Chapter II

All My Feelings For You


Choi Sooyoung appeared. Following that, the club froze for exactly twenty seconds. Because in that seemingly very short twenty seconds she managed to slap the not-so-handsome-anymore young man, scream WHAT ARE YOU DOING TO MY BEST FRIEND and storm out of the club, lugging a shocked Taeyeon behind her. 
|| 12.09pm Taeyeon's Apartment ||
"Oh my god I'm so sorry are you alright?" Sooyoung apologised profusely while rubbing the danshin's swollen wrist. After agreeing to Taeyeon's saturday night sappy romance drama sprees, she even offered to buy food.
"I'm alright, really, you don't need to be so nice to me!" Taeyeon laughed and patted the taller girl's head. She then got off the couch, taking the tear stained cushion that had been abandoned there previously.
As she closed her room door, she chuckled as she heard Sooyoung shout another apology from the living room. Taeyeon laid on her bed as she waited for her laptop to switch on. She stared blankly at the ceiling while thinking about the intrusive young man at the club and shuddered. No bad thoughts tae tae, no bad thoughts. Cleansing her mind of the earlier situation, she continued daydreaming.
She laughed at me.
Taeyeon squealed and stuffed her face into the earlier tear absorbing cushion. As per routine, she got up and clicked the link to the blonde goddess' fan site. 
/Following the fan meet's overwhelming response, PBS has decided to create a special feature where fans will be able to send their messages to the various actors. Actors will then be able to respond privately to these lucky fans on the forum. Good luck and have fun!/ 
Taeyeon nearly exploded. Exploded in feels. She grabbed her laptop, leaned in really close, face almost touching the screen, scanning every word to make sure she read it right. She spun around in her swivel chair screaming excitedly until the door burst open.
Sooyoung ran in with a concerned look that turned into intense anger the moment she laid her eyes upon the happy leprechaun. 
"I THOUGHT YOU WERE FREAKING ABOUT WHAT HAPPENED JUST NOW BUT" Sighing, she shook her head, waving her hand dismissively as she trod out of the room.  
As if the Sooyoung occurrence had not occurred at all, Taeyeon quickly typed her username and password into the little white boxes that appeared in front of her. Just a click away from… /Username does not exist/ That was weird? She had been using that account for ages now. She typed it in again. /Username does not exist/ Now she was beginning to feel frustrated, she was so close to sending a message to the goddess but now pesky account problems were keeping her away. /Username does not-/ Taeyeon did a table palm. Because a face palm was an understatement. She typed in her username wrongly. And she didn't even notice. After three painful 'Username does not exist's, she finally got into her account.
"Hi! I really liked your drama, like I really did. Because omg all the feels it gave me did you know how many times i cried because of your face?" 
Too personal? Taeyeon read it again scrunching her face up. Who knew sending one message could be so tough.
"Annyeong haseyo, congratulations on the completion of your first drama! I really did enjoy it, and I'm looking forward to watching another drama with you as the female lead. Hwaiting! ^^ Don't tire yourself out while acting alright? All of your fans are looking out for you! -TT"
Not too formal but not too personal…. Hmm alrighty then! 
/Your message has been sent/ 
Taeyeon squealed as she swirled around in her swivel chair. Although it wasn't much, knowing that the blonde goddess had read her message was enough…. 
That night, Taeyeon fell asleep with a smile on her face, nearly suffocating (if it could breathe) her purple keroro faced bolster.  Little did she know, at about 4.09am, her laptop had lit up, showing the four glowing words "You've got a message!".
|| 8.09am Taeyeon's bed ||
Curtains. Bright. Sunlight.
Taeyeon quickly grabbed her laptop, closing it hastily before even reading the four waited-for-forever glorious words. She washed up quickly, brushing her teeth and lathering soap onto her hair all at the same time. Wait soap? Where was the shampoo and CHOI SOOYOUNG WHERE IS THE CLEANSER. She made a mental note to take revenge when she got back later. 
The day couldn't get any worse, well that's what she thought before she tripped down the stairs and almost flew face first onto the floor. 
It was the first day of her second year at Soshifyyeo University. And Taeyeon was late. She studied in the faculty of arts and social sciences, and she majored in studio arts. That's all she knew, because she obviously didn't know where she was supposed to go. She ran around aimlessly from level to level until it occurred to her to ask someone. When Taeyeon finally acquired a destination, she flew at godspeed to the hall. She paused outside the hall, for vanity's sake, because the wind had completely ruined her hair and successfully made her look a little crazy. Just a little. 
Opening the hall doors, she ninja-ed her way to one of the seats at the back, hoping that nobody would notice. But boy, did they notice. Her unsuccessful ninja skills had been witnessed by almost everybody in her cohort, save for the guy that was too busy ogling at a female teacher. Even the professor had paused for a moment to stifle a laugh before continuing with his speech.
Embarrassed, Taeyeon slunk sheepishly into a seat, looking down all the while, feeling the attention that some people in her faculty had kindly bestowed upon her. When she finally gathered her courage and looked back up, the words "WELCOME BACK YEAR TWOS!" was on the screen. But what really caught her attention were the words, "It's orientation again" at the bottom. Apparently, as she later found out, some idiots from her year complained that the faculty wasn't 'bonded' enough, so the administration took it into their hands to organise a second orientation.
About twenty minutes later, when the professor that had caused her death inducing embarrassment finished his speech, teachers came around with paper bags with two holes in the front. Taeyeon fidgeted uncomfortably, with the boring professor gone, some curious onlookers had turned their attention to the crazy looking girl that entered the hall late. 
"As you all have noticed, obviously, all of you have a paper bag. Yes? Those without paper bags please raise their hands. Now, open it and put it on. Because these paper bags will be your buddy for today. Those seen taking off their paper bags will be given ten extra pieces of assignments. Yes, ten. No, there's no negotiation." 
A stream of protests came from the audience. But the professor on stage, with a loud exclamation of "NOW!", forced everyone to oblige. There were still little whisperings of protest after that, but it came from everyone but Taeyeon. To her delight, the kind people in the hall wouldn't recognise the crazy girl anymore!   
A little orientation booklet came with the paper bag. In it, there was the whole boring note from the Faculty head, the explanation for the use of paper bags, /Because some of you already know each other… paper bags to conceal your identity… more friendships… Groups will be a mix of people from different majors/ and of course, the interesting part - the itinerary. 
Day One: Helllo! 
Day Two: Fun, fun, fun! And... Peek-a-boo! 
Whoever who came up with the itinerary was pure genius. The genius of the century. There weren't even any activities listed out. Taeyeon sighed. How typical of the stingy administration office. They probably just wanted to save on paper. After flipping through the little book of doesn't-really-tell-you-anything orientation booklet, Taeyeon realised there was a number on the right hand top side of the stupid itinerary page. 
Oh grouping numbers! Remembering there was a list of numbers at the back of the little booklet, Taeyeon flipped to it. Alas, instructions. 
/Dear Students, please put on your paper bags and proceed to the following locations as follows/
/09 - Meeting room five/ 
Taeyeon made her way towards meeting room five. Up the stairs, up the stairs again, take a right turn, walk straight, turn left…? Or was it right. And then up the stairs. Slowly but surely, she found the room. Inside, there were three other students but nobody she recognised though, thanks to the paper bags which made them all look like idiots. 
"Wait don't introduce yourself." 
Taeyeon closed as fast as she had opened it. 
The husky voiced girl begun again, "Apparently, we can't introduce ourselves. Nicknames are fine but no names." 
She paused, waiting for some sort of reaction, but since none came, she continued, "I'm the group leader for today, and well the itinerary I got says that we're supposed to go on a treasure hunt. Apparently the group that finds the treasure first gets free lunch at the cafeteria for the next three months. You up for it?" 
Free lunch at the cafeteria. Why would anyone bother? Just for free lunch- And then suddenly a lightbulb appeared. Taeyeon had an idea. She knew someone who would literally kill for free lunches. The shikshin. Life indebtedness in return for a silly meal coupon. Thinking about it made her smile. Evilly. 
"Oh yeah sure. I'm up for it." 
The group consisted of three girls and one boy. Turned out the husky voiced girl had no interest in the meal coupon, all she was in interested in was the boy. The boy, on the other hand, was more interested in the meal coupon than the girl. Oh the joys of life. So the eventual conclusion was that they would go in pairs, the husky voiced girl with the boy, and Taeyeon with the girl who hadn't spoken since she walked in the door. 
As the two lovebirds, or rather one lovebird and one pig, exited the room, Taeyeon approached the girl. She was about to introduce herself, until she realised the girl in front of her was….. asleep? Taeyeon coughed, hoping the sleeping girl would wake up. She didn't. She coughed again. No response.
Extreme situations call for extreme measures. Taeyeon poked the girl. And miraculously the girl woke up. 
"Ah I fell asleep." the girl whispered under her breath.
Taeyeon stretched out her hand, offering the sleepyhead a handshake. "Hmm, since we're not allowed to state our names, you can call me Tae."
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Chapter 9: Please update soon! Interesting :)
Chapter 9: update soon please
Coiste #3
Chapter 9: I meant *how
Coiste #4
Chapter 9: ...what?!
Ihop could you leave us hanging like that?!
I wonder if Jessica ties into all this business...
I'm excited for the next update..!
Jessiebessie125 #5
Chapter 9: I lost track of the story.... Wat in d actual world is going on?! Pls someone explain to me..
Hey.. I dont know your in AFF too..
I thaught you only in Soshified.

But its okay, i'm subscribing you in both. :)
ondubu #7
Chapter 9: omg plot twist lol
ondubu #8
Chapter 8: whats happening to tae-
is she sick D:
Chapter 8: why do taeyeon always black out? hmm
Chapter 8: jessica smiled at me ! hahaha lol , i feel you XD ! Update more