Recipe #10

The Perfect Recipe of Love
"I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love."
- Mother Teresa
Sulli has been crying on the ground for almost an hour and a half. Taemin realized that it was enough and went to her.
"Sulli..." Taemin whispered. "We have to go now."
But Sulli ignored Taemin. "No..Minho..I need to see him. He's coming back. He will.." Sulli cried.
Taemin felt bad. Sulli was going through so much pain and what troubled him the most was the mere fact that he could not do anything to help. He knows that the only person who could help fix the problem was Minho himself -but he isn't here. He immediately pulled Sulli up and helped fix her appearance.
Taemin brushed Sulli's hair.
"He might come back for me Taemin. He will..." Sulli softly stated.
Taemin didn't want to hurt Sulli  but neither did he want to get her hopes up. "Sulli, it's 4:15 in the afternoon, the plane may have already left. Minho may not come back anymore.." Taemin whispered.
Sulli just stared at Taemin. The hurt she was feeling at the moment was so intense that it stinged Taemin when he saw it.
Taemin wiped the tears off Sulli's face. "Come on..let's go get you something to eat, I bet you're starving right now. I know a good place, i'll take you there." Taemin smiled then grabbed a hold of Sulli's arm and led her towards the side of the street and away from the premises of the airport.
Sulli just followed Taemin. She was too tired to utter a single word. She just stood there staring blankly at the ground while Taemin called a taxi.
Taemin glanced at Sulli. She looked lifeless. Taemin could only sigh.
Minho, oh why did you have to do this?
Minho was sitting quietly on his seat. He stared outside his window. The sky was dark and no stars could be seen. No citylights were present also, signaling that they were out of Korea and was flying high above, suspended in mid air.
Minho's dad noticed Minho and could only sigh.
Minho was too mad to speak to his father. Did he really have to pull Sulli away from him?! It was their last meeting for goodness sake! Couldn't he atleast given them a chance?
Minho just stayed there, staring out at his window. Continously praying and hoping that Sulli would be alright.
Sulli didn't touch any of her food and just stared at it. 
"Sulli, you have to eat. When was the last time you've eaten? Breakfast?" Taemin asked.
Sulli continued staring at her food as if Taemin didn't ask a question.
"Sulli." Taemin softly called, trying to get her attention.
"I don't have any appetite to eat." Sulli blankly stated, not looking at Taemin.
Taemin could only stare at Sulli with a worried look. If she continues on like this she might get sick.
And Minho wouldn't want that.
"Sulli, I know what you're going through is hard and I understand that, but you shouldn't let what happened affect your whole being! Sulking over it won't make things any better, it would just make your problem worse instead." Taemin scolded.
Sulli didn't get a thing of what Taemin said and continued doing what she was doing.
Taemin sighed. "What do I have to do to make you forget about him?" Taemin mumbled to himself while staring at the lifeless girl in front of him.
After Taemin finished eating his food. He immediately asked the waiter to pack the food Sulli didn't eat and place it in a disposable container so that Sulli could eat it at home in case she would get hungry.
They then decided to get going.
In the cab ride on the way to Sulli's house, silence lingered the air as both parties decided to remain silent. Sulli remained the same ever since they left the airport while Taemin decided to leave her as she is, realizing that whatever help he could give her would not help at all.
They continued like that for ten minutes until they reached Sulli's house. "We're here."
Sulli immediately looked up from where she was staring at and faced the window.
Memories of her and Minho from yesterday night flashed in her memory as her eyes transferred to the front yard of their house.
A tear abruptly fell from her eyes.
"Sulli? We're in front of your house now? Aren't you going down?" Taemin asked as Sulli stayed by the window, looking at the front yard.
Sulli immediately snapped back to her senses. "Oh, Mianhe." She immediately opened her bag and got her wallet when Taemin stopped her. "I'll pay for it."
"Huh? Are you sure? You've payed for it already awhile ago. Let me pay for it this time." Sulli looked at Taemin.
Taemin just smiled and shaked his head. "Ani, the taxi would still bring me to my house. The meter would still continue running. I insist that I pay for it."
Sulli just nodded. She was too exhausted to argue. "Gomawo." Sulli said before stepping out.
"Oh and Sulli..." Taemin called before Sulli closed the door.
"If you need a shoulder to cry on or if you just need a friend to talk to, just call me. I'll be there when you need me." Taemin smiled before waving goodbye.
Sulli just flashed a small smile and nodded. She then closed the door of the cab before watching the cab leave and dissappear out of her sight.
She was alone again.
Sulli walked to the front door of her house, got the keys from under the mat and opened the door.
Sulli entered her house. Her mom wasn't at home, neither was her dad.
Great, she's alone, as always.
Maybe she was destined to be alone.
Sulli tiredly went up the stairs and walked into her bedroom. She threw her bag on the floor before throwing herself on her bed.
Sulli closed her eyes, trying to analyze what just happened. 
Everything happened too fast that she can't believe if it actually was real.
Sulli stood up and fixed herself. She quickly transferred into a clean set of pajamas before jumping back into bed. She tucked in under her blanket and closed her eyes, trying to forget all the things that just happened that day.
"Everything's just a dream Sulli. Everything will be alright.." Sulli whispered to herself while a tear escaped from her eyes.
But it's not. It's real.
Tick Tock Tick Tock.
 The sound of the clock echoed through Sulli's ears. She couldn't sleep no matter how much she tried.
She immediately got of her bed and closed the lights before returning to where she was safely tucked at awhile ago.
This should do it, Sulli thought.
Sulli closed her eyes again, hoping that this time she would fall asleep.
"I'm sorry, Oppa's sorry, I'm really sorry..."
Sulli opened her eyes. Tears rapidly began to fall as the painful memory flashed back in her head.
Sulli finally decided that she won't sleep. She couldn't. Everytime she would close her ears, the memory would come back.
Sulli glanced at the clock on her bedside table.
Sulli got off the bed and opened the lights.  She then went into the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. Her eyes were sore and her hair was tangled. She looked horrible. 
Sulli immediately washed her face and tied her hair into a ponytail. She then went back into her room, wore a sweater and went outside.
She locked the door of the house before walking out.
Sulli didn't know where she was heading to. She let her feet take her to wherever it could take her to. All she knows is that she couldn't stay in one corner or else she would have killed herself by now.
Sulli looked at the night sky. It was dark and no stars twinkled. The only thing present above was the moon.
The evening was cold and Sulli was glad she had brought a sweater, if not, she would have freezed to death by now.
Sulli has been walking for almost a half an hour. She wasn't aware that she had already reached the inner city streets of Seoul. People looked at Sulli weirldy wondering why a young lady would go out at night wearing nothing but pajamas and a sweater on top but Sulli just shrugged it off.
Sulli kept walking until mysteriously, her feet landed in front of the North Seoul tower.
Sulli sighed as she remembered all the memories she had spent with Minho.
She immediately went up, ignoring all the pain it may cause her in doing so.
When she reached the top, Sulli looked at the city night view the City of Seoul brought her. 
It was beautiful, really beautiful. Sulli flashed a bitter smile.
"You idiot. Pabo.." Sulli whispered, a tear fell from her eye.
"You made a promise. But why did you break it...."
"Telling me that you'll stay by my side forever. If you can't do it then you shouldn't have raised my hopes up..." Sulli stated, tears pooling in her eyes.
When will these tears ever get dried up?
"I'm so stupid for having to believe you." Sulli cursed at herself.
Sulli expressed a sad sigh. Breathing in and out to prevent the tears from falling.
"I want to hate you..."
"But why is it so hard to." Sulli can't take it anymore. Tears were falling down and she couldn't control it any more.
Sulli let her tears fall on her face as she continued watching the beautiful view bestowned in front of her.
"Minho. Minho...son?...Minho!" Minho's Appa shouted.
Minho immediately snapped back to his senses. "Huh?"
"Pay attention will you? You're just standing there staring onto the floor. Your bag's coming. Be alert and get it." Minho's dad instructed.
"Oh..uh, okay." Minho replied.
They just landed in L.A. a few minutes ago. It was 1pm in the afternoon when they landed considering the time difference between Korea and L.A. Minho still couldn't believe that he's actually in America, standing on American soil.
It seemed like just awhile ago that Sulli was in his arms,
But now, he's thousands of miles away from her.
After they got their bags, they immediately passed through immigration before stepping out into the open gates of the Los Angeles International Airport.
"Mr. Choi!" 
Minho's dad gaze turned to the old man dressed in a black suit, wearing glasses who carried a cane in his right arm.
"Mr. Jung!" Minho's dad immediately left his baggage with his bodyguards and pulled Minho with him to the old man.
"How was your flight?" Seok Woo asked.
"It was fine." Minho's dad answered.
Minho, who was still in a daze didn't realize the old man looking at him.
"Minho!" Minho's dad elbowed Minho.
"Ouch! Ah.." Minho rubbed his side.
"Mr. Jung was asking how were you?" Minho's dad asked.
"Huh? Oh,um, i'm fine. Thank you." Minho bowed.
"I apologize. He seems to be dazing off since we've last landed. It might be the effects of jet lag." Minho's dad apologized.
Seok Woo nodded.
But Seok Woo knows what symptoms are caused by jet lag. Minho's looks shows more than those symptoms. He is definitely sure something else caused it. 
"Well,since we all are here now. Let's grab lunch. I bet you guys are starving My granddaughter Krystal prepared food for everyone in our house. Why don't you eat with us?" Seok Woo smiled at Minho.
Minho knew this was gonna come sooner than expected.
"Oh. As much as I would be glad to accept your offer, I have to fix something in the office. Minho, why don't you go? This would be a great oppurtunity to introduce yourself to your future wife." Minho's dad suggested Mi, almost a command.
"Your Appa's right. Krystal is expecting to meet you today, the reason why she prepared so many food. Come on Minho. Even if you reject, you're going to meet her sooner or later so why not meet her now?" Seok Woo smirked.
Minho nodded. As if he had a choice.
That right was soon taken from him once he left Korea.
"Let's get going then!"
Before Minho got in Seok Woo's car, his dad whispered something to him.
"Be good Minho. Don't make Mr. Jung upset. Any wrong action you make against him will backlash on our company. The status of our company is in your hands. Think Minho. Think." Minho's dad warned.
Minho nodded and entered Seok Woo's car.
The car ride on the way to Seok Woo's house was unusually quiet. Minho didn't feel like talking.
"Are you intimidated by my presence Minho? Why aren't you talking?" Seok Woo asked who was sitting right beside him.
Minho replied, "Oh no sir. It's just that i'm tired. I'm not used to this time zone. Back in Korea, people might still be sleeping." Minho flashed a small smile.
Seok Woo wasn't convinced, but nodded anyways.
"Krystal is a sweet girl. You'll like her immediately once you get to know her. You're a lucky man to have her." Seok Woo looked outside the window.
Minho just stared at Seok Woo. 
"But don't worry. I won't let you guys get married immediately. I would wait till you finish your studies and once your Appa's company is stable. And when that happens, I would merge my company with your Appa's company and you, my dear would handle it. If all of those are fixed, then that's the time I would allow you to marry my granddaughter." Seok Woo explained.
"For the meantime, while you are still schooling, your task is to remain by Krystal's side always. You cannot leave her side. You guys will be engaged to each other while you are studying so you cannot have a different girl."
"And that includes Sulli."
Here is a less painful chapter to read. I guess..
School's back on Monday. Meaning I can't update as often anymore. I'm afraid the next time I might update is next March :(
But No, I won't allow that. Please pray for me too, I would see my finals results on Monday. (Dun-Dun-Dun)
Sigh, I am in need of a Minsulraction. They give me energy to write. :)
'Till the next update.
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Hi authornim! I'm wondering where are you now. It's been too long. I hope you'll come back to update this story.
KVMS288 #2
Authornim! It's been so long. I miss reading this fanfic. This is one of my favorites. Update soon! Authornim fighting ! I'll be waiting for the update. :)
Chapter 11: Update soon authornim!!!
cwazytwaci #4
Chapter 11: IM SO SORRY! Like how I warned you guys, I may not update until March. School is so stressful that I don't even have time to enjoy myself anymore I DID NOT LEAVE THIS FANDOM! Wait for me, I will end this story just like how I started it :) Mianheeee
Chapter 11: Authornim update soon really really soon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 11: That's so long.
7 years?!
How can they both manage without each other?
Please update soon authornim, by the way the chapter was great!
Update soon thank you!^^
Chapter 11: yaaa after 7 years their meet again :'(
snowsul95 #8
Chapter 11: waaaaaahh!!! authornim I love you!!!!!!!!! *hugs&kisses* waaaahhh... my heart on that last part of this chap stopped beating!!! my god!!!! pls update soon!!!
MeLot_24 #9
Chapter 11: Gosh .authornim .update s0on .very very s0on please..
cwazytwaci #10
Chapter 11: Omo. Didn't realize I had so many grammatical errors in Chapter 11. Mianhe, I wrote this in a rush as I can't stay up late tonight because it's back to school tomorrow. Sigh :(

And because, of that, I can't update everyday anymore.

It might take a while before I am able to update again (blame school). I am verry sorry. I would also miss writing everyday.

So I hope you guys wait for me!

'Til the next update