Chapter Three

My other Half
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Finally the entire first meeting ^^

Hope you'll like!!!*

thanks a loooot for all your comments, it made me want to write this one as fast as I could!

So don't forget to tell me what you think ne~~




            Laid on the covers of his bed, his right arm upon his face to hide his eyes, Changmin sighed. Today was the last day before the beginning of his new life. The end of this crazy week he spent. Today, he finally agreed to the terms of the deal and starting tomorrow, his whole life will take a different turn.


Letting his arm fall on the mattress, Changmin opened his eyes to gaze at the ceiling. Once again he sighed and took a last glance at the paper on his bedside table. The full characters of his name seemed to be shining on the contract, reminding him again he truly agreed. From tomorrow, he will have to spend every day of the next six months with Junsu. Without thinking about it, Changmin agreed. Why did he agree again? He did not remember, he just did without thinking.


When the director told them to think about the deal for one entire week before giving a definitive answer, Changmin decided to take his time. It was an important decision. He could not talk about it with anyone, so he wanted at least to think about it alone for a while. He waited until the last day before he gave them his decision, but he knew that in fact, he had not thought about it as hard as he should have. He closed his eyes again and reminded those last few days.


Yeah, in reality, he had taken his decision since the very first day.



            The manager opened the door and walked toward the young man standing beside the piano.  The door slammed behind the two comers and the young man jolted at the sound of the door. He turned toward them and greeted them politely with a bow, offering a bright smile.


“Oh Mister Kim, you're already there,” the oldest man said as he greeted the young man in front of them.

“I was a bit stressed actually, I came earlier than planned,” Junsu explained with a soft smile.

“That's good, we can begin if it doesn't you.”

“Not at all.”


The manager walked toward the table settled for them near the piano and sat on a stool, inviting the two others to do the same. Changmin followed obediently, though curious and sat at his turn. Junsu sat on the remained seat as Changmin's gaze was focused on him. Catching the latter's eyes, his grin widened.


“I'm sorry, I'm so confused, I'm forgetting my manners,” he held out his arm toward Changmin and their eyes locked. “Kim Junsu,” he introduced himself.

“Shim Changmin,” he answered automatically.

“Nice to meet you.”


Changmin nodded despite his lack of an answer. Kim Junsu, he repeated for himself. For a supposedly extremely timid and stressed dude, Junsu did not look timid at all. Nor stressed actually. His voice was still, his face calm and his eyes as bright as his smile. He was talking normally and did not seem particularly bothered or even curious about the situation. He must also to add the guy was quite good looking... okay, really good looking, his grin was lovely and his smiling eyes made him look truly gentle, maybe too much. But even this, Junsu seemed to know it and looked pretty confident about his appearance.


His spoken voice was soft, probably higher than his own and Changmin had no doubt it was the one he heard, so deep, suave, so beautiful. This might be based on the very first impression, but he could not see why he was standing there. He had no reason to replace Junsu.


And was Junsu really scared of singing in public or did he just have some unknown other reason? For all he knew, he might just dislike following the crazy life idol could have sometimes and accept to sing only for money...


“Changmin?” A voice called him back on earth.

“Hum?” He lifted his head to meet Junsu's eyes focused on him and looked away toward his manager who was calling his attention.

“Did you hear me?”

“Oh, well... not really, I was thinking about... something else,” he explained weirdly. “Sorry, you said?”

"I said, the staff thought about this for a long time and we decided to try and look how it works with you two. We made a contract to fix everything."

“How does it work?” Changmin asked, lost.

“Your Duet,” the manager answered, insisting on the word. “We have to be sure you can work together before we can make any project. This is how a duet works.”


Changmin snorted. The whole thing about a duet seemed pretty ridicule according to him. Only one person will sing and only one would be performing. This was not exactly what he called a duet. But if the expression was enough to make those men feel better, then let them call it how they pleased, he decided, taking a grip on himself.


“Yeah, so?”

"First, you will train together. You have to get used to each other, learn how you act, talk and live. Well basically, you have to get to know each other to be comfortable. This is a duet, so you both have efforts to do."


The man looked at them, waiting for approval, and they both nodded to tell him they knew this won't be easy for anyone.


“You'll have to train together, it means Junsu,” he said looking insistently at the singer. “You have to sing in front Changmin for him to catch your style, register each detail of you he will have to keep in mind when he will perform.”


Junsu tensed and he clenched his fit as anxiety appeared on his face. He glanced toward Changmin and looked back at his hands. Crossing his arms, he bit his thumb's nail and nodded. His behaviour was awkward, but his fear seemed genuine. For the first time, Changmin realised this situation might be real and hurtful for Junsu. His gaze softened and he felt compassion for him.


"You will also have to train your voice, but we will see that later. On the other hand, Changmin will have to rehearse to sing exactly like you do it, that's why you have to know each other. Changmin, you'll have few acting lessons to help you, we called a teacher already," he said to the youngest.


Changmin raised his shoulders, expecting already something like that. But the more he had details,

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I don't want to stop this ff and I don't want to let them go... but okay! I WILL WRITE IT!!! XD


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Chapter 18: One word for your story... WONDERFUL. I immensely enjoyed it. It was like a journey. Thank you for this!
claire_yj #2
Chapter 18: Such a sweet and touching story. Love every moment. Thank you ♡
forsvinner #3
Chapter 18: Beautiful story! Even thought i might be a late subscriber i am glad i was able to find and read your story. Thank you! :)
Chapter 18: It was so beautiful. I really liked it ~ I loved how you described everything, from how the characters are to their emotions and everything. And the end was just perfect <3
I also want to say that I am really, really sorry. I was really busy and I couldn't finish reading your story until today. I also wanted to read it again from the beginig to remember everything, so it took me some more time. I'm really sorry.
I noticed that you also wrote some Jaemin stories and OMG Jaemin (my first ever OTP). I can't wait to read them too, now that I have a lot of free time.
Author-nim fighting! ^^
Chapter 18: Kyaaaa~ Kyaaaaaa~ Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ (yes I'm fangirling right now) XD
I know I supposed to comment on what happened from the top to the bottom but I really can't help to not squeal first. XD This is such a nice ending! And I love it! Imagining Changmin's concert through this... OMG I want to keep smiling from time to time as I read this chapterrrrr!!!! Start from how Jaejoong improved in his problem too (and how Yoochun seemed to be a fond of him as well~ may I take this as a hinted JaeChun? /giggles/)... and then Junsu who is finally determined to be able to sing! And I like how Jaejoong told Junsu "It's your turn" after he has done with the audition. XD And I also like how Yunho played hyung role quite well here, for Changmin! Yeyyyyyy~ Yunho is such a nice Hyung for Changmin; he even took his time to meet Junsu as well. And... what else?

OwO I must be missing this fic later... This is greattttttttttt! I can imagine what every characters did here! Whaaaaaa~ <3333333
And the last scene. Ugh. Really everytime I scrolled up and read it a bit.... It's too sweet on how Changmin hugged him in the dark and how he told Junsu it's start; their duet. Nyaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~ <3

LOL. Sorry for being quite random here. XD
Chapter 17: Whaaaaaaaaaa... it's Jaejoong! Jaejoong comes! Ahahahahahaha. XD Didn't expect to see him~ I was a bit sad and worried that Junsu got a new partner for his singing. But knowing it's Jaejoong, then it should be alright then! /positive mind on Jaejoong/ I love how you write Jaejoong and I also love how you explain why Junsu could open up to him a bit fast. It was like... naturally! And even though I imagined it would be sad for Changmin, but you wrote it like there's nothing wrong with that and there's nothing to be sad for Junsu to be with Jaejoong (in a partner-way) XD And.... oho~ I also love it when you showed that Yoochun changed because of Jaejoong too... and they even grew closer as well! Yeay~ <3 lol. And whoa, I'm amazed! Despite everything, Junsu's feeling for Changmin was written rather clear. I can feel how Junsu felt for Changmin... It is really well-written! I wanna cry when Junsu started singing Kajima... Junsu~~~ >"< /hugs Junsu again/ This is beautifulllllll... Reading this was as if I really heard Junsu's singing and how he sang it whole-heartedly. OMG!!!! And the end of chapter- ASADFGHJKL Hurray, Changmin watched him!!!!!!! And he got the ticket! Hehehehehe. Really glad Jaejoong is so supportive! <3

Nyah, to the next chapter!!!
Chapter 16: this one is so sadddddddd.... especially the last part when Junsu and Changmin met and... how he felt it like a goodbye kiss. >"< That scene is so touching yet sad. /sniffs sobs sobs/ And it must be hard for Junsu, right? To think that he has to- no, he wants to believe and trust Changmin yet at the same time he saw everywhere that Changmin would make a debut by himself. It must be like... you know that you believe in him but at the same time the facts are betraying you. Like either you have to take what has been proven or what your precious one said. /hugs junsu/
Uh- oh o_o Didn't expect Junsu to get a new partner.... I wonder who that would be and I wonder whether Junsu is capable to do it with that new partner? :O But I think I get your idea (?) XD That you want to show both of their improvement; from depending one with another, to be independent and able to stand by themselves proudly? (just a rough assumption though. XDXDXD)
AmyDick #8
Chapter 18: Finally, finished it. It's way complete different from the movie i told u before... I'm glad Junsu can overcome his fear for singing in front of public. It's like a turning point for Junsu from a secretive singer to be public singer. It's a big move to make such progress. I love the ending also 'Wish' song. Great!
Chapter 15: Ouchie~ Should I be glad upon the fact that the company recognized Changmin's talent? Because... no! It's scary... scary because then what's going to happen with Junsu if it's like this. >"< And scary because Junsu seemed to be as determined to let Changmin go alone. But... but they've been through everything with the two of them! Even though yes, Changmin sang great and well by himself, but that performance was for Junsu! He can't sing as great if he never met Junsu! (not that I underestimate him... but I guess that was why the company never knew Changmin's talent before) So... yes it's so scaryyyyy~

Though I am glad that at the end of chapter Junsu finally decided to believe in Changmin... though it's still scary to know what's going to be happened and how if the director didn't agree- because no matter what Changmin said he has proven enough that he could sing. >"< But but... I trust you unn! XP You're not as cruel as me /evil laughs. Waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa~