Chapter 21

Idol Manager

Dara’s POV

However he changed channel immediately. He stopped flipping and switched it off. The both of us stood there in an awkward silence. I decided to return to my room. Seeing Donghae now makes me bored. When I got to my room, I decided to carry on reading my book. When I took out my bookmark, it reminded me of Bom and Chaerin. The bookmark was a picture of the 3 of us in our dorm when we first bought it.

Should I contact them? I feel so heartless to not contact them at all. If I do, it may spread to BIGBANG as Eunhyuk who is dating Bom is Seungri’s best friend. If Bom let it out by accident, Jiyong will be able to find me and I don’t want that to happen. I decided that I’m not going to contact them, but I will find them. One day, I will go back personally and look for them.

I sat leaning on the headboard of my bed with the covers covering my legs and started reading my book. Suddenly, I felt my eye sting. I got off my bed and headed to the mirror and saw that my eyes were red. I then took my solution box for my contact lens and headed to the toilet where my spectacles were. I washed my hands and took my contacts out, dripping a few drops of eye drop in my eye before wearing my spectacles.

I headed out and sat in the same position other than the fact that I wasn’t reading any more. I closed my eyes and leaned back, resting my eyes for a little while. There was then a knock on the door. From what I observed, it was already 5pm and every time at 5, Dongho will come and talk to me, hoping I will be more positive about this marriage since it will last forever.

“Come in.” I said with my eyes still closed. The figure walked in closer and sat down on the chair beside my bed.

“Coming to give me your words of advice about this arranged marriage again?” I asked. However, there was no reply. There was something fishy so I decided to take a look. I got a little shock to see Donghae rather than Dongho Oppa.

“Why is it you?” I asked.

“Who do you think it’ll be? Omma said that we should spend more time so I have no choice to come and have a talk with you.” He had his arms folded in front of his chest where a Donald duck figure lay.

“Ok then. What do you want to talk about?” I yawned while covering my mouth. He shrugged. The both of us then sat there in silence again. Suddenly, someone walked in and it’s Omma. She doesn’t really knock. I suspect she’s been standing outside for some time.

“I brought the both of you Camomile tea. Donghae-ah, I heard you’ll be working in your father’s hotel.” She pat his shoulder and he nodded. She gave him a warm smile and left the room.

“So you won’t be home after we get married. That’s nice to hear.” I said.

“It’s not like I will be working overtime. I don’t know cleaners will work overtime.” He said sarcastically.

“Why a cleaner? Why don’t you just start as VP or something? Isn’t that what you’re good at?” I shot back.

“I want to prove to others that I’m more capable and don’t need my father’s help to get to a high post.” He boasted while I shrug. Why are we even talking about this? It seems like I need an art room for my new house to entertain my needs. Maybe I could learn a new instrument. That would take up most of my time.

The 3 days flew past. The both of us really ‘bonded’. Our relationship is ‘better than ever.’ I thought as a bride, she should be very nervous. However, I on the other hand was not. I couldn’t wait for this whole boring ceremony to be over, so I can finally ignore Donghae. We’re not going for honeymoon as Omma said that we were too young to do ‘that’ and she doesn’t trust us. For goodness sake, I wouldn’t even what him to be 1m near me.

Finally the door opened and Appa stepped in. “It’s time.” I stood up and place my arm on the crook of his hand. I was in front of an old wooden the door. When it opened, there was a bright ray of light shining through. Appa and I took small and slow steps towards the alter. This was such a long process…

End of Dara’s POV


Donghae’s POV

Today is our wedding day. I thought the groom was suppose to feel very happy and nervous? I was not. I would rather we just went to sign the certificate of marriage and end all this nonsense. I proceeded to the alter when the music started playing.

The door opened and she walked out with my father-in-law. To be truthful, she looked stunning. Although she has a really bad temper and her attitude toward me is bad these few days, I cannot deny the fact that she was really gorgeous. Now I understand why does women look most stunning on their wedding day.

Although she really doesn’t want to get married to me, I can see that she really put a lot of effort in making herself pretty. She went for spa, facial, manicure, everything. Even if she doesn’t like me, she would want to look her best on her wedding day. Although we will divorce 2 years later, it’s still important to look good on the wedding day.

When she reached my side, I placed my hand on my hip so she will be able to put it on the crook of my arm. We faced the priest and the ceremony began. This wedding was such that we were not the one who was give the choice to so ‘I do’ or not. If anyone in the church objects, the marriage will not be valid. However, no one objected, so now we were officially married. How nice!

The last sentence the priest said was the one I dreaded the most. “Now the groom may kiss the bride.” The both of us totally forgot about this part. I shot her a look and she shot me the same look. It seems like we really have to do it.

I stood closer to her and place my hand on her waist. Her eyes widen in fear, afraid of what I’m going to do. I uncover her veil and kissed her forehead. The crowd clapped and not cheered and we stepped down, walking together down the aisle and headed outside where our ride’s waiting for us.

I opened the door for Dara and she headed in first. It was a white convertible. It looks a bit vintage, making it all seem grand. The crowd appeared and waved us goodbye. Before the car left, Dara turned round and threw the bouquet of flowers to see who’s the next lucky bride. A young lady who seems to be in her early 20s caught it.

The car left and the both of us saw this guy kneeling down, asking for her hand. I smiled and looked to the opposite direction of Dara anyway, I couldn’t be bothered to have a conversation with her as our conversations never ended decently. We were heading to our new house. I think Dara will like it.

When we’ve reached, I could see the shocked expression on her face. The house was an exact replica of the drawing she gave me. I wanted her to at least like the house she was living in.

 “I decided to built our house in this way. I know we’re no marrying each other for love, but I hope that you’ll at least be happy when you live here. It’s every girl’s dream to live in their dream house.” I said as I looked at the house from a distance.

“Thank you. I really love it.” She turned and smiled at me. It was the first time she smiled at me since the announcement of our engagement. How I wish we can be like this every day. Not fight and maintain this kind of relationship till the contract was over…

End of Donghae’s POV


Dara’s POV

I opened the door and the interior was not what I imagined. It was better. I loved it. I was speechless. This house was magnificent. It doesn’t just look beautiful on the outside. The inside was just like a palace. Suddenly, I felt my dress got lighter. I turned round and saw Donghae holding my dress up for me. “Thank you.” I smiled and walked slowly around the house. There was a music room and an art room on the first floor.

“I think you will be bored at home so I added these 2 rooms.” Donghae explained. I smiled at him and continued my tour. When I got up the second level, I saw many doors. The last room on the left was mine and the one on the right was Donghae’s. The room was connected by another room which was our shared bed room when our parents come to check on us. Each room contains a toilet. There was a study room and the others were like guest rooms.

I walked into my room to find another door. “What is this?” I asked pointing at the door. He smiled and asked me to open it. I opened it and gasped. It was a walk in wardrobe. It was bigger than the one I have at home. There were a lot of new clothes. I walked in and looked at them.

“Omma told me you love clothes so I got a few for you.” I looked at him and gave him another smile. He then told me to change into a more comfortable outfit since he could see I am having difficulty moving around. When I was done, he was leaning against the wall opposite my door. “we have to be used to our shared bedroom, so our parents won’t be suspicious.” I nodded.

Suddenly, the doorbell rang. We walked to the living room where our butler I assumed opened the door. There stood Mrs. Lee. I knew it didn’t bring good news. “I’m staying with you 2 for the week.” He smiled and her chauffer brought in her luggage.

“It seems like that room will be put into good use.” I whispered into Donghae’s ear. He nodded and we showed Omma her room. It was the one beside mine. There was no door connecting them so it was safe. However, the bad news is that Donghae happily forgot to install locks on the double door so we have to sleep together till Omma leaves.

The both of us were actually watching TV in the living room, when we heard Omma’s heels clicking. We’re already married so to not make our parents suspect, we have devised a plan when Omma was unpacking her stuff. The both of us sat closer, Donghae had her arms around my shoulder while my head lying on his shoulder.

“The both of you are so loving already.” Omma said as she walked down the stairs. We looked at her and smiled. I know the reason why Omma was here. She’s here to teach me how to be a wife. However, she forgot one thing. I will be taking over my father’s company so I will have to work but not every day.

Butler Kim came to Donghae and I saying that Dinner was ready. We headed to the dining table and they served Potato salad as appetizer, Salmon as Main course and Chocolate Mousse cake for dessert. It seems like I will be happy with this chef. I am known in my family to be a picky eater. If it’s not nice, I can don’t touch it even if it’s expensive.

“I’ll start your good wife training tomorrow.” Omma said as she excuse us to her room. I slumped onto the table once she was out of sight.

“She’ll be all teacher with you for the first day and after that, she will be lenient with you. I heard you’re good in cooking so I don’t think she will be very unhappy.” He smiled his signature smile and stood up. We headed to our room and sat on the bed side by side.

“So You’re stating your job tomorrow?” I asked as I looked at my book.

“Yah. I will start from the lowest job. I don’t want other people to think that I am VP just because I’m the son of the president. I want to try out every job and experience it.”

“Sure. I’m going to bed.” I place my book on the night stand alongside with my spectacles and went to sleep…

End of Dara’s POV


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love2read2 #1
Chapter 21: Continue plzz
Chapter 21: ugh...i hate the idea of an arranged marriage. why do parents think it's good to do that to their kids? and good wife training, wtf?
Chapter 3: I think TOP has a thing for Dara xD
ant12345 #4
Chapter 21: you're really talented. you know that right. anticipating.
ant12345 #5
Chapter 15: I know DAra's friendship towards Donghae has no malice (although i can't say that same for him, i'm not sure) but doesn't it seem a little unfair for her to spend so much time with a friend while her boyfriend is missing her terrible and needs quality time with her. But the thing is...she can't spend time with him in their dorm without also doing her she has to clean their apartment and do paperworks and it's like hard to separate her time when she's with jiyong as her manager..and as the girlfriend.
ugh. only your story makes me think of things like these.
ant12345 #6
Chapter 13: Aaahh!!!!! Butterflies! Butterfkies in my stomach.
ant12345 #7
Chapter 4: Seriously . .. Im img crying. I can feel daras exhaustion in my bones. I hate you jiyong.
Aylanah #8
Chapter 21: Please update soon
zoezaczoe #10
Chapter 21: Ahhhhhh update soon please