Recipe #2

The Perfect Recipe of Love

"When you love a person all fear disappears. And when you are afraid all love disappears." -OSHO

Sulli woke up early that morning. 
She hasn't been sleeping properly since that last time she saw Minho. When he said not to look for him until after the date finishes, she thought he was kidding, but he wasn't.
She couldn't find him at all. He didn't go to school, he wouldn't answer her calls. When Sulli would visit him at his house, Mr. Pak, Minho's butler, said that he wasn't there.
He was avoiding her and it was obvious.
How much more when the date finishes, if he wasn't kidding here, then he certainly wasn't kidding there.
She can't handle that. She can't take it not seeing her bestfriend.
Not to mention that she's in love with him.
Sulli went down to have breakfast. She had a date with Minho's friend that day. Though she didn't see Minho the whole week, a promise is a promise. She had to keep it if she didn't want to lose Minho for good.
Once Sulli was downstairs, she saw her mother talking to a guy she saw around in school.
Can it be...
"Sulli Honey. I'm glad that you're awake. You have a visitor. He says you have a date today. Is that true?" Sulli's omma said, a smile forming on her lips.
Sulli's mother went near Sulli and began talking, making sure that Sulli's young visitor won't hear.
"He's handsome. It's good that you're finally hanging out with someone else aside from Minho. It's not that I have anything against him. I love Minho like he's my own son, but there are alot of other people in the world that you have to meet . You need to learn how to open up more to different people, because when Minho leaves you, you wo-" Sulli cut off her mom's speech, not bearing to be able to hear more.
"I get it Umma. I understand. Can you go now, I know you're busy and besides I can handle this. Please, just leave." Sulli closed her eyes.
"Alright, but if anything goes wrong, just call me, i'll be at the office. Enjoy your day, and remember, be friendly huh." Sulli's mother kissed her cheek.
"Alright, alright, Umma. You can leave now!" Sulli gently pushed her mom towards the door.
Once her mom left, Sulli didn't know what to do. She was just standing by the door, unsure of what to do with her guest who was waiting for her at the sofa.
She then finally decided to gain courage and go to him.
"Uh, Mianhe. You know my Umma can be weird sometimes so just ignore her." Sulli smiled.
"By the way i'm Sulli." Sulli offered a handshake to her visitor who in return, glady accepted it.
That felt different. Way different.
"And your Minho's friend right? Umm, you are..." 
Oh no. Minho didn't give Sulli his name
"Taemin. Lee Taemin." He answered.
His voice is way different from Minho
She didn't know why but she can't help herself but to compare every aspect of him to Minho
"Mianhe. Minho didn't give me your name and I haven't seen him since last week so I wasn't able to get-" Taemin immediately cut off Sulli's apology.
"It's fine. Don't worry about it." Taemin said then smiled, reassuring Sulli that it's fine.
"I'm really sorry." Sulli apologized again, feeling really mean for not being able to know her date's name.
"I said it's okay, really, i'm fine with it. We just met now so that's not really a problem. And besides, you're always with Minho, I don't think you have enough time to meet other people." Taemin said
Her mom was right. She was too preoccupied with Minho to meet other people. But she never knew that other people noticed it too.
"Nice pajamas you got there." Taemin pointed at Sulli's Hello Kitty sleepwear.
"Huh, oh, thanks. Minho gave it. I'm sorry, I didn't know that you were coming this early, if I knew, I could have prepared more. Mianhe." Sulli apologized while feeling embarassed being caught wearing her childish sleepwear.
"You sure are close with Hyung aren't you?" Taemin asked upon hearing Minho's name.
"Um, yeah." Sulli didn't like where this talk was going.
Sulli tried to liven up the atmosphere
"Have you eaten breakfast? I could cook for you. Let me just get dressed up and once i'm finished, I would let you taste my specialty chocolate pancakes. You really have to taste it!" 
Sulli changed the subject. She didn't want to talk about Minho right now.
"Yeah sure." Taemin answered. His mind thinking on why Sulli changed the topic so fast.
"I'll be right back" Sulli told him.
Sulli went up to her room and immediately closed the door.
"That was close." Sulli sighed while standing by the door.
This would be one long day.
Minho was lying on his bed while staring at his ceiling. He felt lifeless and dull. 
And he thought those were adjectives used only for damaged hair
Today was Sulli's date and he wondered what was going on. Was she having fun for the first time without him? Ugh. The thought of it sickens him.
He never really wanted Sulli to go on a date with his friend. He just was forced to persuade her to go.
Forced by who you may ask? Forced by himself.
This was the only way. The only way for him to rethink himself and his feelings for his bestfriend.
Believe it or not. He's inlove with his bestfriend and he can't deny it.
He knew that what he was feeling for her was wrong, she's his bestfriend for goodness sake.
Not to mention that there will come a day when his bestfriend would find someone else. And that would just leave him heartbroken.
He also knew that Sulli won't like him. 
Well she does, as a bestfriend, but not in that way. 
How did he know? He guessed. He didn't want to confirm it by confession because doing that would just make things akward between them, and besides, it would only probably just break their friendship.
So if he kept staying by her side. It would only hurt more.
And because of that, he decided not to meet up with Sulli until his feelings were clear.
He thought it would be easy but little did he know that it would hurt this much.
It hurts him not to see her face. 
It hurts him that he can't answer her calls. 
It hurts him that he has to lie
It hurts him that she's meeting up with someone aside from him.
But what hurts the most is the thought of them only staying as bestfriends. Nothing more and nothing else.
He thought that by giving Sulli to some other guy, it would lessen his hopes of her liking him, and in return, would lessen the pains of heartbreak.
He actually didn't care how they would act in public. If others think they're childish then let them be. He doesn't care.
All he cares about is that Sulli is beside him, every second, every minute, every hour.
But right now she's not.
And it hurts really bad.
After Sulli let Taemin taste her specialty chocolate pancakes. They both decided to go to an amusement park to spend their day.
To Sulli's suprise, Taemin was actually a really fun guy to be with.
They rode multiple rides, ate different foods, goofed alot in public, played games, they did alot that even Sulli herself had fun.
And because of the date, Sulli forgot about her problem with Minho
Though she was still sad that Minho couldn't join them, she disminissed that thought and just spent her day having fun with Taemin at the park.
It was now seven in the evening and Sulli and Taemin were sitting down at the bench resting from their tiring day.
"Did you have fun?" Taemin asked Sulli before sipping his bottle of iced tea.
"Heck I did! It was so fun I didn't even want this day to end." Sulli was shouting
"Are you really this hyper?" Taemin asked amused at Sulli's hyperness
"You should see me with Minho, we act like two kids that everyone just stares at us wondering what the heck this 2 teens are doing. This isn't even my highest point." Sulli laughed.
"You're really close with Minho aren't you. I see you guys together always, it even seems like you guys are a-"
"Couple?" Sulli finished his statement.
"'d you know?" Taemin asked
"Well we get that alot. We are used to it."
"You guys are really close that I wonder if you guys ever" Taemin asked, sadness evident in his voice.
Sulli got shocked with what Taemin asked.
"No." Sulli looked down and Taemin noticed it.
"Mianhe, I shouldn't have asked." Taemin apologized.
" Aniyo! It's okay." Sulli smiled.
"You like him don't you?" 
"Excuse me?" 
"I know you like Minho. I can see it in the way you look at him in school. You can't hide it Sulli." Taemin said not looking at her.
"Taemin..i'm...I didn't mean to..." 
"It's okay. I knew the first thing before I came to the date was that I won't have a chance with you. It would always be and will be Minho. I bet you didn't even want to go here, it's just that Minho persuaded you so you had no choice but to go." Taemin's voice was getting softer.
"Taemin..." Sulli touched Taemin's shoulder.
"He's at his grandparent's house." Taemin whispered
"You want to see him right? He's at his grandparents house in Songpa. I know you've been dying to see him. He's hiding there.
Sulli just looked at him weirdly
"You guys are oblivious to each other's feeling. Don't you know that he likes you too. That's the reason why he's not showing up. He's afraid to face his own feelings." Taemin whispered so soft that Sulli couldn't hear.
"You have to go there now before I tell him that our date is finished, if not you'll never see him again." Taemin stood up and turned to look at Sulli who was sitting down, confusion written all over her face.
"You can go. I'll be okay but you better thank me for telling this to you." Taemin joked.
Sulli stood up and hugged Taemin, making the latter stand there in shock.
"I'm sorry. I know you'll find someone better than me, someone that deserves all your kindness."
Sulli broke from the hug
"Because of you I met a new friend, someone that I can talk too aside from Minho."
Sulli smiled
"And also, if it wasn't for you, I would sulk in my room all day instead of spending this really awesome day with you. Thank you." Sulli laughed
"Yah! Stop thanking me and leave already before I change my mind and tell Minho that our date is finished."
"Are you sure?" 
"Yeah, just go."
"I owe you so much Taemin. I'll leave now!"
"Be careful!" Taemin shouted.
"Neh!" Sulli waved at Taemin before getting in the cab.
Taemin was just watching from afar while recalling the precious moments he spent with Sulli that day.
"I will wait for you until you find me worthy to be yours."
Taemin sighed while watching the cab drive away until it was out of his sight.
"Ahjussi! Are we near? Could you speeden up?" Sulli was impatient. She needed to see Minho now. She wanted to know why Minho was avoiding her that much.
"We're here." The driver stopped at a big white house.
Sulli immediately paid, went down and knocked on the door as hard as she can.
"Minho! I know you're there. Open the door! Minho!" Sulli was shouting.
An old lady opened the door.
"Sulli dear? What are you doing here?" It was Minho's Grandmother
"Halmeoni, is Minho there? Could I speak to him please?" Sulli asked while trying to look at the sides to check if Minho was inside the house.
"Sulli, i'm sorry...but he's not here." Minho's Grandmother replied.
"No..You're lying. He told you not to tell me that he's in there, didn't he. Please Halmeoni, I need to see him. Please, I beg you." Sulli was tearing up.
"He's in his room, the second door to the right of the bathroom" Minho's Grandmother gave up upon seeing her cry.
"Kamsahamnida Halmeoni!" Sulli hugged Minho's Grandmother before rushing into Minho's room.
She knocked on the door gently making Minho believe it was his Grandmother.
"In a second Halmeoni!"
Minho opened the door only to find Sulli standing in front of him.
"What do you think you're doing!?"

AN: Annyeonghaseyo Chingus! Sorry for the super late update :( But since

it's a weekend tomorrow, i'll try to make as many updates as I can. I hope you like this chapter.




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Hi authornim! I'm wondering where are you now. It's been too long. I hope you'll come back to update this story.
KVMS288 #2
Authornim! It's been so long. I miss reading this fanfic. This is one of my favorites. Update soon! Authornim fighting ! I'll be waiting for the update. :)
Chapter 11: Update soon authornim!!!
cwazytwaci #4
Chapter 11: IM SO SORRY! Like how I warned you guys, I may not update until March. School is so stressful that I don't even have time to enjoy myself anymore I DID NOT LEAVE THIS FANDOM! Wait for me, I will end this story just like how I started it :) Mianheeee
Chapter 11: Authornim update soon really really soon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 11: That's so long.
7 years?!
How can they both manage without each other?
Please update soon authornim, by the way the chapter was great!
Update soon thank you!^^
Chapter 11: yaaa after 7 years their meet again :'(
snowsul95 #8
Chapter 11: waaaaaahh!!! authornim I love you!!!!!!!!! *hugs&kisses* waaaahhh... my heart on that last part of this chap stopped beating!!! my god!!!! pls update soon!!!
MeLot_24 #9
Chapter 11: Gosh .authornim .update s0on .very very s0on please..
cwazytwaci #10
Chapter 11: Omo. Didn't realize I had so many grammatical errors in Chapter 11. Mianhe, I wrote this in a rush as I can't stay up late tonight because it's back to school tomorrow. Sigh :(

And because, of that, I can't update everyday anymore.

It might take a while before I am able to update again (blame school). I am verry sorry. I would also miss writing everyday.

So I hope you guys wait for me!

'Til the next update