Chapter 8

Idol Manager

Dara’s POV

I fiddled with my fingers and looked at them. The whole room was silent. The only sound that could be heard was the sound of our breathing. I was trying to muster my courage. It was not easy to tell others who I was. I never liked my status due to the fact that people may want to get into my good books.

“I…”  I broke the silence but nothing came out. I didn’t know how to put it so he won’t feel cheated by me. I have been hiding this since forever. I turned to look at Jiyong and realised that he was looking at me.

“My mother is Park Inhee. Owner of  I’Park mall.” I let it all out. It is just one simple sentence, but it was tough for me. When I looked at Jiyong, I saw his jaw wide open. He was shocked and that’s all I know. However, I was not done yet.

“My father… is Park Jinho, CEO of Woori bank.” He practically slumped back onto the sofa.

“Your…. Your… parents…” He stuttered. I didn’t know what was he going to say.

“I’m sorry I didn’t tell the group earlier. I never liked revealing my identity. People will just stick to me for the money. I’m really sorry.” I stood up and bowed.

Jiyong pulled me up and smiled a little. “I’m not angry Dara. It’s just that you have such rich parents, why are you even working?” Jiyong asked.

“I don’t like to depend on them. I like to do things my own way.” I said.

“That explains your expensive clothes, you cars and this notebook.” Jiyong said scratching his head.

“But I have to tell you. Don’t tell anyone about this. My parents don’t know where I am. I ran away.” I said.

“ But don’t you miss them?” Jiyong asked.

“I miss them, but when I see them they will ask me to quit my job and I don’t want to quit my job.” I said.

“If you are their daughter, shouldn’t be studying in some university now?” Jiyong sure has many questions.

“I was done with university long ago.”

“How old are you?”

“Going on 21 in 5 months.”


“When you dropped out of school I was in year 4.” He then went silent.

“Don’t tell me you are that child prodigy, Sandara Park.” Jiyong then went to sit back on the sofa. I nodded. I was Sandara Park the child prodigy who completed her PhD when she was 20.

“This is killing me. It came all so sudden.” Jiyong rubbed his temples.

“This is why I never liked telling people my identity.” Jiyong then sat up straight on the bed looking at me from head to toe.

“What?” I said he seem like some old man gawking at me on the street.

“I can’t believe you are her. This is amazing. To think you were only the daughter of 2 rich people.” Jiyong then started laughing. I found him a little weird. Normally when people found out about it, they would up to me straight away. Jiyong then seem to me to be different from others.

“But for the daughter of a rich family, you seem to not be snobby like other girls.” He sat comfortably on the couch.

“What do you mean?” I asked. I don’t get what he was saying it was something weird.

“I used to think people who are from rich backgrounds are snobby, proud and rude. But you seem totally different from them.” He smiled. I just laughed. I think he has a really wrong perception of rich people.

“Do you know that we are free tomorrow?” I asked, trying to change the subject.

He nodded his head. ”Shall we go take a walk around Tokyo?” I asked since it was not all the time we will get a free day and it will be very wasteful if we just sit at home all day. Jiyong smiled and nodded his head.

“I can finally use my camera.” Jiyong went to his closet and pulled his camera. He then took out a cloth to wipe it. That was his baby. He treasures it a lot. Although he has a lot of cameras. That was his favourite as he save for a long time before he was finally able to afford it.

“Sure. You should sleep early if you want to make full use of your camera tomorrow.” I smiled. He then took a picture of me.

“I can make full use of it now” he grinned and took countless pictures of me.

“Yah! Stop that.” Jiyong was still taking the pictures. I ran after him. However, when I caught him, I tripped on my own leg and fell on him. It was lucky for him as his camera landed on the bed. However, I fell on him and we looked into each other’s eyes. We maintained eye contact for a very long time.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. It was then when we moved and came back to the real world. I cleared my throat and walked to the door. It was Minho oppa.

“Oppa!” I went forward to give him a hug. He hugged me back and I invited him into the house. Since I grew up in both Japan and Korea, I see Minho oppa often and we were like siblings. To be exact, we are, as my father raised him with his own bare hands.

Jiyong greeted him with a nod on the head. Jiyong then headed to the bed and opened his new notebook.

“So it’s for him?” Minho smiled. I nodded my head.

“Does he know who you really are?” I nodded my head again.

“Your parents are still looking for you. Don’t you intend to visit them? They are really very worried about you.” he is here to persuade me to go back again.

“I am not going back. I enjoy my current life and I will not back down to them.” I said. My parents have very high expectations of me. They want to me to take over their career. Both of it since they are going to collaborate and merge with each other’s company soon.

“Just so you know, your father is not in a good health. Visit him someday or you will regret your decision one day.” Minho said before leaving. I sent him out of the room. When I turned around, I saw Jiyong behind me.

“Isn’t that the driver?” He asked.

“Yup, He’s my father’s adopted son or something like that. He stays in Japan and drives me or my father when we are in Japan.” I said. I then pulled out my phone and called Minho oppa to tell him about my plans tomorrow. He said he is okay with it. He sounded a little upset. I think it was because of the conversation just now.

Jiyong and I then headed to sleep since the day tomorrow will use up a lot of energy especially if someone were to recognise him.

The next day, we woke up at 7am to prepare for our little Tokyo adventure. Since it was a sunny day, I decided to be more casual and wore only a sleeveless top. I only brought my phone and wallet since there was nothing much for me to bring. I called Minho oppa and told him that he could fetch us anytime.

We reached our destination. It was like a park but filled with Sakura trees and other different kind of flowers. We then started walking around. It was a good location for photos. I asked Minho oppa to bring us here since Jiyong said he wanted to take pictures and make full use of his camera.

He then directed his camera at me. “Yah! Don’t you dare take pictures of me” I exclaimed. He showed me his camera, which was the scenery of the flowers behind me. Seems like I am thinking too much…

End of Dara’s POV


Jiyong POV

Dara and I are going on a ‘date’ today since it is only the 2 of us. Dara told the driver whom she called Minho oppa to bring us to this place. It was beautiful. Filled with flowers and sakura trees. I began taking pictures of the beautiful scenery and her. She realised that I was taking pictures of her then she asked me to show her the picture. I went to the storage compartment and zoomed the picture to the scenery behind her. I showed it to her and she gladly accepted that I didn’t take her picture.

It seemed like she knew I wanted to take pictures as she would stop at certain places where the view was exceptionally beautiful and let me take a few shots before moving on…

End of Jiyong’s POV


Dara’s POV

Since one of the aim for this trip is to allow Jiyong to loosen up a bit and allow him to take pictures, I stop at place that I found very beautiful to allow him to take pictures. When we were reaching the end of the park, I called Minho oppa and told him which part of the park we were at so that he was able to fetch us. The next location was on a hill near a hot spring. That place was known to be able to loosen up and take pictures, so it fits Jiyong’s criteria perfectly.

Since my mother loved this place, we had our own private spring. I called in yesterday to tell them that we were coming, so they prepared the place for us. Since it was only 2 pm, we do not have to stay over. I invited Minho oppa to join us but he said he was just going to sleep in the car.

Since we don’t really intend to stay here for very long and we have our own private spring, there is nothing to worry about for Jiyong’s identity being exposed. Because Jiyong is of different gender, both of us were not able to take out the towel. So we stay in the water for 15 to half an hour before changing and leaving for our next destination. Jiyong was smiling the whole time. Maybe he felt contented with all the pictures he took. We stopped at a restaurant which looked deserted and had lunch. There was totally no one inside the restaurant.

An old lady walked up to us and spoke to us in Japanese. Since Jiyong was able to speak Japanese, none of us sitting at the table will have difficulty roaming around Japan alone. Minho oppa had lunch with us. He couldn’t possibly not eat lunch. When our food came, we took the first bite and found it really delicious. All of us finished every grain of rice and every strand of noodle.

“Ji, want to help them out?”


I opened his bag and took out his polaroid camera. Jiyong then took a picture with the old lady and her husband, both of them own this little restaurant for more than 30 years.

“Place this in a frame and hang it somewhere where people will notice. The lady nodded and Jiyong gave her his signature. She too framed it up and thanked us so much, even though she didn’t know who is BIGBANG.

When we finally returned to the city, it was already evening. We headed to our last station, the Tokyo tower. Jiyong had always wanted to come here. He would always say that he id not have a chance to take a picture of Tokyo tower on his own when he comes to Tokyo. This time, he was so happy when he finally got the chance to.

“Happy?” I asked. He nodded his head.

“Thank you so much.” Jiyong said while taking his last few pictures of the Tokyo tower.

“Let’s go. I’m tired.” Jiyong then headed back to the car.

“Where do you want to have dinner?” I asked. While rubbing my arm due to the cold from the air conditioner.

“Hotel.” He then pulled me closer as he might have realised that I was feeling cold.

“You should have brought your jacket along. You cannot afford to get sick.” Jiyong reprimanded me. it seems that he was the manager rather than me. Once I reached our hotel room I started sneezing non-stop.

“You should take care of yourself more and wear more clothes. It is not really very hot and you are wear as if it was burning.” Jiyong said. I looked at him.

“What?” he exclaimed with a puzzled look on his face. I then burst out laughing.

“You are like my nanny.” I said and closing my mouth. He then placed his hands on his hips and I laughed harder. No wonder he was the omma of BIGBANG. I then went silent since Jiyong went to shower. I think I was tired as I drifted to sleep.

When I was asleep, I felt like I was flying and I opened my eyes a little. I saw Jiyong’s face and he was carrying me to the bed. I found the warmth from his body very comfortable so I draped my arms around his neck. He was stunned as I felt him came to a halt. Since was circled my arms around his neck, it was like I was sitting up a little. I could feel his breath on my forearm and knew he was looking at me. I snuggled closer to him and fell back into slumber. The next minute I woke up, it was already close to midnight. Jiyong had already fallen asleep. I then went to take a shower to freshen up before getting myself something to eat and go back to sleep. After I was done showering, I went into the kitchen to see the table with a plate of Jajangmyeon wrapped with cling wrap. There was a note beside it.


I know you will be hungry in the idle of the night so I made you this. You have to just heat it up and it is ready to be consumed.

P.s: Don’t sleep with wet hair. You will catch a cold.



I smiled at the note. I was going to just sleep with my hair wet. I heated up the noodle and ate it. I went to dry my hair in the toilet before heading to sleep. I slide myself under the comforters and pulled it to cover my body. 
Suddenly, a strong pair of arms s around my waist and it caused me to jump a little. However, that was not it. The owner of that pair of arms pulled me closer to him, causing our bodies to be touch each other. My face was practically directly in front of his and it was less than 10cm away. I turned the other way and tried not to wake him up through my movement. I successfully turned around and fell asleep in his warm embrace.

The next morning, I woke up at 7am and realised that it was too early. I still had that pair of arms wrapped around my waist so I wasn’t able to get out of bed. I started thinking of random things. Suddenly, everything led me to Jiyong. I was thinking about him when my subconscious mind snapped me awake. What am I thinking about? Snap out of it. He’s an idol. Even if he is not, appa and pmma would never approve of this. Stop thinking about him. I then thought of Bom and Chaerin. I then remembered I promised myself that I am going to buy something from Japan for Bom for her birthday.

When I realised that he had loosen his grip, I replaced myself with a pillow and went to wash up. When I was done, I went to make breakfast. Since it was still early, I decided to make chocolate pancakes. I love to eat chocolate so I ‘invented’ it when I was still studying. I would cook when the chefs were not cooking then I invented it and all of the chefs in my house loved it. I have never made it for the boys before so I don’t know if they like it or not.

When I was done, I went to wash the dishes from last night and the ones I just used. Looking at the bed, Jiyong was still asleep. I went to wake him up. He then shuffled to the toilet and wash up. We had breakfast together as usual. He had actually thought I burnt the pancakes as it was brown. I just laughed at him. I said it was chocolate. He then laughed at himself for being weird early in the morning.

He actually liked it. “Do you like chocolate?” he asked me all of a sudden. I nodded my head slowly.

“Seems like im right.” He smiled to himself.

“What right??” I asked. I didn’t know what he was talking about.

“I have been staying with you for the past 2 weeks and I have noticed that you at least eat something that contains chocolate everyday. Chocolate bars, chocolate cookies, chocolate cake, Hot chocolate. “ He said. I could only laugh at him.

“Yes I love chocolate. I can never live past a day without at least a dose of chocolate.” I said while eating my breakfast.

“What if you are sick?” He asked.

“Chocolate is my best medicine.” I said

“Really?” I nodded my head and drank my milk.

“I can just eat chocolate and not feel that horrible anymore.” I cleared my plates and placed it in the sink.

“Are you done? I help you wash your plates.” I reached out for the apron when he beat me to it.

“I wash it today. Go and shower.” He said and I proceeded to the toilet. After I was done bathing, I ruffled my hair, but it was not dry. I then went onto the bed and lie down.

“Didn’t I tell you to not lie on the bed with your hair wet, you may catch a cold if you stay like that for very long.” Jiyong exclaimed. I sat up lazily.

“I’m very lazy to dry my hair. Only for today.” I said and lie back down. Jiyong just shook his head and went into the toilet. He came out with the hair dryer.

“Sit up. I dry it for you.” He said. I was very reluctant to sit up. He pulled me up and dried my hair for me. The way he does it is very gentle. He doesn’t exert too much force. It was very comfortable. After 10 minutes, he was done.

“Thank you.” I yawned and fell back on the bed. He just laughed and went to shower. We left the house at 10am. I left the house in a T-shirt and skinny jeans. The weather was still a little cold due to the wind. I didn’t put on my jacket and walked out of the hotel. It was quite cold, but I left my jacket in the hotel, totally forgetting about it.

The both of us went into the car and left for out destination. I was fine at first, but when I exited the car, I started sneezing. “Are you feeling okay?” Jiyong asked. I thought I was so I nodded my head. However, I ended up sneezing the whole day. I wasn’t able to get medication as I had a lot of paper work to do. I decided to then buy after I was done.

Jiyong approached me a few hours later when they had a break. “ Are you really alright?” He asked. I didn’t want to make him worried so I nodded me head. I didn’t speak, as he will find out that I caught a cold.

He then approached a staff before going back to work. I continued with my paper work and countless numbers of report. Suddenly, someone tapped my shoulder and I looked up. It was the staff Jiyong was talking to. She passed me a bag.

“What’s this?” I asked pressing on my nose.

“Cold medication. Jiyong asked me to get them for you.” She bowed and walked away. I bowed a little and looked at the medication. I smiled a little. I didn’t know he noticed that I caught a cold. I consumed the medication and went back to work. The sweetest thing is that the medication she asked the staff to get for me was the one that doesn’t make you drowsy.

We stayed at the filming site for the whole day. By the time they decided to pack up, it was already 11pm. I called Minho oppa to make his way here. He said he was eating dinner near by so it may take a while. They have not pack up yet so I told Minho oppa to take his time.

Jiyong came towards me. “So are you feeling better now” he broke his emotionless face into a grin.

“Yes. Thank you for being so attentive. You even bought the non-drowsy pills. Thank you.” I said with a little bow.

“It’s nothing really. If you are to really fall sick, I will have to take care of you still.” Jiyong said.

“Right. Let’s go and wait for Minho oppa and the car. He may be waiting for us already.” When we stepped out of the building, I immediately shuddered due to the cold wind…

End of Dara’s POV




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love2read2 #1
Chapter 21: Continue plzz
Chapter 21: ugh...i hate the idea of an arranged marriage. why do parents think it's good to do that to their kids? and good wife training, wtf?
Chapter 3: I think TOP has a thing for Dara xD
ant12345 #4
Chapter 21: you're really talented. you know that right. anticipating.
ant12345 #5
Chapter 15: I know DAra's friendship towards Donghae has no malice (although i can't say that same for him, i'm not sure) but doesn't it seem a little unfair for her to spend so much time with a friend while her boyfriend is missing her terrible and needs quality time with her. But the thing is...she can't spend time with him in their dorm without also doing her she has to clean their apartment and do paperworks and it's like hard to separate her time when she's with jiyong as her manager..and as the girlfriend.
ugh. only your story makes me think of things like these.
ant12345 #6
Chapter 13: Aaahh!!!!! Butterflies! Butterfkies in my stomach.
ant12345 #7
Chapter 4: Seriously . .. Im img crying. I can feel daras exhaustion in my bones. I hate you jiyong.
Aylanah #8
Chapter 21: Please update soon
zoezaczoe #10
Chapter 21: Ahhhhhh update soon please