"Not yet."

Light House

Kai walked quickly in the cold winter air. While the other people walking on the street wore irritated expressions, Kai on the other hand smiled like a complete  fool. He knew he probably looked insane and he tried to bite back the wide grin he was sporting, but he just couldn’t as he remembered what happened before Ji-Eun left last night.


“Sorry you had to stay and take care of me,” Kai said with a sheepish grin as he awkwardly rubbed the back of his neck.

Ji-Eun honestly didn’t mind, and had actually enjoyed the time she spent with him, but she didn’t want to tell him that and instead replied simply saying,“It’s fine!” and shot him a reassuring grin.


Although she wore a reassuring smile, he didn’t feel reassured. He hated being a burden to her, and he felt bad for not telling her it wasn’t her fault he was sick, for having her take care of him, and also for allowing her to walk home by herself at eleven o’clock at night.

Kai’s face suddenly lit up, however,  when an idea popped into his head.

“How about I make it up to you tomorrow?” he said, trying to hide his nervousness. He’s asked her to hang out multiple times but this time it felt different. He never felt this nervous asking her, he was so anxious that he held his breath while he waited for her answer.

“But you’ should rest since you were sick.” she said, honestly worried for his health.

“No-no-no. I’m better now!” he said, as he began jumping around, trying to convince her.

Ji-Eun laughed before she replied, “As lovely as that sounds though, I have to baby-sit my brother and take him to do some Christmas shopping.”

Although she was smiling, she actually felt quite disappointed, she would’ve killed to hang out with Kai for another day. Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard Kai speak again.

“Mind if I join you guys then? I have some shopping I have to do too.”

Ji-Eun replied trying not to sound as excited as she really was. She agreed and told him the time and place to meet up at.


Kai wasn’t sure why he asked her to go with her to the mall now that he thought about it, they could’ve just met up on Sunday. He hated the mall. Being around so many people and hearing all of their thoughts made his head hurt and would often make him dizzy. He always avoided going to such crowded places, but then he remembered why he decided to go… it’s for Ji-Eun. Just being with her would make it up for him.

His thoughts were interrupted when he realized that he had reached his destination. He stood in front of the door, hesitating to go in. He sighed and whispered a “fighting!” to himself as he pulled the door open and quickly walked in, being welcomed by warmth and the familiar smell of coffee. He looked around and realized how nothing’s changed since the last time he’s been there. He quickly gazed at a few pictures hanging on the walls, a huge wave of nostalgia swept over him, as he smiled to himself.

He heard voices and loud, obnoxious laughter coming from the next room, and followed the source of sound. When he entered the room, the room fell silent and four pairs of eyes stared at him completely bug-eyed, while another pair stared at him warmly. Chanyeol got up from his seat and walked over to Kai, before he slung his arm around his shoulder.

“Long time no see bud,” he said to his junior.

Baekhyun, Sehun, Suho, and D.O still sat and stared at Kai, still in shock to see him there since it’s been years since he last came.

When they were younger, they used this place as their secret hideout and hung out everyday. The six of them were practically brothers, but as time went on, Kai began to drift apart from them. No one ever asked him why, as instructed by Chanyeol who thought the latter would come back to them eventually, but didn’t think it would take THIS long, but he was happy he finally joined them again, and so were the others.

Kai awkwardly greeted them, and they greeted him back before Sehun tugged on his arm, pulling him down on the couch next to him.

“Hyung, did you miss me?” Sehun asked while make a cute pose.

Kai laughed at the maknae as he jokingly shook his head no causing Sehun’s smile to almost instantly turn into a frown.

The six boys talked for hours catching up and reminiscing  the old days. Kai looked down at his watch and realized that it was almost time for him to go meet Ji-Eun at the mall. “Hey guys, I have to go. I’ll see you guys tomorrow?” he said as he stood up.

“The great Kai will grace us with his presence again?” Suho jokingly called out.

“Where ya goin?” Baekhyun asked, causing all the members to look up at Kai with curious eyes.

“Oh, just to the mall for some Christmas shopping.” he said.

“Ooh I wanna go!” Baekhyun called out as he quickly got up, only to be pushed back down by Kai. “Next time.” Kai said, not wanting to give the guys too much information since he knew they’d make fun of him.

“Oh, are you gonna go meet up with Ji-Eun?” Chanyeol cooed out, causing all the guys to laugh.

Kai sighed as he put his coat back on avoiding meeting the gazes of his hyungs and crazy maknae.

Kai left as he waved at his crazy friends, whom he missed so much, as he heard them all yell out, “Have fun on your date!” “Don’t have too much fun!” “Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!”


Kai got to the mall a few minutes early because he had to mentally prepare himself. Be cool, Kai, be cool, he said to himself over and over again as he saw Ji-Eun walking in his direction.

“Annyeong!” he said, mentally face palming himself for sounding too excited.

“Annyeong,” Ji-Eun said with a shy smile.

Her little brother stepped from behind her and looked Kai up and down, leaving Kai completely bewildered. The younger boy then walked around Kai, still eyeing him suspiciously. Ji-Eun laughed awkwardly as she grabbed him away and apologized to Kai but was cut off when her brother asked, “Are you my noona’s boyfriend?”

Both Kai and Ji-Eun stared at the boy, wide-eyed, neither knowing what to say.

Before Ji-Eun could answer him, Kai got down on his knees, lowering himself to the boy’s level and whispered, “Not yet.”

Causing the boy to smile, and Ji-Eun to stand there confused.

What did he say?, she wondered, as she watched Kai and her brother walk off without her. She cocked her head as she said to herself, “This will be interesting.”
(A/N): I should probably proof-read before posting, right? Lol, I'm just so lazy!>.< I'll apologize beforehand for any spelling or grammar errors. Well, I hope you guys enjoy, AND just to let y'all know... There will be a confession and maybe ever a kiss in the next chapter!:D I won't let things drag on longer haha! I promise!:] xoxox <3
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Salsal28 #1
Chapter 12: Waaah author-nim please update your story again. I really love your story >.<
Chapter 12: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Great update omg <3
uyuluver #3
Chapter 12: Wow, nice story, totally my taste!! I LOVE this story. I love the storyline. I love the idea of characters building. I love how situation described. My favorite is mind-reading thing idea owned by Kai. Author-nim, I am looking forward to your update ^_^..excellent!!!