Chaper II 1/2

All My Feelings For You


|| 10.09am Meeting Room Five || 
"Jay? Like Jay Park? That really ohmygosh his body singer?" 
"Then uh.. Jae? Doesn't it sound the same?"
Okay. She could live with one syllable answers. This J girl intrigued her. She never saw anyone who dressed like this J girl though. Maybe she was thinking too much, she couldn't possibly remember everyone in the faculty anyway.
On a side note, even with a paper bag on her head, it was undeniable that J was extremely, well, perfect. She had the perfect body and the perfect fashion sense. She wore a pink loose long sleeved tee that hung off her shoulder, with denim skinny jeans and a pair of flats to match. 
Taeyeon peeled her eyes away from the flawless girl, got up and signalled to the door. "So shall we get going?" 
J simply stood up and let herself out of the room, leaving Taeyeon behind. 
"Ya! Wait for me!" 
|| 12.09pm Along the corridor of Lecture Theatre C-4 || 
"Aren't you boooored?" 
"No." As usual, a one syllable answer. Seriously, this girl. It was perfectly understandable if one was shy during their first encounter with another person, but this was just off the charts. Taeyeon was starting to wonder if the person behind the paper bag was a person at all. 
The two girls had been walking along the same corridors for about two hours, but still, nothing. They were still looking for the "hidden treasure". All they had was a little riddle which didn't seem to make any sense.
/ On top of the books, below the starry skies, if you look low then high, the truth with arise / 
They looked everywhere; even after looking under trees, tables and the principal's car they still had nothing. Taeyeon sighed dejectedly as she fiddled with the piece of paper in her hand. Books. Skies. Truth. Skies. Truth. Books. 
Taeyeon was starting to get sick of the endless walking. She tried so hard to make J talk, but to no avail. The tight lipped girl would just occasionally nod and reply with a "yes" or "no". To imagine she had to stick with the girl for the rest of the day filled her with dread. 
The riddle played again and again in Taeyeon's mind. On top of books. What did it mean? On top of the library? But there was nothing on top of the library. She thought so hard it felt like her brain was about to explode. It was like she was on the verge of an epiphany, but it  consistently avoided her grasp. Everytime she thought she had something, she lost it. She just needed something, a trigger of some sort. 
Someone's stomach growled.
J simply continued on her way, while Taeyeon stared incredulously at her. A girl who knew no words and no shame either, this girl was indeed impressive. 
A lightbulb. But of course, the rooftop! Above the books would mean above the university! 
Taeyeon grabbed J's hand and started running towards the roof. Life indebtedness from Choi Sooyoung would not escape her so easily.
"Wai-ha-ha-t-ha-ha-ST-ha-ha-OP!" J managed to shout as she panted exhaustedly. The excited leprechaun simply continued running, dragging J along by maintaining the tight grip she had on J's hand. When they finally arrived at the roof top, Taeyeon stopped to take a breather. 
If J hadn't had the paper bag on, Taeyeon would probably have noticed the murderous glare in J's eyes that showed her killing intent. But since it was on, she didn't notice, and just continued looking for the idiotic lunch coupon that seemed to escape her no matter what she did. 
Feeling something tug on her hand, Taeyeon finally realised she forgot to let go of J's hand. Her face turned bright pink under the brown paper bag as she quickly released her grip. Feeling flustered, she ran about the empty piece of space hoping to find something, anything, that would at least dissipate the awkwardness that was between them. All she found was an empty bottle and a half eaten sandwich in some sort of dubious wrapping. 
After pausing for a moment, Taeyeon turned to face the girl. "Hey, you, you spoke just now, didn't you?" 
Once again, the girl simply nodded and turned away, continuing her search for the evasive meal coupon. Taeyeon sighed, squatted down and started to stare at the sky. The sunlight filtered through the passing clouds and shone angelic rays of light on whatever it touched. Wherever the sunlight was, it was as if shots of colour were injected in. The weather worn roof access door transformed into an old red door from a vintage movie, the paint peeling of the walls suddenly acquired an artistic touch, and the girl next to her looked like an angel.  
The way she walked with her feet pointed outwards, the way she kicked anything that seemed dubious. The surroundings that had seemed so fascinating a moment ago wasn't so fascinating anymore. The beauty that had seemed to encompass the rooftop abruptly paled. They paled in comparison to the light that seemed to dance around J; the soft light that shone ever so brightly served only to complement J's flawless features. Snapping out of her trance, Taeyeon shook her head, wondering how she could think that someone with a paper bag on her head could look perfect - much less look flawless. 
Taeyeon sprang up, eager and ready to continue her mission. 
Then everything went black.


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Chapter 9: Please update soon! Interesting :)
Chapter 9: update soon please
Coiste #3
Chapter 9: I meant *how
Coiste #4
Chapter 9: ...what?!
Ihop could you leave us hanging like that?!
I wonder if Jessica ties into all this business...
I'm excited for the next update..!
Jessiebessie125 #5
Chapter 9: I lost track of the story.... Wat in d actual world is going on?! Pls someone explain to me..
Hey.. I dont know your in AFF too..
I thaught you only in Soshified.

But its okay, i'm subscribing you in both. :)
ondubu #7
Chapter 9: omg plot twist lol
ondubu #8
Chapter 8: whats happening to tae-
is she sick D:
Chapter 8: why do taeyeon always black out? hmm
Chapter 8: jessica smiled at me ! hahaha lol , i feel you XD ! Update more