Hold me when I sleep

You and I

- Careful! Don't scratch it, Jaejoong told Yunho and Changmin who were struggling to fit the baby crib through the slightly too narrow door to the room they were preparing for the baby, across the hall from their own bedroom.

- I know what I'm doing, honey, Yunho groaned as his fingers got skinned a little when they almost got stuck between the bed and the door frame. - If you're that concerned, why don't you help? I'm sure that box of chocolate doesn't mind being put down for a second.

- I can't carry anything heavy, doctor's orders, Jaejoong retorted with a content smile before throwing a piece of chocolate in the air and catching it in his mouth. - Besides, I've got my work cut out for me right here, he said, gently patting his stomach which now contained a seven months old, very active, baby girl.

- Speaking of which, how is the little nestling doing in there? Changmin asked as he tried to avoid putting the bed down on his toes.

- Well, she's so active that you'd think I'm feeding her pure sugar, but apparently that's a good thing, Jaejoong said with a slightly tired smile. She was mostly active at night, keeping him up with her kicks. The migraines weren't as bad nor as frequent anymore, but only because Yunho had finally managed to nag his otherwise so active husband to take many naps during the day, whenever the baby was calm enough to let him sleep.


A week later, Yunho, Jaejoong, Changmin and Tiffany all went to Seunghyun's house to celebrate his younger brother Daesung's 25th birthday, since the younger man's apartment wasn't big enough to hold all the family and friends at once. The smiley-eyed actor greeted them all with his usual, bone-crushing mega-hugs, before eagerly pulling them into the living room to meet the others.

- Long time, no see, guys! Jiyong, Seunghyun's cheerful fiancé smiled from the couch, where he was sitting with his four-year-old twin nephews Youngbae and Seungri on either side. Their mother, Jiyong's younger sister Jinri, waved gently from the other side of the room, where she was talking to her husband Minho.

As the quartet sat down, the doorbell rang, and Daesung opened to invite Jiyong's cousin Yoochun and his family. Before the adults had even got their shoes off, two entities of pure energy had rushed into the room to hug their daddy's cousin.

- Taeyeon, Hyukkie, what did appa tell you about running indoors? Yoochun called from the hall as he entered the living room with his husband Junsu. The five-year-old girl and her two years younger brother looked at their father to see if he was angry, and when they had confirmed that he wasn't, they started playing with the twin boys.

- They're kids, let them run, Junsu said, patting his husband's arm gently.

- But what if they fall and hurt themselves? Yoochun asked.

- Then, as always, we'll comfort them and they'll forget all about it after five seconds. Now, come here and sit down, you big softie. Junsu patted the couch seat on his left, Jaejoong and Yunho being on his right.

Behind his cool exterior, Yoochun was a big plushie bear with a heart of gold. You'd think that two children and a third one on the way would be enough for him to learn to stop worry, but as a matter of fact, it had only become worse as they grew older and started to explore the world.

- I'm Junsu by the way, and this is Yoochun. He's Jiyong's cousin, not to mention the father of my two - soon to be three - children, the sweet-looking man smiled at Jaejoong and Yunho, reaching out to shake their hands. - So, is this your first child?

- Yeah, Yunho said, smiling at Jaejoong.

- Are you feeling ok? Not too much pain, I hope? Junsu asked Jaejoong.

- In the beginning, but not so much anymore. My back's a little sore, though...

- Lucky you, Junsu said with bittersweet nostalgia. - When I was pregnant with Taeyeon, I had to stay in bed for the last three months, because my back and legs couldn't handle the added weight. Not to mention being dizzy and vomiting almost the entire pregnancy. And don't get me started on the birth itself! I thought I was going to die, literally. I-

- Now, now, honey, don't freak them out, Yoochun smiled, having seen the terrified looks on the parents-to-be. - Everything went fine, he added assuringly.

- Eventually, Junsu argued. - I went into premature labour, nothing dangerous for Taeyeon, but a couple of days before the scheduled c-section, and it felt as if I was going to get a new orifice, it hurt as ...

Yunho and Jaejoong were very grateful when Seunghyun diverted their attention from the horror story the other couple was feeding them.


In the middle of the night, Yunho woke up from Jaejoong's restless movements in bed.

- Wake up, honey, you're having a nightmare, he whispered, making the other man sit up with a start, gasping from the sudden awakening. - You look like you've seen a ghost, what did you dream about? he added with a yawn.

- I can't do this, Yunho, I don't want to be ripped in half, Jaejoong rambled, still half in his dream.

- What?

- I'm scared, what if I go into premature labour too? That can kill me, you know!

- Sshh, sweetie, calm down, Yunho whispered, pulling his trembling husband down into his strong embrace. - You'll be fine, nothing will go wrong, ok? I've already taken the week before the surgery off, in case anything happens, so I'll be with you all the time. I won't let any harm come to you, you know that right? Either of you.

Feeling Jaejoong nod into his chest, Yunho smiled gently and began to talk quietly, in an effort to soothe his love. Jaejoong always reacted strongly to his nightmares, because his nightmares tended to be very bad, ever since he witnessed his mother violently get hit by a car and die in the ER when he was six. All that blood and all those pained screams were enough to haunt a grown man, let alone a pre-schooler.

- Whatever happens, it'll all be worth it, don't you agree? Two months from now, when you're holding our daughter for the first time, you'll ask yourself why you ever worried in the first place. Can you imagine that? Her face?

- Mm. So pretty...

- Imagine her smile at you, grip your finger and giggle. Isn't it the most beautiful thing in the world?

Soon enough, Yunho's soothing voice and strong, safe embrace calmed Jaejoong, whose slowing and deepening breaths let Yunho know that he'd gone back to sleep, dreaming beautifully in his arms. Yunho placed a soft kiss on the other's temple and let himself join his husband in the land of dreams again.


Long time no see ^~^

About the chap:

Plenty of new faces!

Jiyong (because GDTOP^^)


Jinri (Sulli) & Minho

(Their twins are ofc. the other BigBang members child versions)

Yoochun & Junsu (because Yoosu <3)

(Taeyeon=SNSD's member, Hyukkie=Eunhyuk child versions)

Junsu offers the mandatory horror pregnancy story, giving Jaejoong nightmares, triggering his fear of hospitals, (credit to the reader who figured this out when even I didn't) and Yunho, the ever-loving husband, does all he can to calm the love of his life

So sweet... kill me now...

As always, please comment ^x^















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Chapter 9: I totally LOOOOOVE your fics, and that's the only reason because I'm subscribing to a story updated so long ago. I really have hopes you'll keep writing this one. This chapter was really heartbreaking, you are amazing!
kireyyuki #2
Chapter 9: T.T give us the happy jaejoong again please.....
Neng2ovid #3
Chapter 9: This is sad. I can't handle seeing jae breakdown like that. Make him happy again.
seiza32 #4
Chapter 9: I cried.. and I cried.. I just want to cuddle Jae.. it was serious that we shouldn't bottle up our feelings..Please give them a chance to have another baby..
Chapter 9: Oh my. This is so heartbreaking
faithot5 #6
Chapter 9: I think u write this emotional chap well
Kattan69 #7
Chapter 9: My heart goes out to Jae....poor boy....losing a child is so painful.
MizzPeel0007 #8
Chapter 9: So sad, the pain must be unbearable for Jaejoong, hope things slowly get better.
ranmaiz #9
Chapter 9: Hope Jaejoong will get over his depression. Thanks for the update.
iloveiKON #10
This story seems interesting! Can't wait to read it but I have to go to sleep right now:(