You and I

You and I

Jaejoong clutched his stomach, grimacing from the sudden pain that shot through him. He'd been having incidents like this one on and off for the past three months now, but recently, they had become worse, often accompanied by projectile vomiting and dizziness. When Yunho saw his husband's pain, he came rushing over to help him to the bathroom, since the latter was already retching.

- I don't think we can write this off as just stress anymore, sweetie, Yunho said as he was making circles with his hand on Jaejoong's back, in an attempt to make him feel better. - I think you should go to the hospital.

Jaejoong nodded as he wiped his mouth. - Will you call the doctor? he asked, to which Yunho nodded and pulled his phone out of his pocket.

Three days later, Jaejoong and Yunho were sitting in the doctor's office. Jaejoong had asked the doctor to let Yunho be present, for moral support, arguing that he would tell his husband everything anyway.

- Since it's been going on for so long, it's not the appendix, the doctor said, more thinking out loud than anything. - I have a couple of theories, but I want to run some more tests before I say something definite, ok?

Jaejoong nodded. - Whatever you need to do.

The doctor asked him to lie down, after which she proceeded to feel Jaejoong's lower abdomen with her hands. Jaejoong winced in pain when the doctor pressed down on what seemed to be a cyst the size of a tennis ball almost right below his belly button. The doctor's concerned expression as she examined the cyst closer made both men worried.

- Is it bad? Yunho asked, almost afraid to hear the answer. He'd heard of stomach cancer before, it sounded horrible.

- I'll know for sure once we've done an ultrasound, the doctor said and called the nurse over the intercom. About ten minutes later, a young nurse entered the room, pushing the machine in front of her.

- We do ultrasounds in the lower abdomen, since it's not healthy to use x-ray so close to the reproductive organs, the doctor explained while the machine started. The cold gel on his skin made Jaejoong shudder, as the doctor began to move the scanner over his stomach.

- Ok, let's see what we're dealing with here, the doctor said when she found the cyst. Confused, she furrowed her eyebrows and increased the zoom and the resolution on the screen. Looking again, she was almost unable to believe her eyes.

- Oh my god, she almost whispered.

- What? Jaejoong and Yunho asked in unison.

Turning the screen so that the two men could see, the doctor pointed at a large dark spot, containing something that looked like a bean.

- What's that? Yunho asked.

- It's a baby...

- The-what-now? Jaejoong asked, thinking he'd heard wrong. After all, only women have babies. Right?

- You're three months pregnant, the doctor repeated, smiling as if she was looking at the biggest miracle in the world, which, in a way, she probably was.

- How? Jaejoong asked. He felt surprisingly calm, considering the news he'd just received.

- Some men are born with a full or, as in your case, a partial uterus, in addition to their "male" organs. Occasionally, they are fully capable of creating life, and this appears to be one of those times.

- But, how will it be born? Jaejoong asked. The thought of getting rid of the baby never crossed his mind.

- We will schedule a C-section, that's the only way. Even if you did have a cervix, which you don't, your pelvis isn't constructed to handle a birth. It would paralyse you from the waist down.

Later that evening, when the initial shock had worn off, the couple were lying in bed, Jaejoong's head on Yunho's chest, listening to the latter's heartbeat.

Suddenly, Jaejoong chuckled quietly. It was more blowing air out of his nose than a real laugh, but the feeling was the same.

- What? Yunho asked gently, already half asleep after the eventful day.

- A baby... We're having a baby... Jaejoong smiled. It wasn't until now that the unexpected fact had really hit home.

- Mmm, Yunho answered, almost sleeping already.

Realising that his husband was barely listening, Jaejoong tried again.

- Jung Yunho. We're having a baby. You and I. We made this together.

- Oh my god, you're right. Yunho was suddenly completely awake. - I love you so much, Jae, he added, kissing his husband on the forehead, which was the only place he could reach in their current position.

- I love you too, Jaejoong answered with a long sigh as he closed his eyes and fell asleep in the arms of his soulmate, who was now going to be the (other) father of his child.

Yunho looked at his husband where he lay sleeping. Jaejoong had always been more beautiful than an angel, in Yunho's eyes, but now, knowing there was an even more special bond between them, Yunho felt as if Jaejoong was almost glowing with some kind of magic light, making him beyond perfect.


My first attempt at an mpreg story

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Like I said in the description, I'm fully prepared to expand this into a chaptered story, just let me know in the comments


How I imagine Yunjaes expressions when they found out...










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Chapter 9: I totally LOOOOOVE your fics, and that's the only reason because I'm subscribing to a story updated so long ago. I really have hopes you'll keep writing this one. This chapter was really heartbreaking, you are amazing!
kireyyuki #2
Chapter 9: T.T give us the happy jaejoong again please.....
Neng2ovid #3
Chapter 9: This is sad. I can't handle seeing jae breakdown like that. Make him happy again.
seiza32 #4
Chapter 9: I cried.. and I cried.. I just want to cuddle Jae.. it was serious that we shouldn't bottle up our feelings..Please give them a chance to have another baby..
Chapter 9: Oh my. This is so heartbreaking
faithot5 #6
Chapter 9: I think u write this emotional chap well
Kattan69 #7
Chapter 9: My heart goes out to Jae....poor boy....losing a child is so painful.
MizzPeel0007 #8
Chapter 9: So sad, the pain must be unbearable for Jaejoong, hope things slowly get better.
ranmaiz #9
Chapter 9: Hope Jaejoong will get over his depression. Thanks for the update.
iloveiKON #10
This story seems interesting! Can't wait to read it but I have to go to sleep right now:(