Chapter VII + I

All My Feelings For You
Taeyeon opened her eyes. She was in the white room and now, an angel stood before her. Pure white light emanated from the being in front of her and the alabaster wings on the angel's back sparkled faintly. 
"Don't you remember me?"
Taeyeon shook her head. 
"I'm Tiffany, Taeyeon ah…" 
An enormous claw mark appeared on the white wall. 
"Taeyeon you need to go." Tiffany spat out quickly as she clenched her fist tightly. 
The first wall fell, revealing ugly creatures that tried to rush into the room. Tiffany held her hand out, creating a barrier that the creatures fought forcefully against. 
Another Rip. Behind Taeyeon, the next wall fell. Crimson balls of light with black onyx wings attacked with balls of fire. Tiffany held her other hand out, but staggered as the flames came into contact with her shield.
|| 3.00pm Hospital Bed || 
Taeyeon sprang out of her sleeping position, breathing heavily. The door opened and Sooyoung entered. 
"Are you okay?" Concern was evident all over Sooyoung's face. 
"Yeah… I think so." 
It was the second time Taeyeon had fainted within a span of three days. She didn't know what triggered her to lose consciousness. She remembered a golden feather, flashes of light, and Tiffany. It was just a dream, yet it affected her so much. She couldn't make sense of it. 
Sooyoung spoke with the doctor in the background.
"Everything on the report is fine. There shouldn't be anything wrong with her. Has she been stressed lately?" 
"No… Not that I know of." Sooyoung's reply to the doctor came hesitantly. 
"We'll keep her under observation for another day, if nothing comes up, we'll discharge her." 
As the doctor exited the ward, Sooyoung sat on the side of the hospital bed. 
"Is there something wrong?" 
"I don't know." Taeyeon sighed, at a loss. 
"You can talk to me about anything, you know that right?" Sooyoung placed her hand on Taeyeon's. 
"I know." Taeyeon laid back down onto the bed, and gratefully succumbed to the peaceful sleep that she had been deprived of. 
|| 5.00pm Hospital Ward || 
"Ya Sooyoung I'm sleeping go away." Taeyeon mumbled as she pushed the person shaking her awake. 
Sooyoung continued shaking her shoulder.
"Ya!" Taeyeon heaved herself up and shot death glares at her best friend. 
It wasn't Sooyoung.
"TaeTae! YOU'RE ALIVE." 
"I'm sorry?" Taeyeon regarded the girl in front of her. She had no recollection of ever meeting such a girl. 
"You don't remember?" The girl fidgeted with her red hair while bitting her lower lip. 
Taeyeon thought for a moment. "Have we met before?" 
"I'm Tiffany…" the red haired girl looked down, obviously disappointed. 
A flash. A rip in reality. Achromatic wings appeared on Tiffany's back. 
Another flash. The wings disappeared.
"Are you an angel….?" Taeyeon spoke slowly, chewing on each word as she slowly articulated them. 
"You remember!" Tiffany's eyes lit up. 
Reiterating the contents of her dream to Tiffany, the red haired girl looked more downcast. 
"That's it?" A pause. "TaeTae, I'm going to tell you a story." 
"You're an angel Taeyeon. An angel." 
"What do you mean I'm an ange-" Tiffany cut her off.
"Sh! Don't interrupt. This is very important so just listen." 
"You, Kim Taeyeon, you're an angel. Well at least you were an angel. Let's make this simple. There was this huge war between the good angels and the bad angels. And we, the good angels won. Thanks to you."
Taeyeon raised an eyebrow. It didn't make any sense.
"But in exchange for our victory, you had to fall to earth. We didn't know where you fell to, or how you would appear. It seems you were reborn? I'm not quite sure how to phrase this. But you're still an angel. It's just that you haven't quite awakened yet. Your dreams, they seem like memories from when you hadn't fallen."
"And you expect me to believe this? Sooyoung ah stop pranking me!" Taeyeon shouted in the general direction of nowhere. 
Tiffany grimaced, looking straight into Taeyeon's eyes. "I'm serious."
There was something about her tone of voice that frightened Taeyeon, some sort of element that really made Taeyeon doubt the invalidity of the 'story' that she just heard. 
"Prove it." 
Tiffany sighed. "Call someone into the room."
Sooyoung entered the ward. She was ambling towards Taeyeon when she walked through Tiffany. Walked. Through. Tiffany.
"Normal people can't see or touch me." she stated. 
"Tae are you okay? You look really pale." 
Nodding, she asked Sooyoung for a glass of water, then pretended to go back to sleep. When the shikshin left, Taeyeon sprang up again. 
"Okay so let's get this straight, I'm an angel, supposedly one who won some war and fell to earth because of that? What does my existence on earth mean then? And why can't i remember anything?" 
"That's what I'm trying to figure out."
"So.. Now what?" 
"Do you want to become an angel again, Taetae?" 
"I don't know. I don't even remember anything, how would I know?" 
"Let's wait… and see what your dreams tell you." 
Skeptical, but half convinced, Taeyeon nodded again. 
"I'll be back when the time is right. If you do want to come back to me- come back to us by then, I'll tell you how." 
The Angel in front of Taeyeon vanished. 
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Chapter 9: Please update soon! Interesting :)
Chapter 9: update soon please
Coiste #3
Chapter 9: I meant *how
Coiste #4
Chapter 9: ...what?!
Ihop could you leave us hanging like that?!
I wonder if Jessica ties into all this business...
I'm excited for the next update..!
Jessiebessie125 #5
Chapter 9: I lost track of the story.... Wat in d actual world is going on?! Pls someone explain to me..
Hey.. I dont know your in AFF too..
I thaught you only in Soshified.

But its okay, i'm subscribing you in both. :)
ondubu #7
Chapter 9: omg plot twist lol
ondubu #8
Chapter 8: whats happening to tae-
is she sick D:
Chapter 8: why do taeyeon always black out? hmm
Chapter 8: jessica smiled at me ! hahaha lol , i feel you XD ! Update more