Chapter 4

Idol Manager

Dara’s POV

I woke up when my phone rang. I looked at the screen and saw that Daesung was calling me. I looked at the alarm clock and saw that it was only 6am.

“Yoboseyo, Daesung ah, its 6am in the morning. Why did you called?” I grumbled.

He started talking and talking like a mad train. The only part I understood was that he was hungry and if I’m not wrong the whole conversation was about his hunger.

“Okay, okay I will be there as soon as I can.” I hung up and rushed to take a shower and leave the house.

When I reached their dorm, it was only 6.45am. I entered the house and saw Daesung at the couch. When he saw me his reaction gave me a shock. “DARA NOOOOONAAAA!!!!!!!” he shouted.

“Keep it down. Or you will wake the others.” I reprimanded him.

“Sorry noona…. Can you….. make food for me please? Daesung begged while clasping his hands together.

“Sure Daesung ah. Is fried rice okay for you?” I asked.

He nodded his head furiously and went back into his room. Since it was barely 7, it would probably be done by 9am the latest. I got down to work and I finished faster than I expected. It was only 8.15am. I went into their bedroom where they sleep together and wanted to tell Daesung that the soup was ready, but I found him fast asleep on his bed.

 I went back to the kitchen and cleared up. When I was done it was time for the boys to wake up. I opened their bedroom door and found Seunghyun seated on his bed. He turned around and got a shock when he saw me.

He approached me and I smiled at him and wanted to burst out laughing, as he looks real funny.

 “Are you ok now?” He asked.

“Yup. Much better. Go wash up and wake the others I made breakfast.” I answered.

He smiled and went to wash up. I set the table and waited for them to all be seated on the table. The last person was Jiyong. When he came out, he has the exact same look as yesterday the cold serious look. Breakfast was noisy. At least Jiyong didn’t comment on my food and it shows that maybe he was in a better mood today.

After breakfast, we went to shoot a variety show and headed home soon after filming was done. As the job was really well done, we arrived back at the dorm at 3pm. everyone started to relax and I started with my pile of paper work. When I look that the clock after I was done, it was already 5pm. I have to rush to YG entertainment today to hand in the papers and dinner has not been prepared yet. Seeing that Jiyong was free, I decided to ask him to help me out. I tapped him once, there was no response. I tapped him the second time, using more strength, still no response. The third time, I tapped again and no response. I had no choice but to resort to pulling out his earphones.

I think that’s the wrong thing to do as once I did that he turned around and glared at me. I thought that was bad enough but here comes the worst part.

“Yah! What the hell is wrong with you!” Jiyong shouted.

“Sorry. I tapped you 3 times and you didn’t respond so I had to resort to that method.” I apologised.

“What you want?” his voice was still raised and every member was looking at us.

“I need to go to YG so would you mind making dinner?” I asked nicely.

“NO!” He shouted, rolled his eyes and plugged back his earphones. I sighed and decided to just whip up something simple. I made Kimchi fried rice and left to YG.

End of Dara’s POV


Seunghyun’s POV

I saw what happened between Jiyong and Dara. Jiyong was going a little bit overboard these few days. I called Jiyong to my room after dinner.

“What’s wrong with you Ji? Although Dara is younger than you, you should still respect her as she’s our manager. Didn’t you say that to Kangin that day? Now you are doing exactly what they were doing to Bom.” Seunghyun raised his voice.

“I didn’t do anything to her.” Jiyong rebuked.

“Shouting at her is doing nothing? Cooking used to be your favourite past time. She asked you to cook for us and you rejected to do her that favour.” Seunghyun said.

“I didn’t have the mood to cook today.” Jiyong replied coldly.

“Apologise to her when she comes back later.” Seunghyun demanded

“I didn’t do anything wrong. Why should I apologise?” Jiyong snickered and left the room.

“Aish!” Seunghyun exclaimed. Seriously, what is his problem these few days? As long as he does make her cry it would be forgivable.

End of Seunghyun’s POV


Dara’s POV

I wanted to take a break for a while to rest. I hope my letter would be approved. Sajangnim has never approved my letter before. I hope they will this time. I went back to the dorm and saw them doing their own things. However, Jiyong was nowhere to be found. I went to the kitchen and wash the dishes. When I left the kitchen, Jiyong was going to get a drink. When he saw me, he rolled his eyes at me and I got a shock. He returned to his room and slammed the door. I know this is bad.

A few days later, his attitude has not changed. Rolled his eyes every time he sees me and oppose to any suggestions that I made.

“Tomorrow we will leave the house at 10am and go for Elle magazine shooting. After that, we have an interview with W magazine and at 5pm, we have to be at the SM building to record the songs for you guys’ new album. Got it?” I asked. Everyone agreed other than Jiyong

“I am going to pick up my mixer tomorrow morning” Jiyong said

“ Can you take it some other day?” I asked

“No. that’s impossible I have to collect it tomorrow.” Jiyong folded his arms and was unwilling to change his plans. We then had to shift everything back because of him. Just to shift everything back, I went through the night without sleeping.

It was already midnight when they finished recording. Jiyong was the one who made the recording finished late and he is blaming me for it. I bear with it as I cannot do anything about it. He is a star. He will get what he wants no matter how hard it is. That day I stayed at their dorm. We reached their dorm at 1am. I still had a pile of paper work to be done. After I finished, it was already 4am. Jiyong waked me up at 8am. He made me help him in his recording. He would sing in the recording studio that was located in their apartment. All I had to do was to press record and stop when he starts and ends. He could ask any member to do it instead of me but I did not retaliate as it is also part of my job. I had to prepare lunch for them as Jiyong still didn’t want to. He still hasn’t gotten over his rolling his eyes at me. I had to bear with it.

However I was already at my limit. For dinner I asked Jiyong again if he could prepare and he said no so I ordered chinese food. When the food came, I placed it on the dining table and asked the members to come out and eat. I was totally exhausted. When everyone saw the food they were very happy as they didn’t have to wait so long for me to prepare the food. However, when Jiyong came out, the chaos began.

“Why are we eating this again?” He slumped down the chair and gave a very sloppy attitude.

“Dara is tired so she ordered take outs for us.” Seunghyun replied for me.

“She could at least ask us what she wants before ordering. We are not as big as other boy group! We have only 5 member! Asking for 5 people’s opinions is not that hard!” He banged the utensils and rolled his eyes. My insides were boiling. I was about to explode.

After I was done washing the dishes, it was already 8pm. I saw Seunghyun and told him that I am leaving. I was so angry, I did not want to stay in that house for another minute. I had to go home and scream away all my anger. The moment I reached home, I stomped into my room, leaving Bom and Chaerin puzzled and dumbfounded, when I reached my room, I took my pillow and screamed into it. After I was done, I grabbed my clothes and went to take a long cold shower to wash away all those irritation.

I decided to sleep earlier as I know Jiyong will torture me again tomorrow. I went to have silent supper with Chaerin and Bom. They were very silent and I also got a shock. So I ate my supper in hurry and left to bed. All I know is that I tossed and my bed and could not fall asleep. When I finally fell asleep, it was when the trouble starts and the heat rose.

At 2.33am, someone called me. I for one was so stupid to leave my phone on loud mode. I looked at the screen and saw Seunghyun’s name. ‘Why is he calling me at this ridiculous hour?’ I thought. I picked up and I almost fainted due to the shock and anger. I threw the phone down on my bed and rushed to change.

“WHERE DID JIYONG GO????” I shouted into the phone as I ran out of the house and went into my red copper. I sped to their dorm and saw Seunghyun waiting for me at his dorm lobby. With his mouth wide open. He was pointing to the car and then to me and then to the car.

“No time to explain. Get in.”I said. He hopped in and we drove of to the NB club, where Jiyong was and where he is going to die a horrible death.

Once we entered NB club, the first person I saw is Jiyong. He was wearing a white V-neck shirt and denim skinny jeans. I was wearing shorts and a long sleeve checkered shirt with a white tank top inside. I had the wear a single tank top to make Jiyong to notice me. I sat at the bar and ordered a glass of vodka. Seunghyun was sitting at the corner of the bar where he was looking out for Jiyong. Then he suddenly hid his face and someone tapped my shoulder.

“Hey, do you have a map? I’m lost in you.” He said. I crossed my arms and turned around. He immediately jumped when he saw who it was. His cheeky expression immediately faded of his face.

“Kwon Jiyong, you come back with me right this instance.” I whispered in a very harsh manner.

“No, What can you do about it.” He smirked. Suddenly, there was a hand on his shoulder. It was Seunghyun.

“You go back right now Ji. You are in a deep deep trouble.” Seunghyun demanded. He had no choice but to follow Seunghyun.

When we approached my red copper, Jiyong was taken aback by the sight of it.

“Hyung, when did you get such a cool ride from?” Jiyong asked with his eyes sparkling.

“Its not mine. Its hers.” Seunghyun pointed to me and the smile on Jiyong’s face faded away immediately. The ride back was totally silent. I decided to let Jiyong off today and let him do some explaining tomorrow. When I dropped them off, I told Seunghyun I would be heading home first and I would settle the problems tomorrow and told him to tell Jiyong to reflect on his wrongdoing.

When I went home, I immediately fell asleep. I was dead tired. Jiyong is draining all my energy these few days. I overslept and was late. Luckily, there is no schedule for the day. However, I have a lot of work to do today all thanks to Jiyong. I took a shower and left my house in a casual outfit, Black tank top and blue denim shorts.

When I reached the dorm, I saw the members sitting around Jiyong while Jiyong looked lost.

“Jiyong, come with me.” I said very seriously.

“Can’t we just talk here?” He asked nicely this time.

“I don’t mind.” I then started.

 “You know what trouble are you in?” I asked. He merely shook his head.

“You would be in deep trouble if sajangnim finds out about this.” I answered.

“Can’t I even have my own freedom?” he shouted.

“I can’t do anything about it. I don’t set the rules. And please tone down.” I said nicely.

“What kind of manager are you? You don’t even help us fight for rights.” He shouted yet again.

“Since I don’t do a good job of helping the band, why not you manage it yourself since you are so good at it!!!” I shouted and slammed a stack of papers on the table and left the house.

I ran to the park to calm down. Suddenly someone was beside me. I looked up and saw Daesung.

“Are you alright, noona?” he panted.

“I’m okay Daesung ah, Im just upset.” I said.

“Don’t mind hyung. He’s a bit out of his mind these few days.” Daesung tried to comfort me. We talked for about 30 minutes and I told Daesung I won’t be going back. He nodded and headed back to the dorm.

End of Dara’s POV


Daesung’s POV

I headed back to the dorm after having a heart to heart talk with Dara. Now I finally understand how she feels. I reached the dorm fuming.

“Where’s Dara?” Seunghyun asked.

“She say she doesn’t want to come back.” I said

“Why?” Seungri asked.

“I don’t know. Ask Him.” I pointed to Jiyong hyung

Everyone looked at him and he pretended to ignore it. I went in front of him.

“Hyung…” I called

“What?” He said, trying to be nice.

“I know you are the leader, but how could you treat Dara in this manner? She is younger than you and you know how difficult it is for her to manage all of us, can’t you treat her nicer? Do you know once I overheard her conversation with Bom and it was about her dad’s objection to her getting a job. According to what she told Bom, her father had thought that her job as our manager was totally not worthwhile. Do you know how she defended us? Do you know that since she became our manager, we never got a scolding from Teddy hyung whenever we were recording. You want to know why. She was the one who took in all the scolding. Saying that it was her fault, when it was always us who dragged the time.” I exclaimed and Jiyong hyung remained silent.

“Hyung, do something, treat her better. Apologise to her tomorrow.” I said and turned around.

“I think we all should.” The other members nodded their head and we can’t wait for tomorrow where we would make Dara believe in us again.

End of Daesung’s POV





Suddenly, the door clicked open. All of their heads darted to the door. Someone appeared, but it was not a familiar face. “Who are you?” Seunghyun asked.

“I am your new manager, Gong Mingkki” She said

“WHAT?! NEW MANAGER?” All of them other than Jiyong exclaimed.


“Yes. From today onwards I will be your manager. So what are you guys still doing with your home clothes? We will leave in 5 minutes. If you are not out by 5 minutes you will face the music.” She shouted.




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love2read2 #1
Chapter 21: Continue plzz
Chapter 21: ugh...i hate the idea of an arranged marriage. why do parents think it's good to do that to their kids? and good wife training, wtf?
Chapter 3: I think TOP has a thing for Dara xD
ant12345 #4
Chapter 21: you're really talented. you know that right. anticipating.
ant12345 #5
Chapter 15: I know DAra's friendship towards Donghae has no malice (although i can't say that same for him, i'm not sure) but doesn't it seem a little unfair for her to spend so much time with a friend while her boyfriend is missing her terrible and needs quality time with her. But the thing is...she can't spend time with him in their dorm without also doing her she has to clean their apartment and do paperworks and it's like hard to separate her time when she's with jiyong as her manager..and as the girlfriend.
ugh. only your story makes me think of things like these.
ant12345 #6
Chapter 13: Aaahh!!!!! Butterflies! Butterfkies in my stomach.
ant12345 #7
Chapter 4: Seriously . .. Im img crying. I can feel daras exhaustion in my bones. I hate you jiyong.
Aylanah #8
Chapter 21: Please update soon
zoezaczoe #10
Chapter 21: Ahhhhhh update soon please