Recipe #9

The Perfect Recipe of Love
"As if to bring her near, my eyes search for her, My heart searches for her and she is not with me." - an excerpt from Pablo Neruda's "The Saddest Poem."
Sulli couldn't sleep that night.
Minho acted pretty strange the whole day and she didn't know why.
And though he said he was fine, you should never mess with an instinct.
Especially if it's a woman's.
Sulli had enough of her thoughts and decided to call Minho.
Come on Minho, answer it...
"Oh Sulli..." Minho's voice suddenly became weak.
"Um, are you feeling better?" Sulli asked.
"Oh, um..i'm okay.." Minho blankly answered.
"Are you sure?" 
"Yes Sulli, i'm okay. Why did you call?"
Ouch! It seems like Minho doesn't want to talk to her.
"Oh, um... I was wondering if we could meet up tomorrow-" Sulli checked the time, it was 1 in the morning. "-I mean later around 1 in the afternoon. Meet me near the Han river. Is that okay?" Sulli asked
Minho didn't know what to answer. 
She doesn't have any clue....
"Really?! Yay! Um..that's all. Sleep well Oppa!" Sulli hung up.
Minho was sitting on his bed looking at his now empty room.
His flight was at 4 in the afternoon, he has to be at the airport 3 hours before boarding. He cannot see Sulli.
Minho immediately dialed a number on his phone.
"Minho?! What do you want..." Taemin was still sleepy.
"I need you to do me a favor."
"Huh?" Taemin was now fully awake.
"Go to the Han River at 1 in the afternoon. Sulli needs you..." 
"Is everything packed already?" Minho's dad asked.
"Yes Appa.." Minho bluntly answered.
Minho's dad noticed that Minho wasn't in his usual self.
"Are you alright Minho? You seem a bit dull." 
"No, i'm fine. Don't worry about me." Minho smiled.
Minho's dad wasn't convinced.
"I'm sorry Minho, but can't get everything you want in life. There are some sacrifices you must commit in order for life to continue. That's just how life is, you can't do anything to change it. It may hurt now but the pain would soon fade away. You have to learn to be strong son." Minho's dad explained.
Minho stared out at the window. "Why can't Umma come?"
Minho's dad sighed. "I want her to come too Minho..but she has to stay."
Now this is just messed up. leaving all the important woman in his life behind.
Is his dad that much insensitive?!
Beep Beep.
Minho's dad looked outside. "We have to go now Minho. We have to be at the airport by 1."
Minho sighed. This is it.
Before heading inside the car. Minho had one last talk with his mom.
"Be a good son okay? Don't give your Appa a hard time. Always remember to stay healthy and eat alot, I don't want to hearing you getting sick okay?" Minho's mom stated. Tears falling from her eyes.
Minho smiled and nodded. He then hugged his mom for the last time. "I love you Umma. Take care." 
Minho's Umma then broke from the hug. "I love you too. You better go now, your Appa's waiting." Minho's mom wiped the tears in her eyes.
Minho had one last look at his house. He waved goodbye to Mr. Pak who was busy comforting his mom. He then closed his eyes, hoping that everything would turn out fine before heading inside the car and slamming the door shut.
Would everything really turn out fine?
Sulli was sitting down on a bench that was facing the Han River. She has been waiting for Minho for almost thirty minutes and he still hasn't showed up. Did something happen?
Sulli suddenly remembered Minho's face. He looked pale and tired yesterday. Plus they went home late last night. Is he sick?
Sulli got worried and couldn't stand the thoughts circulating in her head. She then got her cellphone and dialed Minho's number immediately.
Minho was looking outside the car window, trying to forget the thoughts he had in his head when his phone suddenly rang.
Minho was about to answer the call when he stopped and thought for awhile. He then immediately rejected it.
It should be better this way. I have to get used to it. Minho thought.
Mianhe Sulli...
"Sorry, but the number you dialed could not be reached at the moment. Please try again later." 
Sulli looked at her phone. Why isn't he answering? 
Sulli was getting worried. Her anxiety was increasing by the minute. It was already 1:35 in the afternoon but Minho still didn't show up. They had agreed to meet up at around one-but why isn't he here yet?
Sulli had enough and immediately stood up. She was about to leave the park when someone unexpectedly called her name.
Taemin ran to Sulli. Panting he stated, "I've been looking for you!"
Sulli was shocked. Why is Taemin here?
"Taemin?! What are you doing here?" As far as Sulli knows, Minho was suppose to meet up with her, not Taemin.
"I'm glad i've found you, I have to tell you something Sulli. You better listen.." Taemin was serious.
Taemin's seriousness was scaring Sulli. What's happening?
"Minho told me not to tell you, but I think you have every right to know.."
Sulli can't take it anymore, "Taemin! Tell me?!"
"Minho..he's leaving. He's leaving today...He's on his way to the airport. He's going to America and he's staying there. I don't know how long..." Taemin blurted. 
"Ahjussi! Can you go faster?! I really need to get there! Now!" Sulli told the taxi driver, almost shouting.
"I'm sorry miss, but this is the fastest we can go. Plus there's heavy traffic. I'm really sorry." The taxi driver apologized.
"Uh..But still please...please try your best.. I really need to see someone before the plane leaves" Tears were pouring down from Sulli's eyes. She can't take it anymore.
Everything is happening too fast.
Taemin saw the panick in Sulli's eyes. He was afraid this would happen. Aish!
Sulli was fidgeting in her seat. She kept tapping her lap and moving her head around. Her eyes were teary.
Taemin could see how scared Sulli was. "Shhh, it's okay Sulli. I'm sure the plane didn't leave just yet. Just calm down okay. I'm sure Minho is still here. Do me a favour and keep your hopes up alright?."Taemin smiled.
But it seems like whatever comfort Taemin gave Sulli didn't help at all. 
Sulli couldn't take it anymore and broke down.
"I can't stand the thought of Minho being gone... I really cant..." Sulli cried and covered her face with her hands.
Taemin pulled Sulli into a hug and rubbed her back. "Shh,it will be okay..."
Will it?
"The line is taking so long! It's good that we came here early. If not, I don't think we could take off at all!" Minho's dad stated.
The line for the check-in was long, but Minho didn't mind.
He immediately checked his watch. 
Sulli should have known by now, Minho thought.
"We're here." 
Sulli immediately got off the cab.
She was about to run towards the airport when she noticed that she forgot to pay the payment. She quickly turned around when Taemin stopped her.
"No Sulli. Go, I'll pay for it."
Sulli nodded and headed towards the airport. She never ran as fast as this in her whole life. Tears quickly began to fall as Sulli headed towards the airport's main entrance.
Every second that passed counts.
She needs to hurry up if she still wanted to see Minho.
All eyes turned to look at her but Sulli just shrugged it off. All she cares about right now is to see Minho. Nothing less, nothing more.
When Sulli reached the airport's main entrance. She quickly ran inside only to be blocked by the airport personel. "Excuse me miss, but do you have a boarding pass? I need to see it first before you can enter the airport." The lady explained.
"No miss you don't understand...there's someone I have to see. I need to enter and look for him.." Sulli began tearing up,
"I'm sorry miss but we cannot allow you to enter. We need to see a boarding pass. If you insist, you could wait for that person in the arrival area. We could ask a security guard to you if you would-"
"No! I need to see him!" Sulli shouted. She then tried to go pass by the guards but she couldn't. They were too strong.
"Miss, you can't be here..." Explained one guard.
Sulli tried to break loose from the guards who were holding her, but they were too many. She then had no choice but to shout.
"Minho! Minho! Oppa! Can you hear me?! It's Sulli!? Oppa, you have to listen!" Sulli shouted.
People began to look at her weirdly. The airport personel had no choice but to drag her out. Sulli fought back with all her strength, leaving the airport personel with no choice but to call the airport management
Sulli was struggling. Her tears kept falling. She needs Minho. She needs him now!
Sulli sat on the floor which disabled the guards from pulling her out, scared that they might hurt her.
"Minho! Minho!" Sulli kept shouting Minho's name while tears fell down from her face.
It was now Minho's time to check in. He placed his bag on the baggage counter when he heard someone call his name.
That voice...
Sounds so familiar.
Minho immediately turned around and saw a commotion happening at the airport's main entrance. He immediately rushed to the area, completely ignoring his dad's warning.
"Choi Minho! Come back right this instant!"
Minho ran to the airport's main entrance. Guards, airport personel and people were surrounding the said area. He immediately pushed in between them to see what was happening.
"Minho, Minho, Minho...." Sulli was crying on the ground. Her eyes were sore, her hair was covering her face and her whole body was shaking.
Minho couldn't stand the sight of what was happening. Tears began to form in his eyes.
His heart is in pain. Sulli looks so helpless.
And what made him angry, was how the guards were pulling her!
They're hurting her!
"Stop it!" Minho immediately pulled the guard's grip away from Sulli. The guards were taken aback by his sudden action.
Sulli was biting her nails. She was shaking. Minho immediately crouched down beside her.
"Minho, Minho, Minho..." Sulli kept mumbling to herself.
Sulli's present state sent a dagger to Minho's heart. He gently cupped Sulli's face.
"Shh.." Minho whispered. "Oppa's here.." 
Sulli's gaze directly transferred to Minho. Minho saw the tears streaming down on her face and immediately, his heart ached.
He gently wiped the tears on her face and kissed each tear that fell down.
Minho kissed Sulli's temple, eyes, nose, cheek and lastly, her lips. They stayed like that for a minute before breaking apart.
Sulli's tears streamed down faster. 
"You promised me you won't leave me...."
"Sulli.." Guilt crept Minho's body.
"You said you'll stay by my side forever.."
Tears were falling from Minho's eyes.
"You told me you loved me..." Sulli's voice got softer.
"Then why are you leaving me?" Sulli looked at him straightly in his eyes.
Minho could see all the pain Sulli was feeling.
Minho hugged Sulli tightly. "I'm sorry, Oppa's sorry, I'm so sorry.." Minho kept apologizing.
Sulli poured all of her emotions on Minho's shoulder.
"Saranghae Sulli..." Minho could only whisper.
They stayed frozen like that, both not wanting to move apart from each other. Minho's hold on Sulli was tight and Sulli felt it.
Sulli was resting her head on Minho's shoulder when she felt him dissappear.
Sulli immediately looked up. "Oppa!"
"Sulli!" Minho was being dragged away by his bodyguards. "Let me go!"
"We're sorry sir, but your Appa instructed us-"
"No!" Minho was able to break free from the guards. He immediately ran to Sulli, kneeled and gently held her face.
"Oppa loves you okay remember that always?" Minho whispered, looking straightly in her eyes.
Sulli shaked her head. "No Oppa...."
"You have to be strong Sulli, for me. I know you're strong.." Minho told Sulli. His voice shaky.
"But how can I? When I wasn't even that strong to begin with.." Sulli cried.
"You are Sulli. I know you are..." Minho smiled.
Sulli stared at Minho for a moment until she felt air replacing the hold Minho had.
"Minho!" Sulli ran, only to be blocked by guards.
"Sulli!" Minho's voice was getting softer.
"I need to talk to him!" Sulli explained, but the guards shrugged it off. They immediately pulled her outside.
"We're sorry miss, but you need to get a hold of yourself." The guards apologized before shutting the entrance of the airport.
They won't open it until she would be gone.
Sulli ran to the airport's glass exterior. She was looking for Minho. She kept tapping the glass hoping that Minho could find her.
Minho heard the tap and quickly looked back. He wanted to run to her but he couldn't. He was held captive and he couldn't break free. Minho could only watch from afar.
Sulli saw him and immediately shouted his name, as if he could hear her.
"Minho!" Sulli cried.
But it was too late. Minho was slowly dissappearing out of her sight. The guards were pulling him towards the inner side of the airport.
Minho faced forward, realizing that everything was too late.
"Mianhe Sulli..." A tear fell from Minho's eyes as he slowly enters the immigration and away from Sulli's sight.
Sulli kept tapping the glass until she got tired and slowly slumped to the floor.
Taemin saw Sulli. His heart ached for her's. He was about to approach her when he stopped himself.
"I didn't get to say good-bye, I didn't get to tell him I loved him..." Sulli cried to herself.
Taemin watched from afar as Sulli cried her heart out on the floor.
Crying, wishing and praying, that Minho was still there, beside her.
But he's gone.
And nothing could change that.
For those who have twitter, Please tweet #WeMissMinhoAndSulli, Let's show others how much these two love each other :)
I probably am getting alot of hate now because of this chapter.
'Till the next update!
P.S. Wasn't able to proofread this, there might be slight errors and I apologize for that.
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Hi authornim! I'm wondering where are you now. It's been too long. I hope you'll come back to update this story.
KVMS288 #2
Authornim! It's been so long. I miss reading this fanfic. This is one of my favorites. Update soon! Authornim fighting ! I'll be waiting for the update. :)
Chapter 11: Update soon authornim!!!
cwazytwaci #4
Chapter 11: IM SO SORRY! Like how I warned you guys, I may not update until March. School is so stressful that I don't even have time to enjoy myself anymore I DID NOT LEAVE THIS FANDOM! Wait for me, I will end this story just like how I started it :) Mianheeee
Chapter 11: Authornim update soon really really soon !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Chapter 11: That's so long.
7 years?!
How can they both manage without each other?
Please update soon authornim, by the way the chapter was great!
Update soon thank you!^^
Chapter 11: yaaa after 7 years their meet again :'(
snowsul95 #8
Chapter 11: waaaaaahh!!! authornim I love you!!!!!!!!! *hugs&kisses* waaaahhh... my heart on that last part of this chap stopped beating!!! my god!!!! pls update soon!!!
MeLot_24 #9
Chapter 11: Gosh .authornim .update s0on .very very s0on please..
cwazytwaci #10
Chapter 11: Omo. Didn't realize I had so many grammatical errors in Chapter 11. Mianhe, I wrote this in a rush as I can't stay up late tonight because it's back to school tomorrow. Sigh :(

And because, of that, I can't update everyday anymore.

It might take a while before I am able to update again (blame school). I am verry sorry. I would also miss writing everyday.

So I hope you guys wait for me!

'Til the next update