Chapter 12

Idol Manager

Dara’s POV

I opened my eyes to see darkness. I grabbed my spectacles beside the table I then flipped open my phone and saw that it was 6am. Today’s filming started later so we could sleep more. I decided to not disturb the tired star so I decided to wash up and take a shower first.

When I was done, he was still sleeping peacefully. I opened the closet to pick my clothes for the day before being nice and choose for him too before waking him up.

“What time is it now?” He groaned with his sleepy voice.

“It’s time to wake up. Hurry before we’re late.” He pulled himself up unwillingly and dragged himself to the bathroom unwillingly. Days passed in a flash like this.



And finally it is Thursday. Every day was mundane. The same old routine we take. I was sitting in his mobile car waiting for him to finish his last scene. Soon, the door opened and he was full of smiles.

“What’s with the smiles?” I smiled back

“I am finally done.” He stretched his arms and grabbed his bag. He then went to the crew and thanked them for taking care of him before joining me. I bowed to them and we left for our car.

He opened the door for me while I slide in. “Oppa, can book tickets for tomorrow 1am?”

“What’s with middle of the night flights?”

“So we won’t get caught by crazy fans?”

“True.” Minho oppa chuckled while he continued driving. I turned to Jiyong.

“We are going to YGEX tomorrow?” He nodded his head and I was planning the schedule of tomorrow. When we arrived, I asked Jiyong to head up first as I need to discuss something with oppa.

“Go on up. You can just tell me through the phone.” I then bowed to him before he drove off and I ran to join Jiyong in the lift. After Showering, I picked up my phone to call Minho oppa. I told him the plans for tomorrow. He agreed and we hung up and just in time, Jiyong stepped out.

“We’d better pack since we will not come back here anymore.” He ruffled his hair and nodded before I my laptop intending to see my mail when I saw a chat room pop out instead.

Dara – What’s up with the caps???
BOM – I am in love 
Dara – I thought you were in love before I left?
BOM – I tell you a secret ok?
Dara – Sure 
BOM – I am dating Hyukjae 
Dara – Are you serious?
BOM – Yes…..
Dara – Congratulations!!!!
BOM – Thank you. When are you coming back? I miss you loads…..
Dara – Tomorrow’s midnight flight. 
BOM – Really?
Dara – Yah. I see you then? I am beat now. 
BOM – Sure. Goodnight. Say hi to Ji for me. 
Dara – Okay. Goodnight J

I closed the chat room and packed my laptop into my casing and put it in my luggage bag. I then took my clothes from the closet and packed it in. Of course I had left my clothes for tomorrow aside. Jiyong was also packing.

“Don’t forget to leave tomorrows clothes one side or you will have nothing to wear.” I turned around to see him smacking his head. It means that he forgot about that. I could only shake my head and lay on the bed waiting for myself to fall asleep.

The next day, we continued our routine. Before leaving the room, I made sure that we didn’t leave anything behind. After making sure, I closed the door and headed to the lift. We left our Luggage in oppa’s car. He said he was going for coffee so Jiyong and I headed to YGEX.

“Hey.” Jiyong said to the producer before doing some handshake.

“What brings you here?”

“I want to let you listen to this.” Jiyong pulled out a demo CD from his bag and passed it to the producer. The producer listened to it and nodded his head.

“This song is nice, but it doesn’t suit the concept for the next album.”

“It’s okay. I just want to record it for memories.”

“Sure since the recording studio is open the whole day and so am I so come on.” We followed him to the recording studio. Jiyong then went to record the song while I sat behind the producer with my elbow propped up on the hand rest.

In less than 3 hours, He was done. However, he asked the producer to wait there. He came to me and dragged me into the studio.

“What are you doing?”

“Memory of us in Japan.” He then told me which part to sing and how to sing it. I have never done this before. It was embarrassing.

“Go on Dara-ah” I then gave it my best shot. I stayed with Jiyong recording the duet.

“You have talent Dara.” I blushed while we went back to the producer’s side.

“I want it in a CD.” He said nicely to the producer.

“Sure. This is sure nice memories.” The producer smiled before passing the CD to Jiyong.

“I will be back soon. Bye.” Jiyong waved to the producer while I bowed. He pulled me out of the building.

“I got to call Minho oppa” I pulled out my phone. oppa said he was already there. We then boarded his car. Looking at my watch, it says 8pm.

“Let’s go for dinner before heading to the airport.” I said. We stopped at a restaurant and went in I requested for a VIP room.

“Sure, Dara chan” The waitress let me to the room. We had dinner and chatted till it was 9. 30pm.

“We’ve got to go now or we will be late for our flight.” We then headed back to the car. We reached the airport at 11pm. Minho oppa parked his car at the car park before helping me with my luggage. We checked-in and waited for the gates to open.

“Oppa. Thank you so much for your help these days.” I thanked him.

“It’s ok. I don’t have anything to do anyway.” He smiled and gave me a hug.

“Your gate is open. Go on now.” He kissed my forehead and bid the both of us farewell. The both of us were silent till we reached the inside of the plane and settle down. I was sitting by the window while Jiyong was beside me. We were sitting first class of course. I would rather pay then let YG pay.

I looked out of the window while I started crying without myself knowing. “Why are you crying? Dara ah.” I then realized I was crying. He pulled me into a hug. I then started sobbing.

“I will miss oppa. I miss him so much now even we just parted.” He hushed me and my hair. I calmed down after a while. The plane trip was then silent again. When we reached Korea airport, the both of us were still not speaking. There were no fans as it was 3am. I sent Jiyong home before returning to my own dorm. When I left Jiyong, he gave me a hug. “Be safe.” He said as we parted.

When I reached home, I opened the door and headed to my room. I slumped down on my bed and fell asleep instantly.

I got woken up by some phone call the next morning. I looked at the caller. It was an unknown number.

“Yoboseyo, Sandara Park imnida.”

“Dara ah, this is omma.”

“Omo. Omma. When did you change number?”

“Recently. Anyway. I called to tell you the party is tomorrow evening. I called YG to give you the leave already. Come down to I’ Park mall later.”

“Okay. I will call you when I am reaching.” Then we hung up. I dragged myself out of bed and went to wash up. I stepped out of the toilet to find a booming Bom.

“Dara unnie! You are finally back.” She gave me a hug followed by Chaerin.

“I miss the both of you.”

“We missed you too.” Chaerin said. When they released the hug, I ran into my room to take out a few bags and gave it to them. “Your presents.” They started squealing. I even had to cover my ears. I left them alone to get excited over the presents while I headed to the kitchen to have breakfast.

When I returned to my room, I received a message from Jiyong – The boys and I are going out for lunch later. I replied him and went to change. I took my time to reach their dorm. When I arrived, it was empty. I then decided to clean the house seeing it in such a mess.

After what seemed hours of cleaning, I reached Jiyong’s room. I saw the luggage still lying there. I then unpacked it for him and dumped the laundry in the laundry basket. When I was sweeping the floor, something caught my eye. It was an old shoe box.

I took it out and was curious so I opened it. When I opened it, it immediately dropped on the floor. I picked up the pictures. The whole box was pictures of me. Was Jiyong really crushing on me? I was happy yet confused. I remembered omma’s words. ‘Don’t fall for him.’

Suddenly, I heard clinging of keys and the opening of the door followed by the boys’ voices. I immediately closed the box and placing it in its original position before going out to greet them.

“Omo Dara.” Seunghyun exclaimed and ran towards me before pulling me into a hug.

“I missed you so much.” Seunghyun said. I could only laugh. However, Jiyong’s sudden action shocked me. He pulled Seunghyun away from me and glared at him.

“What’s wrong with you Ji?” Seunghyun asked

“Don’t touch her.” Jiyong said coldly. I was shocked why was he so protective suddenly?

“Why?” Seunghyun rebuked. Jiyong was in loss of words before he stood at one corner quietly. The other members came to me saying that they missed me too. I wanted to give them a hug but they flinched away. I think is due to Jiyong’s actions.

“I need to go now. I see you guys the day after.” I grabbed my bag and wore my shoe.

“Why the day after tomorrow?” Seungri asked.

“I have something to attend to.” I explained. They nodded their head and waved goodbye. I got a glimpse of Jiyong before closing the door. His eyes... There was something in it that made me feel… weird.

I headed back home first to get my car. I then drove myself to omma’s mall. I called her before reaching as how I promised her. When I parked my car, I saw a familiar guy in black.

“Dongho!” I rushed up and hugged him.

“I am going to suffocate to death.” He choked a little before I released him. He is my mother’s body guard and he is my favourite one too. He used to be my bodyguard till I ran away from home.

“Let’s go your omma is waiting”. He walked by my side knowing me very well that I didn’t like the feeling of someone following me. In no time, we reached the VIP room. I was then greeted by the manager, Haebin. She led me to where my mum was.

“Seems like you met Dongho.” She smiled. I then sat down on the couch beside her waiting for the dress selection. After seeing a few, one caught my eye. It is red with floral mesh overlay. It grabbed my attention once I saw it.

“I want that red one.” I pointed to it.

“This one?” Haebin asked. I nodded my head.

 “Good choice. New piece.” She then placed it aside for me to pick it up tomorrow. I then chose the shoes and all was set. I looked at my watch. It was already nearing 10pm.

“Omma, I need to go now.” I gave her a hug and wanted to leave when she stopped me.

“I ask Dongho to drive you back.” She said.

“I drove here omma.”

“It is a must. I don’t feel safe for you to drive in the middle of the night.”

“Okay then okay.” I then walked out with him by my side. He drove my cooper and I told him where to go. When we finally stopped, he got off and bowed to me, telling me that he was leaving.

“Don’t you want to go up for coffee like you normally do?” he just shook his head and pointed to his watch. I forgot he’s got a clock to punch or his girlfriend would slaughter him alive. His girlfriend was the girl at the VIP room, Haebin. She is one of my friends and to be honest, I was their match maker.

I headed back home to see the house dark. I presume that they were all sleeping since there were no lights from any of their rooms. I washed up and all before heading to bed. Tomorrow is a big day I hope nothing goes wrong…

I left the house at 12pm the next day, finding a Mercedes parked at the car park. I peeked in to see Dongho in the driver’s seat. He asked me to board the car and there I am going to prepare for all those mambo jumbos.

The car turned into an oh so familiar road and stopped in front of an oh so familiar house. I stepped out to be greeted by no one else but my father. He was standing there looking at me.

“Appa!” I ran towards him and hugged him. He patted me on the back. “Glad that you are back.” I looked up and smiled at him before entering my house and skipping to my room that I missed so much. When I opened the door, everything was still in place and was kept clean. Omma said that the stylist would be here at 4pm so I had 3 more hours to waste. I decided to take a bath.

When I was done, I changed and headed downstairs. I saw another person at my house sitting on the couch beside my appa. I approached him and he turned around. The guy turned around too.

“This is Lee Donghae. My business partner’s son.” I shook his hand as he extended his.

“He would be your partner for tonight.” I eyed Appa.

“You need a partner. Trust me.” Appa said again. I then loosen up and looked at Donghae from head to toe. Decent enough.

I went to find Omma who was knitting like old times. I went to her and sat beside her. She suddenly stopped and looked at me. She then went to her closet and took out a nice white box with a ribbon at the side.

“For you.” I pointed at myself with a shocked expression. She nodded her head and I closed my mouth.

“Open it.” I opened it and saw a newly knitted jacket. One that I have been longing for. Not bought from stores, but from my omma. I looked at her and tears started foaming in my eyes.

“Omo. Why are you crying?”

“I am very touched.” Omma then pulled me into her embrace. I felt so happy that instant.

4pm soon came. I headed back to my room and started preparing for the party. In no time, I was ready. However, I was not supposed to step out of the room till I am called for.

Suddenly, my room door opened. Then in came a head. I knew from the hair colour that it was Donghae. “Hey.” He came in and sat on the chair while I was swinging my leg on the bed.

“Hey.” I looked down not knowing where to look.

“I feel so happy.”

“Why?” I asked looking at him.

“I am having such a lovely partner.” He smiled. We talked till I was called for to go down. He held out the crook of his hand so I was able to hold onto them. When I stepped out of my bedroom even before reaching the staircase, I could see the camera flashes flashing.

Suddenly, he stopped. “Don’t be afraid.” He said before we reached the edge of the stairs where I could see all the reporters. Some of them were familiar faces. I hope they don’t recongise me.

“Isn’t that BIGBANG’s manager?” There goes my identity.

My father suddenly spoke up. “I think you mixed them up. She just came back from Oxford a few days ago. It can’t be the same person you are talking about.”

Apparently the reporters believed his story. But from what I know of the entertainment industry, these reporters won’t give up so easily. Apparently the day went past peacefully without anymore rumored truth.

After the party, I heard from appa that Donghae was the same age as me but he was older by 6 days and he is staying at our house as his parent’s are in the states and left him in my father’s care. Seems like he is very lonely here since I will be going back to the dorm tomorrow.

I went to my bed and immediately slumped on it enjoying its softness. I then heard a knock on my door. The person come in and he was wearing spectacles. I burst out laughing.

“What?” he asked

“Nothing…. You are looking for me?”

“Yes. Your father wants you to have this.” He passed me a car key.

“Why is he giving me a car?”

“He says a convertible suits you more.”

“CONVERTIBLE?!” I almost screamed. He nodded I was so happy. I went forward and hugged him jumping up and down and up and down. I then realized what I was doing then I pulled away.

“Sorry.” I said looking down.

“It’s okay. I have to go now. I see you around.” He smiled and left. I then murmured to myself. I won’t be around anymore. I then took off my heels and changed into my night gown before heading to bed. The bed that I missed a lot.

The next morning, I was about to leave when I heard my name. I turned around and saw appa. “Where are you going?”

“Back to my dorm before heading off to work. Omma said you agreed.”

“Can’t you stay here? This is your house.”

“It is nearer to the boy’s dorm at where I am staying.”

“You can ask Dongho to drive you every morning.”

“I want to stay with my friends. Appa……” I whined. He shook my head and flinged his hands asking me to do as I wish. I went to him and kissed him on the cheek. “Thank you for the car appa.” I waved the keys and way goodbye.

However, what I don’t know is that once I leave, I may never get this chance to step out again…

End of Dara’s POV



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love2read2 #1
Chapter 21: Continue plzz
Chapter 21: ugh...i hate the idea of an arranged marriage. why do parents think it's good to do that to their kids? and good wife training, wtf?
Chapter 3: I think TOP has a thing for Dara xD
ant12345 #4
Chapter 21: you're really talented. you know that right. anticipating.
ant12345 #5
Chapter 15: I know DAra's friendship towards Donghae has no malice (although i can't say that same for him, i'm not sure) but doesn't it seem a little unfair for her to spend so much time with a friend while her boyfriend is missing her terrible and needs quality time with her. But the thing is...she can't spend time with him in their dorm without also doing her she has to clean their apartment and do paperworks and it's like hard to separate her time when she's with jiyong as her manager..and as the girlfriend.
ugh. only your story makes me think of things like these.
ant12345 #6
Chapter 13: Aaahh!!!!! Butterflies! Butterfkies in my stomach.
ant12345 #7
Chapter 4: Seriously . .. Im img crying. I can feel daras exhaustion in my bones. I hate you jiyong.
Aylanah #8
Chapter 21: Please update soon
zoezaczoe #10
Chapter 21: Ahhhhhh update soon please