Chapter 16

Idol Manager

Dara’s POV

Donghae drove me home and I looked at my watch once I reached home. It’s barely 11pm. Is Jiyong asleep? Should I give him a call? I was thinking when I took off my contacts and grabbed my towel to go to shower.

I didn’t want to disturb Jiyong if he’s asleep. But I’m afraid Jiyong won’t sleep because I didn’t call him. Seungri sent me a message in the morning saying that Jiyong seems to be in a terrible state. I finally decided to call since I didn’t want to worry him too much. I had also promised to call him so I will call him after I wash up .

After washing my face and brushing my teeth, I went to search for my phone and gave Jiyong a call. He picked up after 3 rings. “Yoboseyo….” He sounded a little sleepy.

“It’s me, Dara.”

“Dara, I missed you so much.” His voice became clearer.

“Me too.” How I wish I was by his side. It feels different to be talking to him on the phone. I feel distant. However, I felt that he sounded a little different from usual. He sounded weaker.

“How did your day go?” I asked, wanting to make sure he was alright.

“Not very good. I stayed home the whole day. I didn’t feel so well in the morning so I stayed at home.” He coughed and I’m starting to get worried.

“Where are the others? Your side seem very quiet.” I asked since the house was usually filled with noises from electronic devices.

“They’re not back yet.” He coughed a few more time. This time harder.

“Are you sure you’re fine? I can go over if you’re not.” I said. I’m starting to get worried, very worried.

“It’s ok. I just had my medicine and I was about to head to bed.” He coughed again. It seemed serious.

“Then you head to bed now. I’ll come visit you tomorrow.” I said and he hung up. He’s really not himself. I can tell he was holding back his cough. I decided to call Seunghyun.

“Seunghyun, This is Dara”

“Oh, Dara. What can I help you with at this hour?”

“When are you going back to the dorm?” I asked. My mind was in a fluster.

“Not so soon. We’re doing photoshoot for Vogue.” Seunghyun yawned.

“Ok. Then I shall hang up now. I shall not interrupt with your work.”

“Sure.” Seunghyun hang up and so did I. I changed my clothes when I met Chaerin at the door.

“Where are you going at this hour?” Chaerin asked as she blocked the door.

“Jiyong’s sick and home alone. I’m going to take care of him.” I said and Chaerin stood aside, asking me to send her regards to Jiyong.

I drove my new red convertible to the boy’s dorm and rushed to their house. I pressed the pass code and entered the house. There was no sign of Jiyong in the bedroom. I walked to the living room to find him asleep on the couch.

I walked towards him and found him breathing very deeply. It seems to me that he’s not fine at all. After staying him for some time, I can remember very vividly that he’d not like that when he sleeps. I placed my hand on his forehead to find it burning. Jiyong then opened his eyes slowly. His lips were pale and he was perspiring.

“You’re not fine at all, Kwon Jiyong. You want to kill yourself? The members are not even coming back tonight. How can you take care of yourself when you’re sleeping in your living room where it’s freezing without a blanket of some sort?” I said. He was driving me nuts. He sat up slowly and place his hands on my face his hands lost its warmth. It was ice cold. “I’m fine.” He gave a weak smile and he expect me to believe him. He stood up slowly but fell back on the couch with his hand on his temple.

“You call this fine? You can’t even stand up.” I placed my hands on his shoulders and supported him to his room. He was wobbling left and right. I’m very worried. The bedroom was in a mess. Since the boys are not coming home, I made Jiyong sleep on Youngbae’s bed since it’s the nearest to the door.

I went to the living room to see what medicine did he consume. He only took the cough medicine. I went to the kitchen to refill his cup of water and took the fever medicine from the medicine box and headed to the bed room. Jiyong was leaning against the headboard. I handed him his medicine and water. He took the medicine without question. I placed his cup back in the kitchen to find him staring at me when I returned.

“Why are you looking at me like that?” I asked. His eyes seems different. He seemed sad, it was so unlike the Kwon Jiyong I knew who is happy all the time.

“When are you coming back?” he asked, still looking at me.

“Tomorrow. It’s already 1am so tomorrow.” I sat beside him with my hand on his shoulder.

He pulled me into his warm embrace. I feel that I really do belong together with him. “You’re staying here tonight?” He asked. I nodded. It was already so late. I could not go back alone. Although I drove here, it’s still not safe to return home and besides, Jiyong needs me here to take care of him. I pulled away from the hug. “Go to sleep. You should feel the effect of your medication by now. I will be here. Don’t worry.” I smiled. As I pulled a chair from the dining room and placed it by his bed. It seems like he’s already fell asleep as his breathing was calmer. Seeing him sleep made me feel more relaxed and eventually I fell asleep with my hands on the bed and my head above my hands.

I woke up at 8am to find Jiyong still fast asleep. I suddenly remembered about Donghae. I left the room to give him a call. He answered with quite a sleep tone so I assumed I woke him up.

“Hey, Dara here. I’m sorry to wake you up.”

“It’s ok. I was going to wake up anyway. So why did you call me?”

“I’m calling to tell you that we have to push back our meeting time. I meet you at 12 noon?”

“Sure. I told you, you’re the guide.” I returned back to the room to find Jiyong stirring awake. He yawned and opened his eyes and smiled when he saw me.

“Good morning.” He chirped. Seems like he was all better. “Morning. I replied.” I placed my hand on the crook of my neck. I didn’t realize it was aching till I raised my hand to greet Jiyong. He stood up and pulled me to the bed. He sat me down with my back facing him. I was about to turn around when I felt his warm pair of hands on my shoulder, massaging it for me. It seems like he always notices when my shoulder’s aching.

“Better?” He asked while he was still massaging. It felt so good. I held on one of his hands and he stopped. “You’re still sick. I’m fine. You should rest.” I turned around and he just looked at me. Suddenly, he held on one of my hand and dragged me to his music room.

“I have something to show you.” He clicked the mouse a few times and a familiar melody played. Suddenly, I started blushing. It was the song we recorded together and after the song, it was a new song of his. The one that was not recorded in the studio with me. It was one that he recorded himself recently. And followed by the song was a video of him talking. He was looking at me the whole time when I was watching the video. When the video ended, he ejected the CD from the computer, placed it in a CD casing and passed it to me.

“This is our memory and it’s something that will remind you of me.” He smiled.

“Jiyong-ah, I know I’ve been busy these few days. I promise you, our lives would return to normal tomorrow.” I know Jiyong has been suffering a little as Donghae have been taking up a lot of my time these few days. He nodded and smile.

We had a little chat and in no time, I was at the door. “Are you sure you’ll be fine alone?” I asked since it was closing to 10am and I have to go home. He nodded and gave me a kiss on my forehead. “I’m fine. The boys are coming back soon. You don’t have to worry about me.” I trust him. I bid him farewell and stepped into the lift. As the door closed, everything in my mind was about Jiyong.

I drove my convertible home and started to get ready to meet Donghae. I wore the Jacket Jiyong gave me. I didn’t know why even though I just met him, I missed him so much. Maybe is what he said to me in the music room.

I smiled to myself as I saw my reflection in the mirror. I then felt a little hungry and opened the refrigerator. I saw a chocolate cake and there was a note. “I saw this when I was on my way home. It looks nice and I thought you would like it so I got it for you. – Chaerin.” I smiled and took it out.

After the cake, I looked at the clock. I still had an hour. I was thinking of what to do when something in my bag caught my attention. It was shining under the light. I walked towards it and noticed that it was a pen, German fountain pen. At the side of the pen there was an engraving with the word ‘GD’ I smiled. Jiyong gave me this pen.



“Aish! My pen is out of ink again. How I wish I had my German fountain pen.” I grumbled in the hotel room in Japan.”

End of flash back


I remembered I had to write so many things, my hand would ache and above of that, my pens always run out of ink. I forgot to bring my pen with me to Japan so I had to survive on normal pen. Writing with fountain pens is no chore. I could write none stop and not feel any pain at all.

I pulled out my phone and gave Jiyong a call. “Thank you.”

“You finally saw?”

“Yes. But isn’t it expensive?”


“But you engraved a word on it. It should be.”

“I did it myself.”

“You what?”

“I engraved it myself. This way it would have more value.”

“Is this why you’re sick?”

“I don’t know. Why are you calling me? I thought you’re busy? Call me at night. It would be better if you visit.” He said and hung up. I seriously think the fever damaged his brain. I went to my room and kept the pen. I read a book while waiting for time to past. It was by my favourite author, Sarah Dessen. The book was named ‘along for the ride’. I was almost done with the book when I picked it up. When I finished the book, it was 5 minutes to 12 noon. I decided to head down.

When I was downstairs, I saw Donghae already downstairs. He was leaning against his car, waiting. “Why didn’t you give me a call?” I asked while walking towards him.

“It’s a man’s duty to wait for the lady.” He opened the car door and I got in. We first went to Han river. Since it was winter, there was not much people. It was like seeing the water made me feel calm. We stayed there for an hour or so before we headed to shop.

Donghae suggested to go to I’Park mall as he said that Omma asked us to go there. I decided to visit Haebin before proceeding to shop. When I entered the VIP room, it was quiet. I then saw Dongho with Haebin. They were talking.

“Dongho, Haebin.” I said. They turned around and smiled. Dongho bowed to Donghae and Haebin came over to me. I asked her to introduce me a nice shop to shop for gifts she suggested one and we headed there. Haebin and Dongho were going on a lunch date so Donghae and I decided to not disturb them. Oppa bought me a few clothes and shoes when I insisted that I don’t have a need for it.

Soon, it was time to go home. Donghae drove me back and he gave me a hug. “I’ll see you around.” He said as he stepped into his car and drove off. What I didn’t see was someone behind one of the cars. He was snapping pictures.

The next morning, I was woken up by both Chaerin and Bom…

End of Dara’s POV




Double update!! Thank you for supporting this story!! It's coming to the end already sobs

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love2read2 #1
Chapter 21: Continue plzz
Chapter 21: ugh...i hate the idea of an arranged marriage. why do parents think it's good to do that to their kids? and good wife training, wtf?
Chapter 3: I think TOP has a thing for Dara xD
ant12345 #4
Chapter 21: you're really talented. you know that right. anticipating.
ant12345 #5
Chapter 15: I know DAra's friendship towards Donghae has no malice (although i can't say that same for him, i'm not sure) but doesn't it seem a little unfair for her to spend so much time with a friend while her boyfriend is missing her terrible and needs quality time with her. But the thing is...she can't spend time with him in their dorm without also doing her she has to clean their apartment and do paperworks and it's like hard to separate her time when she's with jiyong as her manager..and as the girlfriend.
ugh. only your story makes me think of things like these.
ant12345 #6
Chapter 13: Aaahh!!!!! Butterflies! Butterfkies in my stomach.
ant12345 #7
Chapter 4: Seriously . .. Im img crying. I can feel daras exhaustion in my bones. I hate you jiyong.
Aylanah #8
Chapter 21: Please update soon
zoezaczoe #10
Chapter 21: Ahhhhhh update soon please