Ha Eun

You and I

Jaejoong was sitting in front of the piano, trying to put the finishing touches on the song he was writing at the moment. He was a soundtrack composer for TV-series and movies, and right now he was working on a cop-show for SBS. When he looked at the sheet music, his splitting headache made the notes almost blurry. Great, not again. I hate migraines... Thanking his lucky star that he was able to work from home, Jaejoong took his migraine medicine and decided to go to the bedroom and try to get some sleep. The future tap dancer in his stomach had kept him up most part of last night, and lack of sleep always gave him migraines.

Lying on his side, Jaejoong pulled up his knees as far as possible and wrapped his arms around his growing belly and fell asleep. It was a habit he'd started a few weeks ago, as if to keep the baby safe and warm.

About an hour later, Yunho opened the apartment door. He'd left work early to give his husband a Valentine's Day surprise.

- Sweetie, I'm home! He called out, and was confused that there was no answer. Is he out?

Yunho went to look in the bedroom, and could only smile when he saw his husband sleeping on the bed. He put the roses and chocolate on the table stand, so that they would be the first thing Jaejoong saw when he woke up, kissed his husband gently on the temple, and went out into the kitchen to cook dinner for them both.

When the food was ready, Yunho went to wake up his husband.

- Jaejae, he whispered, Jaejoong's cheek, receiving no response.

- Jaejoong? Still no response.

Getting worried, Yunho slightly shook Jaejoong, calling his name again. When his husband still didn't respond, he quickly pulled up his cellphone and dialled 119 with shaky fingers.

- I need an ambulance, my husband has fainted, he almost shouted into the phone.

When the ambulance reached the hospital, Chaerin was already there, waiting for them. She'd asked to be notified immediately if Jaejoong or Yunho called for emergency care, due to the dangers that male pregnancy brought.

While she and Yunho followed the EMT's pushing Jaejoong's stretcher to the emergency room, she bombarded Yunho with questions about how his husband had been feeling lately. Since Jaejoong had been feeling exceptionally well lately, the incident was even more confusing and scary for Yunho.

A few tests were made, and since it was discovered that Jaejoong had only fainted due to low blood pressure, Yunho let out a breath he didn't even know he was holding.

- So he- they are ok? he asked, suddenly realising that there were two people affected by any harm come to Jaejoong.

- Yes, they'll be fine, Chaerin smiled and handed Yunho a glass of water.

An hour or so later, Jaejoong woke up to find himself lying in a hospital bed with an IV in his arm.

- What happened? he asked, flinching slightly when the sunlight hit his still sensitive eyes.

- You fainted from low blood pressure. Yunho found you and brought you here, Chaerin answered.

- Oh my god, honey, it was so scary! Yunho exclaimed, holding a tight grip on his husband's hand. - You were lying on the bed, and when I called your name there you didn't answer. I'm so relieved you're ok. Both of you, he added, kissing first Jaejoong's forehead and then his baby belly.

- How were you feeling before you fainted? Chaerin asked.

- I don't know, I must have passed out in my sleep, Jaejoong answered thoughtfully. - I had this insane migraine, all thanks to Michael Flatley in here, so I took my medication and went to sleep, he said, looking lovingly at his stomach, imagining his daughter doing a riverdance in there.

- Ah, I see, Chaerin said. - Migraine medicine can have this effect during pregnancy, since they are designed to reduce the swelling and high blood pressure that occurs during a migraine. Usually, we recommend acupuncture instead, since too much pharmaceuticals during pregnancy aren't good for the baby. Or for you, she added.

A couple of hours and several tests later, Jaejoong was released from the hospital. Since he was still a little light-headed, Yunho supported him with an arm around his waist. As they waited for a taxi, they heard a deep voice call out to them.

- Yunho hyung, Jaejoong hyung!

The two men looked for the source of the sound, and found Seunghyun waving to them from his car.

- Can I give you a ride? the cheerful man asked, an offer which they gratefully accepted.

- Wow, hyung, Tiff told me you were pregnant, but I thought she was playing me, Seunghyun said when he saw Jaejoong up close. Apart from being Jaejoong's friend from school, and Yunho's friend from hapkido practice, Seunghyun was also Tiffany's older brother.

- Yeah, it's really beginning to show, Jaejoong smiled.

- How far along are you?

- Little over five months.

- Wow, amazing, Seunghyun said, almost moved by how happy Jaejoong and Yunho looked. The couple had met on his birthday party five years ago, and when Yunho noticed Jaejoong, dancing with Tiffany, he'd been instantaneously hypnotised by the other man. Completely understandably, since Jaejoong had a tendency to take people's breath away. Even Seunghyun felt his heart skip a beat on occasion, because of a look or gesture from his friend since childhood. - Well, if anyone deserves a baby, it's you two, Seunghyun smiled. - So, have you thought of a name for the baby yet?

- We decided last night, actually, Yunho smiled. - We're going to call her Ha Eun.


Finally a new chapter! Yay!

About the chap:

Oh noes! Jaejoong is sick, and Yunho panics!

I don't like being mean to my ultimate bias like this, but I felt a little drama was necessary to avoid making this story into a pregnancy diary ^_^

Seunghyun makes an appearance as well, the mutual friend I alluded to in the previous chap

I chose the name Ha Eun simply because of the Hanja characters


They mean "summer" and "kindness"

Since Ha Eun is going to be a June baby, it felt perfect for her ^3^


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Chapter 9: I totally LOOOOOVE your fics, and that's the only reason because I'm subscribing to a story updated so long ago. I really have hopes you'll keep writing this one. This chapter was really heartbreaking, you are amazing!
kireyyuki #2
Chapter 9: T.T give us the happy jaejoong again please.....
Neng2ovid #3
Chapter 9: This is sad. I can't handle seeing jae breakdown like that. Make him happy again.
seiza32 #4
Chapter 9: I cried.. and I cried.. I just want to cuddle Jae.. it was serious that we shouldn't bottle up our feelings..Please give them a chance to have another baby..
Chapter 9: Oh my. This is so heartbreaking
faithot5 #6
Chapter 9: I think u write this emotional chap well
Kattan69 #7
Chapter 9: My heart goes out to Jae....poor boy....losing a child is so painful.
MizzPeel0007 #8
Chapter 9: So sad, the pain must be unbearable for Jaejoong, hope things slowly get better.
ranmaiz #9
Chapter 9: Hope Jaejoong will get over his depression. Thanks for the update.
iloveiKON #10
This story seems interesting! Can't wait to read it but I have to go to sleep right now:(