Chapter 9

Idol Manager

Dara’s POV


I immediately shuddered due to the cold wind. When we read the road, Minho oppa was nowhere to be found. It was quite cold in Tokyo at night. I start jumping a little to make myself feel warmer. Jiyong the pulled me closer, so that he will give me warmth. His hands were warm and so was his body.

After around 10 minutes, Minho oppa came and ushered us into the car due to the cold night breeze.

“Sorry to make the both of you wait for so long. It is very cold tonight.” Minho oppa said.

“It’s okay. It’s just that Dara caught herself a cold.” Jiyong said with a monotonous voice. Minho oppa then eyed me carefully. I shook my head at him implying that I was fine.

“Dara you should really take care of yourself. You don’t want what happened 3 years ago to happen again.” Minho Oppa said while looking at the rearview mirror when he was driving. Jiyong immediately turned to eye me carefully. I didn’t want to meet his gaze, so I looked out of the window.

When we reached the hotel, Minho oppa stopped me when I was about to get out of the car.

“Wait” He stopped me. I turned around

“Take care of yourself you really don’t want to end up like 3 years ago.” He said with care as his eyes gleamed. I nodded and stepped out of the car. Jiyong the held me by the wrist me and pulled me in to hotel. When we reached our room, he finally let go.

“What are you trying to do?” I said while rubbing my wrist. He held it so tightly that it caused me a slight numbness around my palm.

“What does he mean by 3 years ago?” He asked, with his face filled with anger.

“Why are you so angry for?” I continue rubbing my wrist.

“Answer me!!!” He raised his voice a little.

“It’s nothing. It’s already the past. It’s not like I really died.” I walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water. He followed behind me.

“What does that mean?” He asked with his voice returning back to before, the nice and soothing one.

I took out a bottle of mineral water from the fridge and drank from it. “I almost die 3 years ago from a cold.” I said then went back to drinking my water.

“How can you be so calm about it?” He walked to the bedroom and lie down facing the ceiling with his hands behind his head. I shrugged and went to my closet and grabbed my clothes to prepare to shower.

After I came out of the toilet with my hair dry, I walked to the bed wanting to inform Jiyong that it’s his turn to shower when I realised that he had already fell asleep. I smiled and pulled the comforters over his body to keep him warm and tuck him in nicely, before turning off the lights. I headed to the kitchen to grab a bottle of water. My throat felt a little dry. I was shocked when I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around to only find Jiyong. He gave me a shock. I thought he was fast asleep.

He pulled out my medicine bag he got or me from behind him and passed it to me.

“Don’t forget to eat it.” He yawned before heading to the shower to take a shower. I could only laugh at my foolishness and smiled at his attentiveness. I consumed the medication and went to check my mail before starting on my daily reports. I realised that Chaerin was online.

“Hey friend” I greeted her, opening the files.


“How are you doing?”

“Oh the usual. You?”

“Better than expected.”

“I may be heading to Japan too”


“Yup. Sorry unnie, I have to go now. I have to leave for the guys house early.”

“It's okay. Have a good rest.”

“You too nights”


I logged off just as I heard Jiyong stepping out of the bathroom. I didn’t want him to have a chance to question me about anything else so I quickly shut down my laptop and diving into bed. I lay under the sheets with my eyes shut tight before I felt the other side of the bed sink. I didn’t move an inch even when I felt the familiar strong arms circling my waist. It looks like I’d have to stay in this position till daybreak if I didn’t want him to find me out…

End of Dara’s POV


Jiyong’s POV

Why is she always so passive about things that are clearly very important? Dara, I know you want to be independent but you can always count on me. I’ll always be your shelter. I sighed as I turned the faucet off and stepped out of the shower to dry off. I knew Dara would probably be still talking to Bom or Chaerin so I thought I’d give them some privacy and blow-dried my hair in the toilet. When I stepped out, I saw the comforters cover over Dara’s body. I went to turn off the lights, which she didn’t and went under the covers on the other side of the bed. I felt uncomfortable and turned to my side and faced Dara. I unknowingly reached my hand out to wrap it round her waist and pulled her closer to me. She smells like lavender, a very comfortable feeling then went through my body and I drifted off to dreamland instantly.

End of Jiyong’s POV


Dara’s POV

Oh God! I’m so sore! I hope my back doesn’t start aching or Jiyong’ll give me hell. I looked at the alarm beside the bed and it said that it was already eight o’clock. I didn’t realise that it was already so late so I jumped and turned around, ready to wake Jiyong up but he wasn’t there. I stepped out of bed and went to the toilet to check if he was there. I started to panic when I didn’t find him there. I told myself to calm down as I went to wash up first before continuing my search for the missing star. Maybe he went downstairs to get something. Wait! Didn’t he promise me that he’d never go down without me? I stepped out of the shower before calling his phones. I really felt like killing him when he didn’t pick a single one. I was really starting to panic now.

Maybe I should try my luck with the other members. I called Mingkki but she said Jiyong didn’t call at all. I slumped on to the bed; totally frustrated that Jiyong was missing under my surveillance. Now sajangnim is sure going to fire me… I started to cry. I only stopped when a familiar pair of strong arms. Alarmed, I turned around to find Jiyong was the one hugging me. I cried even harder.

Jiyong hugged me even tighter. “Yah… Why are you crying? Shhh…”

“Where did you go? You had me worried for so long!”

I held him closer to me and buried my face in his chiseled chest. We stayed like that for a while longer. Somehow, I didn’t want him to let me go but I knew I’d have to or we’ll really be late for our schedules. I unclasped my hands but he didn’t seem to want to let me go. It was starting to get awkward when the doorbell rang. The two of us broke apart quickly and I ran to open the door. It was Minho oppa.

“It’s already 9am. If you were not to come down the both of you will be really late.”

“Sorry. We will be down in a minute.”

“Sure. I will be waiting for you downstairs.” I nodded and closed the door. When I turned around, I was immediately facing Jiyong. I got shocked, however, due to the awkward moment we had just now, I didn’t know how to face him currently so I just brushed past him towards my closet. I changed and waited for him at the door. He was done soon after. He was dressed in a white t-shirt and worn jeans.

“Won’t you feel cold like that?”

“Nope. It cooling rather than cold.” I just nodded my head and we headed to Minho oppa’s car. When we arrived at our destination, I remembered that I forgot my jacket again. I smacked my head and it caused Jiyong to look at me.

“What’s wrong?” He asked. I just shook my head. He looked at me from head to toe then he spoke again.

“You forgot your jacket again?” He asked smiling a little. How did he know? I nodded my head a littler and he chuckled.

“Don’t worry. You still have a portable warmer.”

“Portable warmer?”

“Me.” He laughed and walked away. I stayed rooted to the ground. Since it was an outdoor shoot, I had the whole mobile car where it is used for Jiyong’s changing room all to myself. I opened my laptop and started entertaining myself with some youtube videos. Suddenly, I saw Bom signed online. I was about to start a chatroom with her when she typed “DARA!!!” and I got a shock.

“What?” I said

“Nothing. It’s just we haven’t been talking for a long time.”

“Yup. I was about to talk to you.”

“Haha. Oh could we use video call? It’s not convenient for me to type right now.”

“Sure.” I took out my headphones and plugged it in. Then we talked for a while when suddenly Jiyong came in with his shirt wet. It was a white shirt of all colours. It was showing off his tone body. I started blushing and looked away. Even though we stayed together for almost a month now, I am not used to seeing him in this manner.

“Why are you blushing?” Bom asked.

“I’m not” I said. Jiyong then turned to look at me while I look at him.

“You are so blushing. I can see clearly that your face is beet red.” I was still looking at him. His face and not his body. He was staring back. We maintained that eye contact for sometime until…

“YAHH SANDARA PARK!! ARE YOU LISTENING TO ME?!!” Shouted Bom. I jumped up and turned back to the screen breaking eye contact.

“Yes. You don’t have to shout….”

“What are you staring son intensely at?” Just then, Jiyong walked to his closet and took off his shirt.

“I know what you are looking” she grinned. I looked back and saw Jiyong half with his back facing me.

“No, I’m not looking at that.”

“Whatever, you can fool me but you can never fool yourself.” She was pointing her finger at me.


“That’s a drink.” Bom laughed.

“Urgh! I can’t be bothered with you.” I took off the headphones and walked out of the mobile car. I closed my eyes and stretch since I was sitting there for sometime already. I stretched my hands upwards and walked towards the back of the mobile car since the view is nicer. I twisted my upper body and placed my hands on my hips while looking at the view. Suddenly, I felt a pair of arms placed on my shoulders. Sue to the sudden warm contact, I flinched a little and turned around to see Jiyong.

“You scared me. Do you like to scare me that much?” I said rubbing the back of my neck and massaging my shoulders a little. He kept quiet and turned me around.

“What are you trying to do?” just when I finished my sentence, I felt his hand on my shoulder. Massaging it for me.

“What are you doing?” I asked nicely since I didn’t really like getting massages.

“Massaging your shoulder for you since it look so tense.” His voice had a little laughter in it. I turned around to see him laughing a little. I was about to speak when he turned me around again causing me to squirm under his touch due to the ticklish feeling that I received from his massage.

“Stop. Stop.” I laughed and fidget under his touch. His hands left my shoulder and I felt that something was taken away and felt a little upset and empty. I turned around and saw Jiyong placing both his palms in front of his chest like he was pleading innocence. It was so funny that I could not help laughing.

“What’s so funny?” He asked giving a stern look. I could not help laughing not say stop laughing. He then came up to me. His faces inches away from mine. I stopped laughing immediately due to the tense situation. He then reached his hands out and started tickling me. It was my weak spot. I immediately started laughing.

“Stop. Stop” I was laughing non stop. It was really ticklish. I then fell forward and landed on Jiyong. He stopped due to the sudden force pushing him back. We started at each other’s eyes, not breaking contact…

End of Dara’s POV


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love2read2 #1
Chapter 21: Continue plzz
Chapter 21: ugh...i hate the idea of an arranged marriage. why do parents think it's good to do that to their kids? and good wife training, wtf?
Chapter 3: I think TOP has a thing for Dara xD
ant12345 #4
Chapter 21: you're really talented. you know that right. anticipating.
ant12345 #5
Chapter 15: I know DAra's friendship towards Donghae has no malice (although i can't say that same for him, i'm not sure) but doesn't it seem a little unfair for her to spend so much time with a friend while her boyfriend is missing her terrible and needs quality time with her. But the thing is...she can't spend time with him in their dorm without also doing her she has to clean their apartment and do paperworks and it's like hard to separate her time when she's with jiyong as her manager..and as the girlfriend.
ugh. only your story makes me think of things like these.
ant12345 #6
Chapter 13: Aaahh!!!!! Butterflies! Butterfkies in my stomach.
ant12345 #7
Chapter 4: Seriously . .. Im img crying. I can feel daras exhaustion in my bones. I hate you jiyong.
Aylanah #8
Chapter 21: Please update soon
zoezaczoe #10
Chapter 21: Ahhhhhh update soon please