Chapter 17

Idol Manager

Dara’s POV

I jerked up and looked at a shocked expression on both of their faces. “What’s wrong?” I asked in a sleepy voice. Why could be so bad that they have to wake me up early in the morning? Chaerin gave Bom a look and Bom turned the newspaper around.

The headlines of the entertainment section.


 It took me a while before what I read got into my head. I read it again with my eyes opened wide to make sure I’m not seeing things.

“AHHH!!!!!!!!!!” I screamed, causing Bom and Chaerin to get a shock. I’m so dead. What’s Jiyong going to say now? It looks like I’m cheating on him. I took a quick shower, changed and ran out of my house as quickly as I can. Luckily the reporters were not here yet. I drove my red convertible in full speed to the boy’s dorm.

When I arrived, I was too late. Jiyong was looking at the news paper with tears flowing down his cheeks. “Jiyong…” I called his name softly. He looked up at me with disappointment in his eyes. It seems like there was only me and him in this world, aware of time stilling going on.

“I’m very disappointed.” He stood up, dragging the chair loudly on the floor causing the other members to be aware of the commotion between us. Their eyes trailed Jiyong with me following behind him. He slammed the door in my face and locking it. I wasn’t able to open the door and banging it was of no use.

“What happened with you and hyung?” Daesung asked. I grabbed the newspaper off the dining table and shoved it in his face. “This is the cause.” Daesung looked at it and gasped. The others followed and look and had a horrifying expression pinned on their faces.

“I believe you’re not dating him. I can see its all just rumors.” Seunghyun pat my shoulder and proceeded to the bedroom trying to persuade Jiyong out. Youngbae pulled me to sit between him and Seungri. “It’s ok. Hyung would be fine after a while. He loves you and he won’t stay angry for long.” Seungri said as he pat my back. I could only smile weakly at him. It’s my entire fault. I should have been more careful. I felt my head becoming heavy. It’s too much pressure for me now. It feels like I’m holding onto the sky.

Ever since Appa exposed my identity, I should have been more careful. I placed my face in my hands and felt someone my back trying to calm me down. I then heard a commotion from the bedroom. It was Jiyong and Seunghyun. I made my way to the door with the other 3 members behind me. “You know she isn’t like that!” Seunghyun exclaimed.

“But the picture showed everything! She was hugging another guy, in public!”

“You should believe her since you claim you love her!” I couldn’t continue hearing it anymore. It was too painful. I dragged my body away from the room and headed to the door. “Noona!” I heard Seungri call but I wanted to be alone. I slammed the door behind me and left the building. I knew someone was behind me, but I ignored it. I was at the void deck when everything became double and blur. I felt myself shifting from left to right and everything became back.

End of Dara’s POV


Youngbae’s POV

I was standing outside the bedroom where Dara stopped. I was so engrossed in the conversation of Jiyong and Seunghyun, I wasn’t aware of Dara walking away till Seungri called out to her. Jiyong and Seunghyun stopped fighting and looked at us. The both of them stood rooted to the ground and I looked at Dara she totally had no energy in her. She slammed the door so hard that it made me worry. I opened the door to see her step into the lift. I ran to the lift to see it close. I pressed the button furiously to see the lift going down. I ran down the stairs and caught Dara at the void deck on time. She was still dragging her feet. But what was weird was that she was swaying from left to right. The all of a sudden, She just collapsed onto the ground.

I ran forward to see her lying on the cold hard marble floor unconscious. I shook her and she still had her eyes close. I then carried her bridal style and went back to the dorm. I pressed the door bell countless of times and Seungri opened the door with a gasp.

“What happened?” He stood aside, allowing me to place her on the sofa. Seungri ran to the bedroom to come out with an anxious Jiyong. “Why is she like that?” He asked me.

“She just suddenly fainted in front of me. I don’t know why.” I said. I could see the worried expression Jiyong had on his face. He really cares for Dara. He cared so much that he could stand her being around other guys other than us.

Jiyong was grabbing Dara’s hand with both his hand. Her hand was brought to his lips and he placed a gentle kiss on it. Suddenly, he did something that startled all of us. He cried. He doesn’t cry in front of us. I have never seen him cry. At most he would just have tears welled in his eyes. He doesn’t show us his weak side.

I looked at Seunghyun. He had his back facing us. He had his phone to his ear which I assume he’s calling the doctor. Daesung was patting Jiyong on the back, trying to comfort him. Seungri seem like he was going to cry. I place my hand on his forearm and rubbed it, trying to comfort him.

End of Youngbae’s POV


Jiyong’s POV

It’s all my fault. It’s all my fault that Dara’s unconscious. If I had listen to her explain, if I had not been so harsh, none of this would have happened. I heard the doorbell ring and turned back to see the doctor. He set his bag on the floor and examined Dara.

“She’s just stressed and caught a little cold. As long as she take some medication and get some rest, she would be fine.” He said passed Seunghyun the medication and left. “I’ll bring her to her room.” I said and carried her.

I settled her on the bed and remembered when the last time I did this, she woke up and we had such a fun time. I looked at her now, Pale and motionless. It pains my heart to see her in this state. Where did the happy Dara go? Unknowingly, my tear slid down my cheeks onto her face. I helped her take off her coat and placed it on the chair which I was sitting on.

I looked at her. Was she looking at me like this when I was sick that day? I realized I have been sick a few times during our Japan trip and in Korea. She has always been taking care of me. She would spend the night in the dorm just to take care of me. Now she’s sick and I should take care of her. I went to the bed room and took the air moisturizer. I placed it on the window sill. I think it would make her feel more comfortable. I sat down and looked at her.

She seemed to look frailer than the Japan trip. I didn’t realize that she looked thinner. The last time I held her hand, it was not so bony. Her Jaw seemed to look more prominent. Is she under a lot of stress these few days that she fainted?

I caressed her hair and was about to leave when I felt her grab my hand. “Don’t leave.” She whispered. I turned around and saw her looking at me. Her eyes half lidded. I sat down and held her hand. “You alright?” I asked. She nodded lightly and looked at me and was about to say something when I placed my finger on her lips.

“I know what you want to say, and I don’t blame you. I only blame myself for being so harsh.”

End of Jiyong’s POV


Dara’s POV

I opened my eyes to see Jiyong about to leave. I grabbed his hand and he turned around immediately. He sat back down and asked me if I’m alright. When I was about to explain to him about the article of me and Donghae, He placed his hands on my lips. He blamed himself rather. He blamed himself for not listening to my explanation.

I used one of my hand and caressed his cheeks. I smiled weakly and he looked at me. I sat up and hugged him. “You’ve got to trust me.” I said.

“I will from now on. I will not doubt you any longer.” He tighten the hug. He then pulled something out from his pocket. It was a velvet box. “this is for you.”. He released me and I looked at it. He opened my hand and placed it on my hand and closing it back. I opened it and saw a one side of a pair of earring. I tucked his hair behind his ear and saw the other side of the earring.

There was engravings inside the crystals. It was small so I couldn’t see it properly. “It says only you. Mine says in my heart.” He smiled and tucked my hair behind my ear. He took out my loop earrings and put it on for me.

“Let’s go to the amusement park tomorrow. Hyun-na called just now and said YGE reserved the whole Lotte world for us BIGBANG to have fun.” He smiled.

“I don’t know about that.” I said. I didn’t really get the news maybe I should call Bom to ask.

“Managers are also invited. Hyun-na said she’s going” I was thinking when my phone rang. I received a text message from Bom. “YGE reserved the whole Lotte World for YG artists. Managers are invited. Be there or I’ll kill you. Love Bom.”

“Sure. I’ll go.” I said. And Jiyong jumped for joy. I smiled and got off the bed.

“Why are you still doing here? Trying to act sick again? Don’t you have a schedule?” I asked and took my coat off the chair.

“I forgot.” He scratched his head and ran off to change. I stood in the living room and all the boys gathered. We set off for work and I had nothing to do as usual. Mingkki was sitting next to me. She said that she was sent to assists me. I was fine with it since Mingkki just started off and needs more experience.

“When they boys are done, give them each a bottle of water so they will not suffer from sore throat the next day. For them, water is the most essential.” She made a mental note and smiled. The boys returned and we each gave them a bottle of water.

“You still have a photoshoot that is incomplete Jiyong.” I said as I arranged the things on the table.

“I know. I’m going on the day after. Since there were no group shots, I would be done in a jiffy.” He smiled.

“Who’s going to accompany you?” I asked, thinking of a way to .

“You?” He said in a sing song tone.

“When did I say I was?” I asked.

“It’s not you then who?” I pointed to Mingkki and he turned pale.

“Can’t you go?” He pleaded.

“Company’s orders.” I said seriously, but I was going to burst out laughing. I was going with him I just had to . He sulked a little and I burst out laughing. He looked at me sadly.

“You’re happy when your boyfriend is going with some other girl.”

“I’m going with you. Can’t you take a joke?” I laughed. He was about to do something to me when The director called them back…

End of Dara’s POV

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love2read2 #1
Chapter 21: Continue plzz
Chapter 21: ugh...i hate the idea of an arranged marriage. why do parents think it's good to do that to their kids? and good wife training, wtf?
Chapter 3: I think TOP has a thing for Dara xD
ant12345 #4
Chapter 21: you're really talented. you know that right. anticipating.
ant12345 #5
Chapter 15: I know DAra's friendship towards Donghae has no malice (although i can't say that same for him, i'm not sure) but doesn't it seem a little unfair for her to spend so much time with a friend while her boyfriend is missing her terrible and needs quality time with her. But the thing is...she can't spend time with him in their dorm without also doing her she has to clean their apartment and do paperworks and it's like hard to separate her time when she's with jiyong as her manager..and as the girlfriend.
ugh. only your story makes me think of things like these.
ant12345 #6
Chapter 13: Aaahh!!!!! Butterflies! Butterfkies in my stomach.
ant12345 #7
Chapter 4: Seriously . .. Im img crying. I can feel daras exhaustion in my bones. I hate you jiyong.
Aylanah #8
Chapter 21: Please update soon
zoezaczoe #10
Chapter 21: Ahhhhhh update soon please