By now, Jaejoong even felt well enough to socialise again, so he and Yunho decided to invite Jaejoong's younger brother Changmin and his wife Tiffany over for dinner, where they planned to break the happy news about the pending addition to their family.

On Saturday evening, around seven PM, the doorbell rang, and Jaejoong went to let his brother and sister-in-law in.

- Jaejoong-oppa! I missed you so much! Tiffany practically threw herself at her husband's older brother the second the door opened. Due to her busy schedule, she hadn't been able to meet Jaejoong and Yunho for almost five months.

- Yah! I thought I was your only oppa, Changmin said, pretending to be mad. - Hi hyung, he added, next in line to hug the older man. Even the blood brothers hadn't been able to see each other for at least a month, due to Changmin being away on several business trips abroad in a row.

- Wow, hyung, have you put on weight? Always so direct, my dongsaeng...

- A little, maybe, Jaejoong answered. He wanted to save the surprise for later, when Yunho was there too. Truth be told, even Jaejoong had only just realised that his belly was beginning to show, after catching a view of his profile in the bathroom mirror as he stepped out of the shower this morning.

After greeting Yunho, who had insisted on doing all the cooking himself to give Jaejoong a chance to rest some more, they all sat down to dinner.

- Hyung, you're not drinking wine? Changmin asked after seeing Yunho pour water in his husband's glass.

- No, Min, I'm not, Jaejoong smiled.

- But you love wine? Especially this one.

- Do we tell them now? Yunho whispered.

- Tell us what? Tiffany asked, 'curious' being her middle name.

- Don't freak out, ok? Jaejoong started. Even though he didn't think they would go crazy, it was still a lot to take in. - It's the doctor's orders. I-

- Are you sick? Changmin became worried.

- No, no, nothing like that. Not anymore, anyway... You see, they found out that I'm... pregnant. Jaejoong took a deep breath before the last word, realising it was the first time he said it out loud.

- Huh? You're what? Changmin and Tiffany looked like two fishes on dry land, mouths opening and closing in perfect sync.

- Pregnant. We're having a baby, Yunho repeated, looking at Jaejoong with loving eyes.

- Is that even possible? Changmin asked.

- Apparently. I was as stunned as you, Yunho replied.

- Wow, that's... wonderful! Right? Changmin suddenly realised that they might not want the baby. Judging by the way his brother and brother-in-law looked at each other, he didn't have to worry long.

- Oh my god, I'm gonna be an uncle, Changmin realised and went over to hug his hyungs.

Ten days later, it was time for the next monthly ultrasound to check on the baby. Since Jaejoong had a fear of hospitals ever since his birth mother died when he was six, his regular doctor, Lee Chaerin, had agreed to do the check-ups, under strict demands that a prenatal nurse got to be present.

- So, Jaejoong, how are you feeling? Chaerin asked.

- Good. I haven't been dizzy in over a week now. I still can't eat seafood, though...

- Yes, well, I'm afraid that won't go away until the baby is born, Chaerin smiled, remembering her own pregnancy and the horror of the shrimps.

After a few initial tests, like weighing and blood tests, Chaerin asked Jaejoong to lie down for the ultrasound.

- So, today, we'll see the facial features, and we'll be able to tell if it's a boy or a girl, Chaerin explained. Jaejoong and Yunho looked at each other and smiled.

- There, look.

Jaejoong and Yunho both gasped at the sight of the beautiful baby, who now looked more like a human than a soy bean, like last time. This was all becoming so real now.

- Are you ready to know the of the baby? Chaerin asked, to which they only nodded, busy admiring their child.

- Ok, here we go, she chuckled and moved the scanner. - It's a girl. You're having a daughter.

- A daughter... Jaejoong whispered, biting his bottom lip in happiness. That word never sounded prettier. Yunho almost teared up from the immense happiness that welled up in him. He'd always imagined a daughter, whenever he thought of his and Jaejoong's family, something he'd been daydreaming about ever since he first met his husband at a mutual friend's birthday party, five years ago. The angel whose hand he was now holding had been so hypnotising that night, and still was, for that matter. It had truly been love at first sight, and now, at this moment, looking at their child, Yunho, like so many times before, thanked Heaven for sending Jaejoong to him.

A day or two later, the couple were watching a movie, cuddled together on the sofa, like always. Jaejoong was munching on his latest craving, mint chocolate. Suddenly, he felt something that made him almost jump in surprise.

- What's the matter? Yunho asked.

- I don't know, I- There is was again, making Jaejoong gasp when he realised what it was. - I think it's the baby. It's moving, he said, completely awestruck.

- Really?

- Mm. Jaejoong took Yunho's hand and placed it on his stomach. - Do you feel it?

- Not reall- Omo! Yunho's eyes widened in surprise when he felt something tickle under his palm.


Chapter 2! yay!

As promised, I listened to your wishes and this is now officially a chaptered story

*Happy dance*

Doctor Chaerin is ofc the baddest female herself, CL from 2NE1

The Linda Blair is a reference to the "lovely" pea soup scene in the Exorcist, for those of you who don't know...

About the chap:

Changmin and Tiffany make an entrance. I decided to pair them up based purely on looks, since I think they'd look absolutely gorgeous together

I promise that Yoosu will enter the story a little further down as well

Until next time:

Go easy on the seafood, and don't die of squeal

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Chapter 9: I totally LOOOOOVE your fics, and that's the only reason because I'm subscribing to a story updated so long ago. I really have hopes you'll keep writing this one. This chapter was really heartbreaking, you are amazing!
kireyyuki #2
Chapter 9: T.T give us the happy jaejoong again please.....
Neng2ovid #3
Chapter 9: This is sad. I can't handle seeing jae breakdown like that. Make him happy again.
seiza32 #4
Chapter 9: I cried.. and I cried.. I just want to cuddle Jae.. it was serious that we shouldn't bottle up our feelings..Please give them a chance to have another baby..
Chapter 9: Oh my. This is so heartbreaking
faithot5 #6
Chapter 9: I think u write this emotional chap well
Kattan69 #7
Chapter 9: My heart goes out to Jae....poor boy....losing a child is so painful.
MizzPeel0007 #8
Chapter 9: So sad, the pain must be unbearable for Jaejoong, hope things slowly get better.
ranmaiz #9
Chapter 9: Hope Jaejoong will get over his depression. Thanks for the update.
iloveiKON #10
This story seems interesting! Can't wait to read it but I have to go to sleep right now:(